Wednesday 26 April 2023

No 13849, Wednesday 26 Apr 2023, Dr. X

Solution to 15A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Meet girl for small talk (8) CONVERGE CONVER(-s+g)GE
5   A fine new deli at a distance (6) AFIELD {A}{F}{DELI*}
10 Express pleasure, consuming drug that's less adulterated (5) PURER {PUR{E}R}
11 Similarities with a gasoline compound (9) ANALOGIES*
12 Wrong anagram in that clue! Time wasted (9) UNETHICAL {IN+tHAT+CLUE}*
13 Type of lymphocyte, say, tackling coronavirus primarily (1-4) T-CELL {T{Co...s}ELL}
14 Sadness in group at hospital (6) PATHOS [T]
15 Most silly, putting pepper over pastries (7) D?P?E?T ()
18 Leader of industry in revolting deceit - that's extraordinarily clear (7) EIDETIC {E{In...y}DETIC*}
20 Wow! Making a comeback, Delhi's opener gets two ducks - it's bad luck (6) HOODOO {OOH<=}{De..i}{00}
22 Character hugging black oak tree (5) ROBLE {RO{B}LE}
24 Became exhausted in rave party, spinning over spot (3,2,4) RAN TO SEED {RANT}{O{SEE}D<=}
25 Settled back, cuddling primarily sexy damsel in sack (9) DISMISSAL {Sexy}{MISS} in {LAID<=}
26 Set of three diamonds lost - lady in distress (5) TRIAL {TRIAd}{L}
27 Fine and clear say, turning cooler (6) FRIDGE {F}{RID}{EG<=}
28 Stay warm, travelling in rail transport systems (8) TRAMWAYS*

1   Avoid company and sulk (3,3) COP OUT {CO}{POUT}
2   Governess in series about rebellious ladies securing independence (9) NURSEMAID {RUN<=}{SEMA{I}D<=}
3   Shocking threats made to crush bowler perhaps on English field (5-10) EARTH-SHATTERING {EARTHS{HAT}T*}{E}{RING}
4   Good cuts and flicks (7) GLANCES {G}{LANCES}
6   How one might enter the solution to this clue completely (4,3,2,6) FROM TOP TO BOTTOM [C&DD]
7   Pick travel items, bags (5) ELITE [T]
8   Heartbroken as boyfriend embraces miss in retreat (8) DESOLATE {D{LOSE<=}ATE}
9   Upset after wife cried (6) WAILED {AILED}<=>{W}
16 Arcane stuff from fancy store, one maintained by retired expert (9) ESOTERICA {STORE*}{1} in {ACE<=}
17 Tried jogging in mist, fell over in ditch (3,3,2) GET RID OF {TRIED*} in {FOG<=}
19 Colour of church tower (6) CERISE {CE}{RISE}
20 Fitter after getting hold of extremely noted trainer (7) HANDLER {HA{NoteD}LER}
21 Overwhelmed by drinks, director on date becomes confused (6) ADDLES {A{D}{D}LES}
23 Fool interrupting most famous deep-voiced singers (5) BASSI {B{ASS}Ig}

Reference List
Girl = G, Small = S, Fine = F, Drug = E, Time = T, Black = B, Party = DO, Diamonds = D, Lady = L, Fine = F, Company = CO, Independence = I, English = E, Good = G, Wife = W, Church = CE, Director = D, Date = D


  1. Another breeze from Doc. Interesting from top to bottom. No hoodo. It's eidetic. All esoterica. No earth shattering wails- nothing far afield. Take it cool, from the fridge.

  2. 15 A solved, let others try

  3. Doctors Special. Quite intoxicating! 😊

  4. My try.......
    15 A, most silly = deppert
    Pastries = dessert
    Putting pepper over pastries
    Is putting pp in the hole created by removing ss from dessert.
    That is pp over ss

  5. Not correct try differently

  6. Another try,
    Most silly = dopiest
    Pepper = dot,
    Pastries = pies
    Putting Is the containment indicator
    Do(pies)t becomes

  7. Reiterating what I wrote a couple of days back.

    Trained to be an ELITE HANDLER by this blog, gone are my days of perceiving the crossword to be an UNETHICAL TRIAL. DESOLATE WAILING & ADDLED demeanour, my face, a deep CERISE in its hue, seem things from the past . The PATHOS from my life DISMISSED for ever.

    As I fill the grid FROM TOP TO BOTTOM, my GLANCES CONVERGED on the clues, I realise it's a COP OUT from Doc today.

    No NURSEMAID required. The clues are EIDETIC. The days of ESOTERICA & EARTH SHATTERING bafflement, have RUN TO SEED. Even at my DOPIEST best, I can GET RID of this puzzle, in under an hour.

    Several ANALOGIES come to mind. Each PURER than the last, as I rummage through the FRIDGE for my celebratory drink.

    Thanx Colonel for the Game Changing blog!

  8. Lovely Crossie. My fav - DISMISSAL, RAN TO SEED.
    Thanx Doc!

  9. Found this clue elsewhere

    Word in India for bus depots, pehaps (7)

  10. Thank you Dr. for the normal dose. able to solve few puzzles too quickly.
    @ Gowri....well written.

  11. Thanks everyone! See you next month. :)
