Tuesday 4 July 2023

No 13908, Tuesday 04 Jul 2023, Arden

Solution to 18A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Enzyme stored inside flask, in a separate container... (6) KINASE [T]
4   ...William able to get a container (8) BILLYCAN {BILLY}{CAN}
10 Cleans out dirty place where HE works (9) CONSULATE*
11 Useless at present, find contents later (2-3) NO-WIN {NOW}{fINd}
12 Shot both sides and threw away - I'm surprised (7) STREWTH {ShoT}{THREW*}
13 Top hat in Israel, it is true (7) ELITIST [T]
14 Essentially irritated joint (5) ANKLE rANKLEd
15 Again ask transfer to this city (8) NAGASAKI*
18 In communication - no head nor tail on what you may have for breakfast (8) ?M?L?T?E ()
20 Tongue, one packed in large container (5) LATIN {L}{A}{TIN}
23 Loud fighting by group... (7) FACTION {F}{ACTION}
25 ...also ties broken in movie (7) TOOTSIE {TOO}{TIES*}
26 Shake half-heartedly while returning joint (5) ELBOW WOBbLE<=
27 Repeatedly cross ocean and win (4,5) ONCE AGAIN {OCEAN}*{GAIN}
28 Leaders missing from city centre, gone for ever (8) ETERNITY {cITY+cENTRE}*
29 Don't like when dispatched again (6) RESENT {RE SENT}

1   Fancy dish thrills along with berries (8) KICKSHAW {KICKS}{HAW}
2   New York - no risk if one goes for a Nordic language (7) NYNORSK {NY}{NO}{RiSK}
3   Egg roll for one with teeth (4,5) SPUR WHEEL {SPUR}{WHEEL}
5   Get electric blue, left out salad vegetable (7,7) ICEBERG LETTUCE {GET+ELECTRIC+BlUE}*
6   After a breather I shift (5) LUNGI {LUNG}{I}
7   Only woman in photograph with a lock of hair (7) COWLICK {C{O}{W}LICK}
8   Playing in practice such compositions (6) NONETS {N{ON}ETS}
9   Paper scrubbing, not appreciating the job (10,4) WASHINGTON POST {WASHING}{NOT<=}{POST}
16 Market to go up, copy sticker (9) SELLOTAPE {SELL}{TO<=}{APE}
17 Communication system's right to intrude in principle (8) INTERNET {R} in {IN}{TENET}
19 Animal transport vehicle let in? That's weird (7) MACABRE {MA{CAB}RE}
21 Trial had provided support, showing the will (7) TESTATE {TEST}{ATE} 
22 Left only the centre, honour affected (6) EFFETE {lEFt}{FETE}
24 A win possibly to bring in old statesman (5) IOWAN {A+WIN}* over {O}

Reference List
Large = L, Loud = F, Left = L, Only = O, Woman = W, Right = R, Old = O


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I had problems in the left half.
    Lungi= Shift? I could not get anything from the link.
    24D- Statesman is man from a state? Twist in the tale!

    1. Shift n: a smock or loose dress, roughly oblong or triangular in shape.

    2. 28a - Arden used the word 'city center' as the it is situated at Mylaopre. it seems.

  3. In Ref. Woman to be W - correction instead of O.

  4. My heart was broken with a wob(b)le!!

  5. 9D- Loved the use of appreciating as a reversal indicator in a down clue.

  6. Since none has solved by 1pm I take liberty to give solution for 18a,

  7. What you may have for breakfast = Omelette
    In = Home, no head = Ome
    Communication = Letter, no tail = lette

    1. Good solve taking 'in' as home. But I think it is
      (Home letter) with no head nor tail- ome lette.
      It is difficult to distinguish which refers to head/ tail and no need also.

    2. Yes, sir , In Communication = Home Letter.

    3. Re annotating,
      18a, what you may have for breakfast = Omelette
      In Communication = Home Letter
      [ -h (OME LETTE ) - r] with no head nor tail

    4. sit I too tried google for home letter. later, read thrice the puzzle and got the anno. of In. Thank you Arden. wonderful clue.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. 18A - (-H)OMELETTE(-R)
    In - home
    communication - Letter
    No head - H ; Nor tail - R

  11. in dic. Inn- showing as public house / tap house / pub / pot house. But In- no meaning given as house.......

  12. This is just in vs.out. I'm in means I am at home. Not to be confused with inn as you have given.

    1. Nice grid.
      When I start Arden - I always draw a blank. Then somehow, before u know it, the grid gets filled.
      Thank u Arden

