Saturday 8 July 2023

No 13912, Saturday 08 Jul 2023, Incognito

8   God of War's female horses have no energy (4) MARS MAReS
9   Short distance from tail of ram to head of moose enlarged (10) MILLIMETRE {raM+Mo..e}
10 Curiously store initially liquid organic chemical (6) STEROL {STORE}*{Li...d}
11 "Ours" and "Mine" confused gentleman in France (8) MONSIEUR {OURS+MINE}*
12 Told, "Find Rome confusing" (8) INFORMED*
14 Bird's complaint (6) GROUSE [DD]
16 Retreats in garden sheds (4) DENS [T]
17 Sire, entreat alien (5) BEGET {BEG}{ET}
18 Garlands from Argyle Island (4) LEIS [T]
19 Affixes OK mark in ship (6) STICKS {S{TICK}S}
21 The empty castle built in air, perhaps (8) TELECAST {ThE}{CASTLE*}
23 Lawyer's poster includes accountant in poll (8) ADVOCATE {AD}{{VO{CA}TE}
26 Large buildings Romans designed (6) MANORS*
27 Sappers getting answer for pixel ratio (10) RESOLUTION {RE}{SOLUTION}
28 Mark of injury from violent, endless scrap (4) SCAR SCRAp*

1   Tin soldiers capture hundred tanks initially in military area (10) CANTONMENT {CAN}{TON}{MEN}{Ta..s}
2   Exorbitant uncle seeks unusually ruinous interest on urgent sums in the beginning (8) USURIOUS Acrostic Semi&lit
3   Tremble morbidly to some extent and sign (6) EMBLEM [T]
4   Some Muslims can be lean (4) SLIM [T]
5   Time to change date? (8) MIDNIGHT [CD]
6   Doc! Deranged doc with one eye, I hear, is chasing setter! (6) MEDICO {DOC+(~eye)I}*<=>{ME}
7   French gold for German lady (4) FRAU {FR}{AU}
13 Excavate that finger or toe (5) DIGIT {DIG IT}
15 Master air current flowing behind moving vehicle (10) SLIPSTREAM {MASTER}* [RA]
17 Make strenuous effort to fix badge behind vehicle with university team leader (4,1,3) BUST A GUT {TAG}<=>{BUS} and {U}{Team}
18 See game covering new legendary creature's reputed haunt (4,4) LOCH NESS {LO}{CHE{N}ESS}
20 Decay in criminal's plant (6) CROTON {C{ROT}ON}
22 Cry, "American soldiers captured by Lieutenant" (6) LAMENT {L{A}{MEN}T}
24 Sketched Ms Barrymore (4) DREW [DD]
25 Give out wrong time (4) EMIT*

Reference List
Energy = E, Alien = ET, Ship = SS, Poster = AD, Sappers = RE(Royal Engineers), Hundred = TON, French = FR, Gold = AU, University = U, New = N, American = A


  1. Nice and easy as usual from Incognito. 21A was my COD.

  2. Seen elsewhere

    Users at zomato billed bogus (6)

  3. @ Prasad - your clue in ydays blog
    Hit, Bowled? How is that decider!
    BUMP - hit
    Bowled - b
    Decider - ump (decides appeals)
    Is this right?

  4. Nice & easy as always. Loved
    Thank u Kishore!
    C u next month! 🙂
