Thursday 27 July 2023

No 13928, Thursday 27 Jul 2023, Avtaar

Solution to 3D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Label referencing topic of volcanic dust that regularly pervades Mercury (7) HASHTAG {H{ASH}{ThAt}G}
5   Expert involved in reform is threatened (7) MENACED {MEN{ACE}D}
9   Avtaar is given a certain amount (7) MEASURE {ME}{A}{SURE}
10 Every other lioness circling approach, turned to the centre (7) INWARDS {lIoNeSs} over {DRAW<=}
11 I, for one, would be leading a trial (5,4) UPPER CASE {UPPER}{CASE} (Addendum - {UP}{PER}{CASE} - See comments)
12 Skirts of blue with 50% in maroon - extraordinary colour (5) AMBER {BluE} in {MARoon}*
13 Adult grouse is caught (5) GROWN (~groan)
15 Offer fixed reduction (9) INTRODUCE*
17 Nanny's song spiced up with raunchy verse (9) GOVERNESS {SONG+VERSE}*
19 Sum up on Excel (5) RECAP {RE}{CAP}
22 Star Wars-like detailed, specific training called off (3-2) SCI-FI SpeCIFIc
23 Short girl with a lamb in tow holding sign near junction (9) MOMENTARY {MARY} over {OMEN}{T}
25 L'il badly treated ? (3-4) ILL-USED {LIL}* [RA]
26 Boat loaded with two-centuries-old narcotic leaves (7) TOBACCO {BOAT*}{CC}{O}
27 Meet a female model in retreat when visiting Sicily on vacation (7) SATISFY {A}{SIT<=}{F} in {SicilY} (Addendum - {A} with {F}{SIT}<= in {SicilY} - See comments}
28 Hampered bishop pair stuck in corner on right side of board (7) HOBBLED {HO{BB}LE}{b..rD}

1   Meat and refreshments recalled in European city (7) HAMBURG {HAM}{GRUB<=}
2   Fake and mostly substandard cleanser (7) SHAMPOO {SHAM}{POOr}
3   Heartless cook quitting? Lorry driver is more loyal (5) T?U?R (Addendum - TRUER TRUckER - See comments))
4   Endearing cocktail ingredient (9) GRENADINE* &lit 
5   Corn I planted in jungle (5) MAIZE {MA{I}ZE}
6   Reform of Brown eschewing Utopian Leftist axioms, basically (3,6) NEW LABOUR &lit {BROWN+Es...g+Ut...n+Le...t+Ax...s}*
7   Animal bone and egg kept in California for all to see (7) CARIBOU {RIB}{O} in {CA}{U}
8   Justify  Democrat replacing  Republican in bank (7) DESERVE (-r+d)DESERVE
14 I will always be her first love, perhaps? (9) NARCISSUS [C&DD] Her or His? See comments
16 Tense set livened up light international contest (4,5) TEST MATCH {T}{SET*}{MATCH}
17 Pass drinks slowly savouring society's scandals (7) GOSSIPS {GO}{SIPS}  over {S}
18 Small vessel, very close to the bay (7) VEINLET {V}{thE}{INLET}
20 Break large section of a church that is separated (7) CHANCEL {CHANCE}{L}
21 Board's director holding up work at court (7) PLYWOOD {D}<=>{PLY}{WOO}
23 Young British naval officer in Malaysia entertains retired inspector and daughter (5) MIDDY {MY} over {DI<=}{D}
24 Ancient royal article turned up with old British coin (5) NABOB {AN<=}{BOB}

Reference List
On = RE, Training = PE, Junction = T, Century = C, Female = F, Bishop = B, For all to see = U, Republican = R, Democrat = D, Tense = T, Society = S, Very = V, Large= L, Director = D, Inspector = DI(Detective Inspector), Daughter = D


  1. There is an error in 8D that has since been corrected in the online version. Those trying the newspaper version may please note. The updated clue is "Justify Democrat replacing Republican in bank (7)"

  2. 2d) poor minus r
    27a) a doubt - what is the indicator for model to go inside a female?

  3. Aside: Hyderabad,TS and AP are getting drenched in incessant rains ....This CW whetted the appetite to crack more n more

    1. Even in Chennai we are having rains. Hoping for good fare from tomorrow's setter.

  4. 14D should be His not Her. Sorry for the error

  5. 23D Typo - needs to be {MY}.

  6. Good CW Sreeni/ Had to work hard and had many Aha moments. Thank you.

  7. 1.a please clarify my doubt
    Grub is singular or plural?
    Refreshments is plural?
    Can we
    Ham(burg)er... removed

    1. It can be both. Meal(s), Refreshment(s), Food.

  8. Fascinating crossy by Sreeni.
    My favs HASHTAG, MOMENTARY, SATISFY and 3Dn to name a few.
    Thoroughly enjoyed solving.
    Thank you Sreeni.

  9. 3d TRUER - more loyal
    lorry driver - trucker
    heartless 'cook' - ck

  10. Smooth puzzle from Avtaar. There were a couple of easy entry points into the grid with 15A and 4D. The clueing for NEW LABOUR was enjoyable with its political undertone. MARY as "girl with lamb in tow" was nice. I clued a similar word recently.

    A few well-crafted clues stood out:
    17A Nanny's song spiced up with raunchy verse (9) GOVERNESS
    17D Pass drinks slowly savouring society's scandals (7) GOSSIPS
    18D Small vessel, very close to the bay (7) VEINLET

    I had a good "aha" moment when solving 2D "Fake and mostly substandard cleanser (7)" SHAMPOO.

    Some minor objections:
    "Excel" as CAP was new to me, presumably related to sports players receiving caps for representing their nations, though I may be mistaken.
    C from "called" in 22A was a bit of a stretch in my opinion.
    NABOB is associated with medieval nobility rather than ancient royalty.

    1. 22A. SPECIFI(-c) (indicated by detailed)-PE(Training,)(Called off (cancelled) is the deletion indicator

    2. To cap also means to Outdo (excel)

    3. Thank you for explaining these Avtaar.

  11. Excel with a capital E is a case of false capitalisation- a red herring s to say. You find them occasionally nowadays. If a setter is particular he may put it as the start of a sentence.

    Just curious- you keep saying you have set similar clue elsewhere. Shall we know where and if we can have access. BTW, we would also like to know you better than simply as Economizer. Your CW's are published under that name?

    1. I am a new setter with the pseudonym Economizer, aka A. Viswanathan of Chennai. I have sent a handful of CWs to Col for the Sunday Special. It would seem that they are in a long queue waiting to be published on this blog. I am sure you will get to solve them eventually.

  12. Thank you. Good to know. Will await and also happy Col. has a good stock for Sunday specials.

  13. 11A. I, for one, would be leading a trial (5,4). The annotation is UP (Leading)+ PER (a)+CASE (trial)

  14. Nice grid. I made a mistake for Hampered.
    Put BOUNDED.
    B - bishop
    DUO - pair
    NE - corner
    D - right side of board.
    The whole corner was completely messed.
    Took a time to figure out, undo & redo.
    TAhnax Sreeni.
