Saturday 22 July 2023

No 13924, Saturday 22 Jul 2023, Hypatia

Congratulations to Hypatia on her 100th Crossword

8   Not entirely chaste articles in ancient literature (6) PURANA {PURe}{AN}{A}
9   Can he join lines oddly lost in passages (8) CHANNELS {CAN+HE+LiNeS}*
10 Name one tooth doctor to remove small cavity ultimately (8) IDENTITY {1}{DENTIsT}{c...tY}
11 Damage reputation of US central bank returning American money to Europe (6) DEFAME {FED<=}{A}{M}{E}
12 According to Spooner, expected singer Furtado in capital (3,5) NEW DELHI (~ due nelly to new delhi)
13 Originally orphaned kangaroos awaiting pouches in substitute animals (6) OKAPIS Acrostic 
14 Foolish singer has reformed through excellent books (7) ASHANTI {HAS}*{A{NT}1} 

17 Hospital supports lives, probing charts in accidents (7) MISHAPS {H}<=>{IS} in {MAPS}
20 Engineer allocated to dispose dilapidated old compound (6) ACETAL ALloCATEd*
22 Hot and tired out cracked by pressure but fearless (8) INTREPID {IN}{TRE{P}ID*}
25 Sat around collecting information for representatives (6) AGENTS {A{GEN}TS*}
26 Sheep dog? Everyone essentially wants mine (8) COLLIERY {COLLIE}{eveRYone}
27 In Java, ran a simulation showing holy city (8) VARANASI [T]
28 Chap casing one liberal bar is convicted (6) GUILTY {GU{1}{L}{T}Y}

1   Holding daughter, she'd run to work in lots (8) HUNDREDS {D} in {SHED+RUN}*
2   Sounded sleepy when study technique came up (6) YAWNED {DEN}{WAY}<=
3   Piano student tackling song belonging to a duet, say (6) PARIAL {P}{ARIA}{L}
4   Material account with major insurer keeping track (7) ACRYLIC {AC}{LIC} over {RY}
5   Style of Indian cooking with old fashioned roti wraps (8) TANDOORI {AND}{O} in {ROTI}*
6   Fellow went through Sinhala novel quickly (2,1,5) IN A FLASH {F} in {SINHALA}*
7   Past students all summon him regularly (6) ALUMNI {AlL+sUmMoN+hIm}
15 They feel unmarried men eat nan in a mess! (8) ANTENNAE {mEN+EAT+NAN}*
16 Lucky charm, partly in Crystal is mandatory (8) TALISMAN [T]
18 Dire need of sex in monastery (8) PRIORITY {PRIOR{IT}Y}
19 Boy is abrupt - drops rupees for one cookie (7) BISCUIT {B}{IS}{CU(-r+1)IT}
21 Drink on the counter, may turn cold (6) COGNAC {CAN}{GO}{C}<=
23 The discontented bear wants second bit of “hunny” in tongue (6) TELUGU {ThE}{LUG}{hUnny}
24 Upset about getting team to concentrate (6) ELIXIR {ELI{XI}R<=}

Reference List
Small = S, American = A, Money = M, Europe = E, Excellent = A1, Books = NT(New Testament), Hospital = H, Hot = IN, Pressure = P, Information = GEN, Liberal = L, Bar = T, Daughter = D, Piano = P, Student = L, Account = AC, Track = RY, Old = O, Fellow = F, Married = M, Sex = IT, Boy = B, Rupees = R, Cold = C, Team = XI


  1. Wow! Something to be proud of! Congrats!

  2. Awesome century Hypatia. Congratulations

  3. Congratulations Hypatia.
    After a long time, i could see'Telugu'...😊

  4. 17A, 18D are the Clues of the Day...

  5. Hypatia @Hundred!

    From THC solvers from Chennai to New Delhi
    Relishing Puri or Chicken tandoori
    Here's wishing Hypatia- on priority
    A hundred more with the same identity!

  6. I like hypatia crosswords very much.similar to incognito. Fun to do and learn.

  7. Great. Look forward for many more

  8. 14.a asha( nt)I
    Asha bhonsle....singer
    Can we interpret like that?

    1. Here "Foolish Singer" is a punny definition and so it can only fit Ashanti (nice to see that Colonel put up the relevant Youtube link for those who may not know the connection)

  9. Congrats on your achievement!💐💐

  10. Congratulations on your achievement Sowmya!! I always enjoy solving your grids.

  11. Sooper puzzle Hypatia. Congratulations on hitting a century. Many more happy returns. (~ re tons)

  12. What a milestone! Hearty congratulations ma'am 👏👏

  13. Fantastic crossword by Hypatia. Congratulations on the Century.

  14. Congratulations Hypatia! Keep going and keep entertaining us.

  15. Hundred/s- colour the S also Col. She will hit many more!

  16. Congratulations to Hypatia on reaching 100 CWs in The Hindu. Wish you hit many more centuries.

  17. Congrats to the setter on her milestone. It's nice to see Hypatia back with 2 in a row after a duck in June. This was a well-set grid with some well-set clues. My favorites:

    25A Sat around collecting information for representatives (6) AGENTS (I recently clued a word like this)
    6D Fellow went through Sinhala novel quickly (2,1,5) IN A FLASH

    ASHANTI ("Foolish singer") was a clever addition, PARIAL was a new word for me.

    There was gratuitous use of the "[Wordplay] in [Definition]" syntax today, but it did not inconvenience me as the clues were relatively easy to solve. While initially I felt that my preference on the directional "in" usage was more of an aesthetic liking, I feel the recent rebuttals by setters have made me feel more strongly about it from a logical standpoint. This is because the main argument for its use appears to be that "others have done it before". I'll have to articulate my arguments against its use concisely and share it at length, perhaps in the form of a crossword itself.

  18. Thanks to Colonel for his good wishes. It is lovely to see all the messages from the solvers here in the blog.

    I am really happy to have had the opportunity to join the setters panel in 2019 and proud to be the 14th in a long and distinguished line of setters to hit a century. Thanks to all the well wishers, fellow setters and solvers who made this possible.

    While we do what we do because we enjoy it, it is always nice to know what resonates (and what doesn't) and we keep that in mind for future grids. So please do continue to provide your feedback, favorite clues (if any) and suggestions, doubts etc on a daily basis to keep the forum vibrant.

    Indigenous cryptic crosswords and our own blog to discuss it is a treasure for cryptic crossword fans and thanks to Colonel for tirelessly maintaining it over the years.

  19. Absolutely agree with your sentiments. All of us are lucky not only to do good CW's but also discuss about and kestn from them. Many of us solvers have honed our solving skills here over the years. Hats off to Col. and all other participants- past and present.

  20. Could you explain some of the abbreviations?
    Bar = T, Track = RY, Sex = IT, Boy = B, Team = XI

    1. Bar = T-Bar
      Track = RY = Railway
      Sex = IT (Informal for Sex Appeal)
      Boy = B (Standard abbreviation)
      Team = XI (Eleven) eg Cricket XI
