Thursday 13 July 2023

No 13916, Thursday 13 Jul 2023, Afterdark

Solution to 16A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Formation of company (13) ESTABLISHMENT [DD]
10 Going back some distance in a tricycle, hungry to drop (9) ELIMINATE {MILE<=}{IN}{A}{Tr...lE}
11 Napped in exercise after first sum looked exhausting (5) SLEPT {PT}<=>{Sum}{Lo...d}{Ex...g}
12 Orders managed quick at last by son (5) RANKS {RAN}{q..cK}{S}
13 Really, really met ex after Al left party (9) EXTREMELY {REalLY+MET+EX}*
14 Governing body has, say, Bengali worried (6) SENATE {SEN}{ATE}
16 Cycle at gate, it is behind barrel (5) ?R?I
19 Rumours of drink stored in empty tuns (5) TALES {Tu{ALE}nS}
20 Flee with a key (6) ESCAPE [DD]
25 Homemaker at hotel near river with a heartless adversary (9) HOUSEWIFE {H}{OUSE}{W}{1}{FoE}
26 Scale over top of enclosure and arrest (5) SEIZE {S{En...e}IZE}
27 Copy trendline in parts (5) MODEL {MODE}{L}
28 Reforming mischievous child straying (9) IMPROVING {IMP}{ROVING}
29 Umpire's gear at a resort in disarray with some appliances (13) REFRIGERATORS {REF}{RIG}{A+RESORT}*
2   Turning south and bolting (8) SPINNING {S}{PINNING}
3   Sources of all corrosive ingredients derived successfully from chemicals like HCl (5) ACIDS Acrostic 
4   Goes to the French avenue with son (6) LEAVES {LE}{AVE}{S}
5   Man in outskirts of Seoul almost snappy with guards (8) SHELTERS {Seou{HE}L}{TERSe}
6   Setter's sequence over time become problems (9) MYSTERIES {MY}{S{T}ERIES}
7   Born dead? Article missed (6) NEEDED {NEE}{DEaD}
8   Zepto engineer supports animals (6) ZEBRAS {Z}{E}{BRAS}
9   Halts express running over time by a second (5) STAYS {S{T}AY}{S}
15 Tourist is a banker, seen outside party for the most part (9) TRAVELLER {T{RAVe}ELLER}
17 Leaving Resistance, finally life's hard (8) RETIRING {R}{lifE{TIRING}
18 Nothing, man's a fibber. Usual (8) FAMILIAR {FA}{M}{1}{LIAR}
21 Power of regency demolished in the absence of country's leader (6) ENERGY REGENcY*
22 Childish American displays remorse (5) SHAME [T]
23 Cry over designated driver in pool (6) PUDDLE {PU{DD}LE} DD/Designated driver? It is there in Chambers
24 Man, Peter's in a frenzy, rage (6) TEMPER {M+PETER}*
26 Strong beer (5) STOUT [DD]

Reference List
Exercise = PT, Son = S, Bengali = SEN, Hotel = H, With = W, Line = L, South = S, The in French = LE, Time = T, Born = NEE, Engineer = E, Supports = BRAS, Second = S, Resistance = R, Nothing = FA(Fanny Adams), Man = M


  1. 23d
    The terms "designated driver" and "designated driving" (commonly known as DD) refer to the selection of a person who remains sober as the responsible driver of a vehicle whilst others have been allowed to drink alcoholic beverages.

    1. Buzzer used this word 'Designated driver' in the year 2013.

  2. We discussed CONTRONYMS before.
    Here are a few fine examples
    Dust : can mean ‘to add fine particles’ or ‘to remove fine particles’.
    Left : can mean both
    ‘remaining’ and ‘departed’.
    Off :can mean both ‘activated’ and ‘deactivated’.
    Eg:- “Set off” - Activated
    “ Switch off - Deactivated
    Oversight : means both ‘watchful care’ and ‘an inadvertent error’.
    Screen : can mean both ‘to show’ and ‘to hide’.
    Sanction : can mean both ‘a penalty for disobeying a law’ and ‘official permission or approval for an action.

  3. 16a ORBIT = Cycle
    OR = gate, digital logic gate like a NOR gate (thanks to google for this info)
    + B for barrel + IT

  4. 16a - (OR)B(IT)
    IT is Behind the Barrel (B)

  5. This setter's wordplay is overall less interesting and more obscure than the others (eg. Nothing = Fanny Adams, cry = pule, "tuns" instead of "tins", etc). At the very least, the surface reading of clues should not seem ungrammatical (eg. use of "become" in 6D) or incoherent nonsense (See 7D). Speaking of 7D, is "missed" doing double duty in this clue?

    Still not as bad to solve as our old setter NJ, though perhaps AD can attempt writing clues before dark.

    1. Wordplay should be gentle. There is no point in torturing the words for the sake of obscurity.

    2. Economizer. None of these are obscure FA for nothing is a regular in CWs, Pule is also not obscure, look it up in a dictionary. Drinks are stored in TUNS and not TINS.
      By the way Afterdark is one amongst the oldest setters here.

    3. If everything is plain and simple what's the fun in a crossword.

    4. Looks like yesterday Colonel. That I sent my first to you for vetting. And you connecting me to Gridman. 8000+ clues now. Of course many mistakes. But a ride yet. Economizer, feedback taken. Try tomorrow's. I keep switching from obscure to simple

    5. So humble πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    6. Col. Sir, drinks are also commonly sold in cans which can be referred to as TINS!

      Regarding the obscurity of Pule and FA, perhaps it is a generational experience, but I have never heard the terms "FA" and "Pule" used outside a crossword.

      Congrats AD on 8000+ clues. That is an impressive statistic. However, as we learn from our politicians, incumbency alone cannot serve as a counterargument for criticism of one's work in public.

  6. My favourite for today was needed.

  7. I made a mistake with SPINNING filling it as SWINGING. (Bolting can be winging?) Only when RANKS wouldn't fall - I realised.
    Thanx AD.
