Tuesday 11 July 2023

No 13914, Tuesday 11 Jul 2023, Lightning

Solution to 18D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Disregards note by German, chooses to go outside (8) NEGLECTS {N}{E{G}LECTS}
5   On the way back, briefly glance at emergency room warden (6) KEEPER {PEEK<=}{ER}
9   One that may cut off boundaries, throw and hit more regularly (5,3) THIRD MAN {AND+HIT+MoRe}*
10 Carve statue primarily with faith overwhelming power (6) SCULPT {St...e}{CUL{P}T}
12 Blanket insurance (5) COVER [DD]
13 Lumber one chopped in Australian city (9) MELBOURNE*
14 Cause a hospital department to suffer? (6) ENTAIL {ENT}{AIL}
16 First class team after a loss (setback) in free fall (7) PLUMMET {PLUM}{TEaM<=}
19 One that cleans small scarf for mourning (7) SWEEPER {S}{WEEPER}
21 Files daughter scattered in meadows (6) FIELDS {FILES+D}*
23 Badges not working at this cricket ground (9) EDGBASTON*
25 Measure protects ordinary use (5) POINT {P{O}INT}
26 Boldly display special stroke (6) SPLASH {SP}{LASH}
27 Oval ski resort area in country (8) SLOVAKIA {OVAL+SKI}*{A}
28 Troy also sheltered princes, perhaps (6) ROYALS [T]
29 A place to enter without appeal gets editor stirred up (8) AGITATED {A}{G{IT}AT}{ED}

1   Look, it's good to get back inside (6) NOTICE {N{TO<=}ICE}
2   Complaint about care given (9) GRIEVANCE*
3   Tree of long standing (5) ELDER [DD]
4   Shackle on vehicle melted partly (7) TRAMMEL {TRAM}{MELted}
6   Make certain chlorine, oxygen held within fenced area (9) ENCLOSURE {EN{CL}{O}SURE}
7   Such a bear may be in the north or south (5) POLAR [DD]
8   Goes back with rodents circling crooked tree (8) RETREATS {R{TREE*}ATS}
11 Primarily small lapse in preparation? (4) SLIP Acrostic &lit
15 Shock about short spike in pricing (9) APPRAISAL {APP{RAISe}AL}
17 One who may stop halfway between stumps? (3,6) MID WICKET {MID}{WICKET} 
18 Animals sorted in half by one that evaluates (8) ?S?E?S?R (Addendum - ASSESSOR {ASSES}{SORted} - See comments))
20 Price of unopened container (4) RATE cRATE
21 Excellent support for position (4,3) FINE LEG {FINE}{LEG}
22 Be upright around royal thoroughfare in London (6) STRAND {ST{R}AND}
24 Cheat head Yankee at small channel (5) GULLY {GULL}{Ya...e}
25 Turn to very important person from the south (5) PIVOT {TO}{VIP}<=

Reference List
Note = N, German = G, Power = P, Small = S, Daughter = D, Ordinary = O, Special = SP, Area = A, Appeal = IT, Royal = R


  1. Colonel Sir, Sweeper is also a fielder

  2. There are only 9 fielders on this field. Looks like one player has run away :P :P :P

  3. 7D Small point about the clue for POLAR. Polar bears are there only in the north polar region and not in the south polar region

  4. Felt like an incognito crossword. Finished in "lightning" speed.

  5. Replies
    1. Not according to Col's link
      Gat is a narrow passage. Place to enter!!!!

    2. 18D
      One that evaluates: ASSESSOR
      (Sor)ted in half

  6. @ Prasad yday clue
    He perhaps is drunk & leak proof
    AIRTIGHT - Leakproof
    He - Helium - Gas/Air
    Drunk - Tight
    Is this right?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. The discussion is more interesting than the yes or no.
      Thats the point of posting these clues.
      Fir eg:
      Is it gas-tight or air-tight!
      then one would discover as a stand alone clue it doesnt matter.

  7. He is helium, a gas but definitely not air

  8. Easy themed puzzle today, thanks Lightning and Col!

  9. Thanks for the new word ' GAT'. I was trying a lot to find deletion indicator for GAT(E). I just got to know from the link. Thank you lightening.

  10. Incognito influence persisting. Quick work.
    Thank Lightning

