Wednesday 12 July 2023

No 13915, Wednesday 12 Jul 2023, KrisKross

Solution to 26D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Fail, chasing record in Open (8) DISCLOSE {LOSE}<=>{DISC}
5   Fit plug right (6) ADJUST {AD}{JUST}
9   Increasing lead after team lost wicket (8) CRESCENT {SCENT}<=>{CREw}
10 Common danger at sea (6) GARDEN*
12 Choirmaster: "I'm missing fantastic group of musicians" (9) ORCHESTRA CHOiRmASTER*
13 Mount Rainier's top covered by water (5) HORSE {HO{Ra...r}SE}
14 Part of Asia - modern-day Thailand (4) SIAM [T]
16 Leaders from Kenya, America and Korea made an entertainment system (7) KARAOKE{Ke..a+Am...a+KOREA}*
19 A crook in US city causes a state of confusion (7) ANARCHY {A}{N{ARCH}Y}
21 Shy person hides promotion (4) HYPE [T]
24 Getting on a horse, going around with it (5) AGING {A}{G{IN}G}
25 Spooner says "Dark fish is very quick" (9) LIGHTNING (~ night ling to lightning)
27 Start courting regularly at home (6) ORIGIN {cOuRtInG}{IN}
28 Obstacles overwhelm daughter - also personal setbacks (3-5) LET-DOWNS {LET{D}{OWN}S}
29 Money in royal carriage leaving hotel (6) RANSOM {R}{hANSOM}
30 Parents not tense about accepting very public roles (8) PERSONAS {PARENtS}* over {SO}

1   Surgeon about to enter operating theatre, surrounded by staff on rotation (6) DOCTOR {D{O{C}T}OR<=}
2   Picture of small boat (6) SKETCH {S}{KETCH}
3   Endless good fortune - again getting wealth (5) LUCRE {LUCk}{RE}
4   Engineer can get time to crack problem in private room (7) SANCTUM {S{CAN*}{T}UM}
6   Possible threat in elevated apartment - it is not safe (9) DEATHTRAP {D{THREAT*}AP<=}
7   A weak person, unfortunately grounded (8) UNDERDOG*
8   Can Kelvin make a mistake inhaling drug? He likes to experiment (8) TINKERER {TIN}{K}{ER{E}R}
11 Heads of department argue: "Restricting knowledge is not fair" (4) DARK Acrostic Semi&lit
15 Noticing criminal stealing ring in disguise (9) INCOGNITO {NOTICING}* over {O}
17 Poet's first mail, describing a lover (8) PARAMOUR {Po..s}{AR{A}MOUR}
18 European is a retired teacher - one breaking slate (8) PARISIAN {A}{SIR<=}{1} in {PAN}
20 Retro song on English university (4) YALE {LAY<=}{E}
21 Cleanliness of superior fabric, say (7) HYGIENE (~high gene)
22 Expert poet, lacking oxygen and weak (6) VIDWAN {oVID}{WAN}
23 Gets racing in empty expressways and passes (6) EGESTS {GETS}* in {Ex...yS}
26 KrisKross had to go through rising stock trends (5) T?D?S (Addendum - TIDES {T{I'D}ES<=} - See comments)

Reference List
Plug = AD, Wicket = W, Horse = GG, With it = IN, At home = IN, Daughter = D, Royal = R, Hotel = H, Tense = T, About = C, Operating Theatre = OT, Small = S, Again = RE, Time = T, Kelvin = K, Drug = E, Slate = PAN, English = E


  1. 1d Isn't operation theatre plainly OT?

    1. Yes that is how 1D is to be annotated.
      about = C
      Operating Theatre = OT
      About to enter operating theatre gives O(C)T (to enter is containment ind)
      Staff = ROD
      on rotation is reversal indicator to give DOR
      Surrounded by is the second level of containment indicator
      OCT inside DOR gives DOCTOR

    2. outstanding wordplay by Ramki. . Thanks for the special anno.for DOCTOR.

  2. 21a Anno : I think in place of ~gene it should be ~jean for fabric

  3. 25d, Trends = Tides
    Krisskross had to = I'd
    Stock = set
    Rising stock = set < = TES
    [ T (ID) ES ]

  4. Nice theme that included our names of setters like Crescent, Karaoke, Lightning, Doctor, Dark, Hype, garden, Incognito, Vidwan.

    1. Should read as....names of our setters.

      Also list may not be comprehensive as it includes only those names I am familiar with since joining this blog.

    2. Yes RR - You have captured all the themed setter names above. I could not include all setters past and present, and this was the max that could be accommodated in the grid.
      KrisKross appears in the clue :)

  5. 26d. TIDES = Trends
    Krisskross had = I'D
    Stock = SET, rising TES
    Go thru = contain. Ind.

  6. setter's special by Ramki & col.sir.........very nice word play.

  7. The spoonerism was my favourite

    1. Glad you liked it Ramesh. I am not a big fan of Spoonerisms but for this word it seemed appropriate.

  8. Excellent excellent puzzle. Totally enjoyed the 1 hour spent on solving this. Brilliant clues and fitting tribute to other setters. Bravo KrisKross.

  9. Lovely grid with nice theme. Two more setters- Arden from Garden & Krisskross in clue.

    1. Thanks Lakshmi. Full list of 9 words in the grid given by RR@12:48 above.

  10. Superb crossword from KrisKross. Each clue a gem. Had fun solving. Many aha moments. Thanks.

  11. 28A was a bit of a stretch for my understanding.

  12. Lovely grid. I took 45 mins to finish but great fun.
    Did not gey OVID as poet - but filled.
    The theme (once I realised it) was a give away.
    Thank Ramki
