Saturday 23 September 2023

No 13977, Saturday 23 Sep 2023, Lightning

1   Bury established charge (8) INTEREST {INTER}{EST}
5   King essentially ready to assess striking art (6) KARATE {K}{reAdy}{RATE}
9   Detailed description provided by0 independent contractor at first is precise (8) SPECIFIC {SPEC}{IF}{I}{Co...r}
10 Challenge account with expense (6) ACCOST {AC}{COST}
12 Partly drop western article on couch (5) DIWAN {DIp}{W}{AN}
13 Enthusiastic engineer damages extra bun (9) EXUBERANT {E}{EXTRA+BUN}*
14 Perhaps Newton and editor joined forces (6) UNITED {UNIT}{ED}
16 Opening in gate perhaps provided diamonds (7) ORIFICE {OR}{IF}{ICE}
19 Attempt to break European journey - it's done for vanity (3,4) EGO TRIP {E}{GO}{TRIP}
21 Knight with breather left out fun mostly to discipline (4,2) KUNG FU {K}{lUNG}{FUn}
23 Pint seems to be brewed in free space (9) EMPTINESS*
25 Block the ball outside line that is not sharp (5) BLUNT {B{L}UNT}
26 Boiled chai, it is something good for the health (3-3) TAI-CHI*
27 Reputation of Eastern soldiers outside Indiana church (8) EMINENCE {E}{M{IN}EN}{CE}
28 Plan from a man almost joining district attorney (6) AGENDA {A}{GENt}{DA}
29 Partly create trace of shape of moon (8) CRESCENT {CREate}{SCENT}

1   At home, team is within doors (6) INSIDE {IN}{SIDE}
2   Take down old building for martial art (9) TAEKWONDO  {TAKE+DOWN+O}*
3   Rule of precipitation we heard (5) REIGN (~rain)
4   Salary is a small reward at last (7) STIPEND {S}{TIP}{END}
6   Increase of one arctic fault (9) ACCRETION*
7   Any luau of Hawaii always starts with this (5) ALOHA Acrostic &lit
8   Let it end in a bad way - it's authorized (8) ENTITLED*
11 Half the people reading a sentence on ordinary self-defence technique (4) JUDO {JUDges}{O}
15 Tainted sailor back in small building (9) TARNISHED {TAR}{IN<=}{SHED}
17 Power of fine uncle in trouble (9) INFLUENCE*
18 Setter in depression, primarily in a state of mental deterioration (8) DEMENTIA {DE{ME}NT}{In}{A}
20 Baked food right by promenade near water (4) PIER {PIE}{R}
21 Loosely mark his region in the north (7) KASHMIR*
22 Bear witness at exam (6) ATTEST {AT}{TEST}
24 Particular engineer is highest in rank (5) PRIME {PRIM}{E}
25 Right away came to life at America with perk (5) BONUS {BOrN}{US}

Reference List
King = K, Independent = I, Western = W, Engineer = E, Editor = ED, Gate = OR, Diamonds = ICE, European = E, Knight = K, Left = L, Line = L, Eastern = E, Church = CE, Old = O, Small = S, Ordinary = O, Sailor = TAR, Right = R


  1. Smooth as silk! Thank you Lightning.

  2. 9a specific is "precise detail"!!! And so detailed description.!!!
    Detailed has specific as synonym.

  3. Newton as a unit was good. I wasted time thinking of Newton the scientis!

  4. Felt like I was doing a crossword set by Incognito. Easy, breezy. Thank you Lightning.

  5. Vladimir watched KUNG FU Panda and KARATE Kid with INTEREST.
    He felt EXUBERANT! Was on an EGO TRIP!!
    Yet there was an EMPTINESS INSIDE him...
    He checked his AGENDA for the day and realised that
    he had to watch the movie KASHMIR ki Kali on PRIME.
    What happened next?

  6. Happy to note Vladimir is enjoying his time- what an agenda!

  7. Though many combating techniques are present, they are smooth....

  8. Re: IXL round 1. Although I am satisfied with my ranking and I managed 100% accuracy, I found the enum of (8) for 18A DROPDEAD should have been (4,4) or (4-4). Oddly, BINE in 5D is listed by NAOED but not Chambers.

    1. Yup, oph vs opd cost me 7-8 places.

    2. +1 for 18A
      However, I am seeing BINE in Chambers with me

    3. Hi. Everybody has been allotted full marks for 18A. Considering the ambiguity in the enum, it was discussed and decided by the committee to disregard 18A. So any change in your ranking is certainly not due to 18A.

    4. 18A Fear gripping hospital wing makes one conk out (8)
      Solution = DROP DEAD
      Fear = DREAD
      Gripping = containment indicator
      hospital wing = OPD (outpatient department)
      conk out = Definition

      "Makes" could be interpreted as a link word. I am not sure what the role of "one" is in this clue.

      Re: Bine, it does not appear in Chambers online. Perhaps it is in the printed edition.

      Prasad, how have you estimated that the error has cost you 7-8 places? Per my understanding, the faster you finish, the more costly an error. It could have pushed you down more or less than that depending on your submission time.

    5. Thanks Doc for your clarification.

    6. No mistakes. All right answers.
      Lost time in taking a call between oph and opd. Just estimated your time of submission and mine.

    7. It would be helpful if the IXL leaderboard also mentions the time taken along with the rankings. It will give an idea about the toughness of the grid and the level of competition.

    8. Congrats to Ramki on qualifying for the final in the very first round!

    9. The "How to Play" page on IXL website contains the following clause:

      "10. Winner of any weekly round becomes eligible to participate in the Grand Finale."

      Therefore it is possible for a person to qualify for the final without completing 10 rounds.

  9. 21A How is K for Knight. Knight would be N or Kt

  10. Replies
    1. Looks like prim has uncertain origin from late 17th century, possibly French.
      Prime and primus are from Latin prima meaning first. - from chambers(1998 Ed.)
