Sunday 17 September 2023

The Sunday Crossword No 3272, Sunday 17 Sep 2023

1   VIPs often see these fancy shallots? (10) FLASHBULBS {FLASH}{BULBS}
6   Thane would be sane but for this? (4) LISP Definition by example 
9   Recklessly medicate us and impart inaccurate information (10) MISEDUCATE*
10 Fell in dock (4) MOOR [DD]
11 Team with hard edge played and succeeded (4,3,5) MADE THE GRADE {TEAM+HARD+EDGE}*
15 How Cockney refers to himself and wife (snake) (7) MEANDER (me and 'er)
16 Assorted underwater explorers with energy (7) DIVERSE {DIVERS}{E}
17 Philosopher to whisper softly but audibly (7) RUSSELL (~rustle)
19 Survey's proceeding (7) MEASURE [DD]
20 Familiar characteristics in hosiery business that's not grand (5-2-5) STOCK-IN-TRADE {STOCKINg}{TRADE}
23 Its bill is slender, primarily! (4) IBIS Acrostic &lit
24 Foreign national, first to attend university in retirement, to sail through non-technical studies (10) AUSTRALIAN {At...d}{U}{NAIL ARTS<=}
25 Flabbergast, being contrary and deranged (4) NUTS<=
26 Corrupt senior, time after time, to the end of time (10) ADULTERATE {ADULT}{ERA}{T}{timE}

1   Out of order, Ray's followers achieving renown (4) FAME {ME}<=>{FA} (do, re, me fa...)
2   An extra note before end of course's recess (4) APSE {A}{PS}{c...sE}
3   Austrian composer, religious type, called out in children's game (4-3-4) HIDE-AND-SEEK (~haydn sikh)
4   Dubious relative's a Republican (7) UNCLEAR {UNCLE}{A}{R}
5   Moaned, attacked with teeth – and again, removing heart (7) BITCHED {BIT}{CHewED}
7   Worshipful words at wedding: our last, regrettably (10) IDOLATROUS {I DO}{OUR+LAST}*
8   Bashed on a cut (10) PERSEVERED {PER}{SEVERED}
12 Slyly evading Kate's compromise (4,3,4) GIVE AND TAKE*
13 Thought permission renewed (10) IMPRESSION*
14 Musician offering some sambas soon is tantalising (10) BASSOONIST [T]
18 Uninterested in lauding bananas (7) LANGUID*
19 Concerning coupling is all about conflict where one needs to step up (7) MARITAL MAR(+i)IT(-i)AL
21 Everyman tucked into starters of diced venison, a demanding type (4) DIVA {Di..d}{I}{Ve...n}{A}
22 Concertina piece? Not now (4) ONCE [T]

Reference List
Energy = E, Grand = G, Time = T, Republican = R


  1. Replies
    1. I'd like to know which dictionary the IXL Round 1 setter uses! It was quite doable but left an unwanted aftertaste. I'll save my specific comments for next Saturday.

  2. I had solved this puzzle online 2 months ago on The Guardian website (Everyman #4003). Still I found it somewhat challenging to solve again, particularly the homophone clues 17A and 3D. "Fell" as MOOR (10A) is unusual in my part of the world.

  3. From elsewhere
    Pointless,like one plus ten minus one (7)

    1. Asinine!
      Just stood in my face.

    2. Pointless - ASININE
      like - AS
      one - I
      ten minus one - NINE

    3. Nice clue and nice solution.
