Sunday 20 May 2012

No 2687, Sunday 20 May 12

1   - Woolly coat to take to the cleaners (6)  - FLEECE [DD]
4   - Sack smaller, so of no use (8)  - BOOTLESS {BOOT}{LESS}
10 - Therefore gets expert to study something from the baker (4,5)  - SODA BREAD {SO}{DA B}{READ}
11 - Banter after good goal (5)  - GRAIL {G}{RAIL}
12 - Learning, new actress (5)  - LOREN {LORE}{N}
13/14 - Not for long, one or two or three may with dog barking (4,5,4,8)  - HERE TODAY GONE TOMORROW*

18 - Tree is hiding the Prince, elusive character (4-1-3-4)  - WILL-O-THE-WISP {WILL-O-{THE}-W}{IS}{P}
21 - One of the Channel Islands - grow old on it in a retreat (9)  - HERMITAGE {HERM}{IT}{AGE}
23 - Article absorbing female, very pale (5)  - ASHEN {A{SHE}N}
24 - Some extra item or feature (5)  - TRAIT [T]
25 - Football team, grimly humorous before game (9)  - BLACKPOOL {BLACK}{POOL}
26 - South American republic holding alternative view (8)  - PANORAMA{PAN{OR}AMA}
27 - Wily yachtsman's beginning to get vessel ahead (6)  - CRAFTY {CRAFT}{Y}
1   - Girl upset breaking safety device in body of aircraft (8)  - FUSELAGE {FUSE{LAG<-}E}
2   - Eternal City, ancient, in conclusion (8)  - ENDURING {END{UR}ING}
3   - Unexpectedly incriminate best high-ranking member? (7,8)  - CABINET MINISTER*
5   - Discipline in class (5)  - ORDER [DD]
6   - Work it with 'Telegraph', somehow, to illustrate Charles Blondin, perhaps (9,6)  - TIGHTROPE WALKER*
7   - Animals buried in huge landslide (6)  - ELANDS [T]
8   - Boy in news, extremely lucky in resort (6)  - SELWYN {NEWS+LuckY}*
9   - Be circumspect, at first, over hot meal cooked in a sauce (8)  - BECHAMEL {BE}{C}{H}{MEAL*}
15 - New Year host in this Scottish town (8)  - ROTHESAY*
16 - Immediately cancel, over the phone (5,3)  - RIGHT OFF (~write off)
17 - No set pieces here in passable theatrical work (4,4)  - OPEN PLAY [CD]
19 - Stop talking in jail (4,2)  - SHUT UP [DD]
20 - Other ranks row about a decree (6)  - ORDAIN {OR}{D{A}IN}
22 - A line on tramp in book (5) - ALBUM {A}{L}{BUM}


  1. You have something there for your breakfast,Col.! I had never heard of it,though. When you say soda,one thinks of effervescence rather than baking soda. Anyway, that was it was meant for-to divert.

    A nice picture of good old Sophia Loren. She was in quite a few nice films.

  2. A Venezuelan crossword-setter had to answer accusation of hiding a coded message to assassinate President Hugo Chavez's brother! Answers to clues included "Adan", "asesinen" (meaning "kill") and "rafaga" (a burst of gunfire, or a gust of wind).
    News from Indy today

    1. Venky, that news was discussed on this forum last Sunday !

  3. 17d should be {OPEN}{PLAY}, no?

  4. 13/14 Post-40 thought - Hair today, gone tomorrow!
