Thursday 17 May 2012

No 10465, Thursday 17 May 12, Sankalak

1   - Popular art not confined to Rolling Stones? (4,5) - ROCK MUSIC [CD]
5   - Controlling pus, we finish the operation successfully (3,2) - SEW UP*
8   - Evil wealth for obtaining bullets etc., coated in manganese (6) - MAMMON {M{AMMO}N}
9   - Queen is not queen? That is even stranger (8) - QUAINTER {QU}{AIN'T}{ER}
11 - The instrument of one not telling the truth, say (4) - LYRE (~liar)
12 - Organise and improve a water course by the track (10) - STREAMLINE {STREAM}{LINE}
14 - Billiard stroke in a plain offensive (2-3) - IN-OFF [T]
15 - Pull out old essay (7) - EXTRACT {EX}{TRACT}
16 - Order accepted by newly-wed for a sedative (7) - BROMIDE {BR{OM}IDE}
17 - The salts of a race course (5) - EPSOM [DD]
19 - The place for medicines and, oddly, sundry pastimes, but no Tums! (10) - DISPENSARY {SuNDRY+PAstImES}*
20 - Girl, maiden, nabbed by revolutionaries (4) - IRMA {IR{M}A}
22 - The nature of a TV serial featuring one chap in a long story (8) - EPISODIC {EP{I}{SOD}IC}
23 - Go missing from French bivouac (6) - DECAMP {DE}{CAMP}
24 - Rows that cause outpourings of grief, we hear (5) - TIERS (~tears)
25 - The drains, misused, are damaged (9) - TARNISHED*
1   - Sound made by doctor in control … (6) - RUMBLE {RU{MB}LE}
2   - … regardless of the weather and whatever happens (4,4,2,5) - COME RAIN OR SHINE [CD]
3   - The state of mind to reverse unpleasant fate (4) - MOOD <-
4   - Without it, secure celibate gets tangled in famous case (5,7) - CAUSE CELEBRE {SECURE+CELiBAtE}*
5   - Call it shameful that admission test is held in decrepit site (10) - STIGMATISE {STI{GMAT}{IS}E*}
6   - Near enough — and not beyond the range of the gun? (6,4,5) - WITHIN ARMS REACH [DD]
7   - Trap erected in harbour — an omen (7) - PORTENT {POR{TEN<-}T}
10 - Pompous chap who would overfill what he wears (7,5) - STUFFED SHIRT [CD]
13 - Four voices trained to be loud and forceful (10) - VOCIFEROUS*
16 - Poor advance with no return? (3,4) - BAD DEBT [CD]
18 - Yarn by journalist is distorted (6) - WARPED {WARP}{ED}
21 - Drink up from a fine flagon (4) - FENI <-


  1. Remembered two things:
    (1) Drinking cashewnut feni many years back.
    (2) The movie IRMA LA DOUCE, which I saw long back.

  2. "But that's another story"!!

  3. Loved 9A and 10D, great clues, even better solutions:}}

  4. Sankalak in awesome touch this run

    1. Bhavan,
      Given that he is one of the most consistent setters of the lot, could we say anything else about him otherwise?

      A more general question, unrelated to the comment above, follows:

      Any reason for the T of Tums to appear in the upper-case, in 19D?

    2. Tums (n) An antacid
      tums (n) stomach

    3. Ah, how wonderful!


  5. Oddly, I never pay much attention to surfaces while THC (unless it is so bad that it jumps out of the page), but now, at the end of the day, I'm enjoying every moment of going through all the surfaces in relation to the answer. Brilliant stuff, Sankalak!
