Monday 21 May 2012

No 10468, Monday 21 May 12, Sankalak

1   - They wait for none, proverbially: would Eden admit it, however? (4,3,4) - TIME AND TIDE*
9   - When editor accepts money, it is taken for granted (7) - ASSUMED {AS}{SUM}{ED}
10 - In a small mouthful, I'd find it tasteless (7) - INSIPID {IN}{SIP}{I'D}
11 - Artist backs boy in a criminal act (5) - ARSON {AR<-}{SON}
12 - Statesman who made the clergy sick (9) - CHURCHILL {CHURCH}{ILL}
13 - German Mark that is turned into small coin (4) - DIME {DM+IE}*
15 - Mourned the capture of first lady by network (7) - GRIEVED {GRI{EVE}D}
19 - Prison official appearing in court is a bad failure (5,2) - SCREW UP {SCREW}{UP}
20 - Sri Lanka included in spectacles – capital! (4) - OSLO {O{SL}O}
24 - Code of behaviour of alien, quite upset by note (9) - ETIQUETTE {ET}{QUIET*}{TE}
25 - Sustain a liability from a vain cursory adventure (5) - INCUR [T]
27 - Wild petuniaRugby Union girl has one (7) - RUELLIA {RU}{ELL{1}A}
28 - Luke and Lee playing strangles small guitar (7) - UKELELE*
29 - Flighty chatter by a cocky tyke? Ay, silly and loveless (7-4) - YACKETY-YACK {a+CoCKY+TYKE+AY}*
1   - Experiments that a good man fixed up (5) - TESTS {TES}{TS}<-
2   - Just a little time for a warning in Montana (6) - MOMENT {M{OMEN}T}
3   - Cite the evidence for Italian leader coming after commercial (6) - ADDUCE {AD}{DUCE}
4   - One quid Ira spent on drink (8) - DAIQUIRI {1+QUID+IRA}*
5   - Note carried by lowly creature unknown to others (2,6) - IN SECRET {IN SEC{RE}T}
6   - Vacuum created when one like Victoria gave up right for money (9) - EMPTINESS {EMP(-r+tin)TINESS}
7   - Rumours spread by funny people about a Pole (7) - CANARDS {C{A}{N}ARDS}
8   - Dictator at a party, left with a suggestion of fury (5) - ADOLF {A}{DO}{L}{Fury}
14 - The processes used by lamb girl in swallowing some pork (8) - MACHINERY {MA{CHINE}RY}
16 - Form of government by British engineers, known to all (8) - REPUBLIC {RE}{PUBLIC}
17 - A box that may be acceptable to an odd chap (8) - SUITCASE {SUIT}{CASE}
18 - Urge Tom to become a foodie (7) - GOURMET*
21 - Defy – or put up with daughter (5) - BEARD {BEAR}{D}
22 - Charming looks of a lover seen over time unknown (6) - BEAUTY {BEAU}{T}{Y}
23 - Retreating soldiers captured by spies in movie (6) - CINEMA {CI{NEM<-}A}
26 - Examine the position of king threatened on board (5) - CHECK [DD]


  1. Nice one.

    Populated by WWII leaders: CHURCHILL, Hitler and Mussolini.

    I searched for Ike in vain..

    1. Anyways Ike was only a General and not Prez at that time. FDR was Prez.

  2. I was wondering where was Mussolini in this until I saw Col.'s link.Enjoying this run immensely, though I 19 A'd the 19A !

  3. Both ADDUCE and BEARD (in this context) were new to me, and those were the only ones left empty in the grid. Although I did suspect that the latter part of 3D would have something to do with a Duke.

  4. Incidentally, in those days, most people with power were, without an exception, dictators... their stenos will attest.
