Thursday, 23 May 2013

No 10780, Thursday 23 May 13, Sankalak

End of another good round from Sankalak.

1   Support, then abandon the setting (8) BACKDROP {BACK}{DROP}
5   Pursued two points in a north-central African state (6) CHASED {CHA{S}{E}D}
10 Daughter in the protection of core group (5) CADRE {CA{D}RE}
11 Destroyer of gang, loner, will go far (4-5) LONG-RANGE*
12 A course for horses in competition, say (9) RACETRACK [CD]
13 Remove wrinkles unknown in sarcasm (5) IRONY {IRON}{Y}
14 Pieces of land that could be British for one (5) ISLES [CD]
16 Henry, with no weapon outside, is safe and sound (8) UNHARMED {UN{H}ARMED}
18 The atmosphere that a manic bee spoilt (8) AMBIENCE*
20 Setter backs study on German port city (5) EMDEN {EM<=}{DEN}
24 What many doctors may not do nowadays (5) VISIT How true. It's rare if you can find one of those types, especially with aged parents at home.
25 Flight attendants we can crib about (5,4) CABIN CREW*
27 Piece of furniture in a team list (4,5) SIDE TABLE {SIDE}{TABLE}
28 Journey beginning to exasperate? Rubbish (5) TRIPE {TRIP}{E}
29 The urge to soak teacher in a river (6) DESIRE {DE{SIR}E}
30 A Scrooge holding to a sprayer (8) ATOMISER {A}{TO}{MISER}

1   Rum served in a Cuba car distributor’s (7) BACARDI [T]
2   It is added to a testament by a detective losing royalty in spring (7) CODICIL {CO{DICk}IL}
3   Resided in a district with reduced water source (5) DWELT {D{WELl}T}
4   A lubricator that California designed, one far out (6) OILCAN CALIfOrNia*
6   Old British fighter in a violent storm (9) HURRICANE [DD]
7   Well-lit space for a boy, did you say? (7) SUNROOM {~ son room}
8   Such a girl as to invite the attention of a deer? (3-4) DOE-EYED {DOE}-{EYED}
9   Eating something light, losing calorie and moving sinuously (7) SNAKING SNAcKING
15 One who watches and protects a deviant (9) SPECTATOR*
17 Bit of rock in undiluted drink (3,4) ICE CUBE [CD]
18 A daughter competed, received a bit of shock and was given counsel (7) ADVISED {A}{D}{VI{S}ED}
19 Waits to receive directions in addition (7) BESIDES {B{E}{S}IDES}
21 One given to fibs held up by society editor goes off the track (7) DERAILS {DE}{RAIL}{S}<=
22 Novel, unknown listener on the 1st January (3,4) NEW YEAR {NEW} {Y}{EAR}
23 Worthless article replaces top of the thing (6) ABJECT (-o+a)ABJECT
26 A part of an insect but certainly not stomach (5) NOTUM {NO}{TUM}


  1. How come no comments till now.
    Very smooth one from Sankalak. Notum took time, otherwise quite delighted to have finished in one go.
    Good morning all.

    1. Well, yesterday's thunderstorm left quite a bit of Bangalore powerless and we got it back just now. After nearly a month, I did the crossie on paper. Last time I did that was when I was travelling.

  2. Easy on the mind, as is with Sankalak. 1 D clue seems incomplete?

  3. 10 Across - Typo? should have been care instead of core

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. It's OK. Protection = CARE. Rest of anno follows.

  5. 21D Would it not lead to {S{RAIL<=}ED} or some such thing? The way it's given, 'up' doesn't read as a reversal indicator for {S ED}.

  6. Was'nt Madras bombed by a German ship named EMDEN in the first world war leading to an exodus.

    1. இந்த மாதிரி விஷயங்களில் நீங்கள் ஒரு எம்டன்.

  7. The above is
    Indha maadhiri vishayangalil neengal oru emden.

    Means "In such matters you're an Emden.

    In Tamil the name Emden has come to mean an expert, a skilled person, a person who can't be got the better of.

    Read the item "Language has the answer" here:

  8. The Madrasis have not forgotten the Emden attack and the usage of the word Emden as a smart cunning person or act is still prevalent. About 5 years back also there was a Tamil Movie EMDEN MAGAN which means son of Emden where the main character is like a street smart man.

  9. I know a woman who is very clever, cunning, street-smart and who will always leave me befuddled.

    What should I call her?

  10. doubleyouohemden

    1. Alternative answer to CV's question: Yes, dear.

      (with apologies to Mrs. CV, since this applies to most of us anyway)


  12. C V Sir You anticipated MD?

    1. Kishore and others: My baggages landed safely accompanied by me and my wife at the JFK airport. Had a thunderous and stormy welcome here this morning. Reminded me of my Nairobi 18 degrees.

      Will continue being in touch.
