Thursday 30 May 2013

No 10786, Thursday 30 May 31, Gridman

End of another good round from Gridman. Need to tighten my belt for the Neyartha week ending.

1   Brief part undertaken by admirer in re-investment (8) ROLLOVER {ROLe}{LOVER} My COD
5   Recalls numbers at a musical performance (6) SONATA {SON<=}{AT}{A}
10 List in chief corporator’s business (7) INCLINE {IN}{C}{LINE}
11 Herb used by a pair to contain wild anger (7) OREGANO {O{ANGER*}O}
12 Even enough notice disallowed (6) EQUATE adEQUATE
13 Don’t allow the attendant to get the strike (8) STOPPAGE {STOP}{PAGE}
15 That man, a journalist, would take care (4) HEED {HE}{ED}
16 See Ceylon apes doing a somersault (4,4,2) CLAP EYES ON*
18 Keeps cash box fixed (10) STOCKSTILL {STOCKS}{TILL}
20 Cunning principal (4) ARCH [DD]
23 See, English are appreciative (8) BEHOLDEN {BEHOLD}{EN}
24 A couple of learners in tow get fat (6) TALLOW {T{A}{LL}OW}
26 Al leaves colleague with revised pastoral poem (7) ECLOGUE COLlEaGUE
27 Studio that is later remodelled (7) ATELIER {IE+LATER}*
28 Tamilian leader defeats interfering old persons (6) TROUTS {T}{ROUTS}
29 Abducted detective in hide-out (8) HIJACKED {HI{JACK}ED*}

1   How a levitator may broach (5,3,7) RAISE THE SUBJECT [CD]
2   Dressing down by professor? (7) LECTURE [C&DD]
3   Dull love to sea rover not right (6) OPIATE {O}{PIrATE} Is the tense correct?
4   Unlike one fully avenged (4) EVEN [DD]
6   Gives too much on French land (8) OVERPAYS {OVER}{PAYS}
7   Vishnu had ten of these (7) AVATARS [GK]
8   How a solitary earthling would feel (5,2,3,5) ALONE IN THE WORLD [CD]
9   Help Ron to transform Arctic region (5,4) NORTH POLE*
14 More level queen is one who does apple-polishing (9) FLATTERER {FLATTER}{ER}

17 A window to the blue (8) SKYLIGHT [CD]
19 Play, book and magazine (7) OTHELLO {OT}{HELLO}
21 I will return, get involved in a music genre and have fun (7) ROLLICK {RO{LLI<=}CK}
22 Snappy apparatus? (6) CAMERA [CD]
25 Wise men’s endless charm (4) MAGI MAGIc


  1. OPIATE:
    vb. To dull or deaden as if with a narcotic drug.

  2. Thanks Raghunath for your prompt clari.

    Additional notes

    'Opiate' can be a n., adj. or v.t.

    'Dull' can be adj. or v.t. or v.i.

    In the clue 3d, 'dull' is adj. in the surface reading but it is a v. as def. for word reqd.

    So dull (v.) = opiate (v.)

  3. To those setters who use the commercial software Crossword Compiler -

    To avoid mistakes in enumeration...

    After you have filled the grid and are writing the clues

    If you keep the cursor in a slot and click on Edit Clue, the pop-up box appears.

    You will see the solution in black in the grey area above white text box.

    Here if the solution is SILENTPLAYER (instead of SILENT PLAYER, which is the phrase you entered), then it means the sw doesn't recognise the entry as two words. If you don't take steps, your clue sheet will show the enu as 12.

    The step that you have to take to remedy the situation is, change the figure in Word Format box in the same pop-up. The figure that is 12 has to be changed manually to 6,6. When you do this, you will find that the solution in the grey area splits. The clue sheet will now have the correct enu when it automatically shows up later.

    OTOH, if you click on Edit/Review Clues when all the clues marshall in a pop-up, the uncorrected SILENTPLAYER will show as such in the column on right. You can't alter the phrase here. What you do is, click on the space to write the clue on. The above pop-up will appear for the individual clue. Do what is detailed above.

  4. It seems that a rule is planned in Greater Mumbai civic corporation: Clothing shops cannot let mannequins wear two-piece bikinis.


    ***What inner/swim wear can male mannequins wear?

    ***I have always wondered why female mannequins don't wear maxis or full-length western wear.

    A very small shop on a narrow street near my home has its mannequin wearing a glittering mini skirt.

    I have been living in this locality for the past fifty years and I have hardly seen a girl/woman wearing that sort of skirt. So I wondered who the clientele of the shop were.

    Maybe the world where women wear miniskirts is totally different. Probably the time too must be late evening.

  5. Surprised by very few comments !
    Very enjoyable run by Gridman. Got to do some of the crosswords only later in the cycle as I was traveling.

  6. 14D-
    I don't mind the truth but I prefer Flattery[Oscar Wilde]

    1. I just wish I was flatter...

  7. Quote for the day:

    “Many relations come to life just as rain on an Ocean.
    But only some can take the best place like a Drop on an Oyster which becomes a Pearl”

  8. Thank you Col. for the nice cartoon and showing the way to get out of tight situations!

    Kishore- so, you are an all rounder?! Become

  9. I"m roundly flattened by all this going in circles !!

  10. Wonderful round from Gridman. Enjoyed the puzzles. Thank you & keep them coming.
    My Cod was 17d

  11. I put in EULOGUE for ECLOGUE and found myself stumped for the neighbours.

    TROUTS-interfering old persons is the clue of my day-- never ever seen this in my entire crossword solving past !

    Why such a low turn-out today?
