Saturday 7 February 2015

No. 11312, Saturday 07 Feb 15, Gridman

Lovely puzzle. Lots of clues to like. Thank you Gridman

1 Applause about dismantled part is bogus (8) CLAPTRAP [applause=CLAP outside PART*]
6 Software version produced by a son in North India (4) BETA [DD]
9 Reactions from the hoity-toity as new international females enter ship (6) SNIFFS [New International females=FF inside ship=SS]
10 Break away from bogeyman holding tip of pistol (7) SCARPER [bogeyman=SCARER outside Pistol]
13 Shopkeepers purveying exotic, rare tiles (9) RETAILERS [RARE TILES]*
14 Master a tragic drama by a Pole (5) LEARN [tragic drama=LEAR + pole=N]
15 Principal leader leaves protest movement (4) ARCH [protest movement=mARCH]
16 Good man to welcome good section in acts of putting together (10) STRINGINGS [good man=ST + welcome=RING IN + Good + Section]
19 Completely defeated — defeated by the following set? (6,4) BEATEN DOWN [defeated=BEATEN + following set=DOWN clues]
21 Zulu regiment featured in grim picture (4) IMPI [T]
24 Dates shuffled — all filled up! (5) SATED [DATES]*
25 Strike to affect badly (4,1,4) DEAL A BLOW [C&DD]
26 Record by one Indian village in witticism (7) EPIGRAM [record=EP + one=1 + Indian village=GRAM]
27 Bitterly cold appraisal after victory (6) WINTRY [victory=WIN + appraisal=TRY]
28 Sarasa's head has a decorative ribbon (4) SASH [Sarasa + HAS*][T] See comments below
29 No. 1 amply fit to be a games participant (8) OLYMPIAN [NO.1 AMPLY]*

2 Spaceship's mark peeled by nut (7) LUNATIC [spaceship=LUNA + mark=TICk]
3 Bird shows how exaggeration’s no good (6) PUFFIN [exaggeration=PUFFINg]
4 Held in esteem unholy spectre of the French pushed back (9) RESPECTED [SPECTRE* + of in French=DE<=]
5 Modelsstances (5) POSES [DD]
7 Axle-pin has come loose? Give reason! (7) EXPLAIN [AXLE PIN]*
8 Give expression to views as a broadcaster might (3,4,5) AIR ONES VIEWS [CD]
11 Claim everyone starts to exemplify good etiquette (6) ALLEGE [everyone=ALL + Exemplify Good Etiquette]
12 Stomachs money wagers about question (5,7) BREAD BASKETS [money=BREAD + wagers=BETS outside question=ASK]
17 How to get the answer (2,4,3) IN WHAT WAY [CD]
18 Joiner with adult (6) WELDER [With + adult=ELDER]
20 Secures a primary tantric to scratch stain (7) ATTAINS [A + Tantric + STAIN*]
22 Undue alarm about India's third deadliest disease (7) MALARIA [ALARM* + India + deAdliest]
23 Joke was over being cut into several pieces (4,2) SAWN UP [joke=PUN + WAS]<=
25 Silent about old Disney flier (5) DUMBO [silent=DUMB + Old]


  1. Replies
    1. +1. I was hesitant to put 'views' as it was already appearing in the clue. Probably an oversight from GM. This is my view.

    2. Sorry about 8d.
      I wish we were back in paper-and-pen days with just one copy to go around. Or even stone-and-chisel days.
      While working on computers and revising and saving work, different versions emerge.
      The version that has seen the light seems to have emerged from a dark cranny.

    3. To err is human. But to really screw things up you need a computer.

    4. So can we also call a computer a screwdriver ;-)

    5. I echo 'Views' expressed by Suresh @ 8:34 and Rengaswamy @ 8:41. Otherwise an excellent puzzle. Coudn't get SWAN UP, yet loved solving the crossy. Thanks, Gridman.

  2. Lovely one today... Was stuck up with 8d trying out "air ones voice" and other combos before settling for views.. Except for that small issue rest of the grid was enjoyable.. :-)

  3. I parsed 28a as telescopic... Sara (sas h)ead...

    1. You are right. My mistake. I've corrected it.

    2. Me too. 'a decorative' as an anagram indicator is hard to accept

  4. A nice enjoyable CW. Struggling with a few and was beaten down by the bread basket. Learning and improving never stops- only, I wish it were faster.
    Nice to hear Bhavan is back 'home'. Welcome and will try to see you at the S&B meet.

    1. Thank you. Waiting to see you all tomorrow.

  5. 18D- On seeing joiner I was struggling with the meaning of carpenter for a while until I unscrambled the adult.

  6. The special tomorrow is by Buzzer and will be posted only at 12 Noon only so as to be in sync with those attending the S&B Meet where they will solve it on paper

  7. 3 Bird shows how exaggeration’s no good (6) PUFFIN [exaggeration=PUFFIng]

    A minor correction needed, I think. It should be [exa...=PUFFINg]

  8. Rita and others who are Hindi pundits. See the latest post in Shuchi's blog Crossword Unclued, calling for volunteers to set clues in Hindi for the next Hindi CW

  9. Brilliant.Thought provoking clues characteristic of GM. I was made to rack my brains even for small getting into root I tried different collocations &combinations and got the answer.16 a nice wordplay.9 a miserably failed me. I wrote as snafus. Overall a thorough entertainer. Thank you GM.

  10. BETA -- Hindonym -- suited for Shuchi's forthcoming Hindi crossie ?
    I was running through her blog of July,2009 on this and the word plays sounded(sic) great. Goes to prove how cryptic crossies can be amusing.
    BREAD BASKET is the clue for me today !!
