Monday, 23 February 2015

No 11325, Monday 23 Feb 2015, Incognito

8   Destructively throw a small quantity - and bolt (4) DASH [MD]
9   Moulding book is between two eggs (5) OVOLO {O{VOL}O}
10 Greek hero has a German confirmation by ten (4) AJAX {A}{JA}{X}
11 Where Latin liquor is the minimum for attendance (6) QUORUM {QUO}{RUM}
12 Unmarried lady turns titillating, at first, before the queen (8) SPINSTER {SPINS}{Ti...g}{ER}
13 Supports companions after initial excitement (8) ESPOUSES {Ex...t}{SPOUSES}
15 Urn: Batter may be disposed with this (3,3) RUN OUT {URN}*
17 Alien boards sailing vessels for free trips (7) JUNKETS {JUNK{ET}S}
19 Setter's farm hired out by detective's brother (7) MYCROFT {MY}{CROFT}
22 Shuts up after MI6 boss comes second best (6) CLOSES {C}{LOSES}
24 Irishman rebels against nationalists (8) PATRIOTS {PAT}{RIOTS}
26 Food: Mexican donkeys have it (8) BURRITOS {BURR{IT}OS}
28 First heard horrible sound on New York river (6) HUDSON {He...d}{SOUND*}
30 Rim with purified Germanium content (4) EDGE [T]
31 13 is a dozen for him (5) BAKER [CD]
32 Consumes egg and tomato sandwich for starters (4) EATS Acrostic

1   Indian clerk is a bachelor from a British university (4) BABU {BA}{B}{U}
2,3 Sleuth to secure residences, reportedly, after the Jungle Book Khan goes (8,6) SHERLOCK HOLMES {SHER}{LOCK} {HOLMES}(~homes)
4   Have sheriff's gang on a vessel (7) POSSESS {POSSE}{SS}
5   Fictional criminal's heartless try after medical officer and headless friar are found together (8) MORIARTY {MO}{fRIAR}{TrY}
6   Well known doctor was not confused (6) WATSON*
7   Look, first and last letters are in possession of good oriental (4) GAZE {G}{A}{Z}{E}
14 Shape of Phantom's accommodation may be found in one's head (5) SKULL [DD]
16 Peacekeepers are able, but sick (5) UNFIT {UN}{FIT}
18 Check pipe for lab equipment (4,4) TEST TUBE {TEST} {TUBE}
20 Put reed back under control for caribou (8) REINDEER {REIN}{DEER<=}
21 Chess champ has health resorts under the firmament. Quite the reverse ... (7) SPASSKY {SPAS}<=>{SKY}
23 Perry Mason's secretary's road (6) STREET [DD]
25 It might be worn to treat thirst (1-5) T-SHIRT*
27 Control Zulu to reverse action (4) UNDO (Ctrl+Z)
29 Boatswain's breakfast cereal (4) OATS [T]



  1. Novel idea with pangram by Incognito

  2. A themed Pangram. Good start for the week.

  3. What a way to start a week- Thank you Incognito!
    What a breakfast- Burritos,Eats,Oats- samosas included while revisiting Holmes,watson,Moriarty,Mycroft,Della Street.
    Detective special?

  4. Almost every morning at breakfast time I am a boatswain!

    Before the morning tiffin comes around 9 a.m.

  5. Here's a copy of CV's post which came in as a duplicate he deleted the first and I the second simultaneously as a result of which both disappeared.

    "Yesterday I witnessed an excellent production by my friend P. C. Ramakrishna (of Madras Players) of 'Water', a translation/adaptation in English of the Tamil drama 'Thanneer, thanner' by Komal Swaminathan.

    As you know it's a play about lack of water in a remote TN village and he Government's apathy in solving the problem.

    If only 25a were the answer, I would have donated a T-shirt to each of the 300 residents of the hamlet."

    1. The T shirt may be named after a south Indian mother. But, yes, CV,I get your point ...

  6. Ovolo was new to me and last to fall.

  7. I had my customary quota of 'samosas' today as well. Thanks, Incognito. :-)))

  8. Me! took the puff out of may samosa today- called it Elementary!

  9. Today's font looks Bold and Beautiful ! One need not strain one's eyes!!

  10. 15 Urn: Batter may be disposed with this (3,3) RUN OUT {URN}*

    Is 'batter' on double duty as anind also pl?

    1. It is a reverse anagram. Run out = Urn. So batter is used only for the definition

    2. Thank God! You didn't say "It's elementary, Balu!"

  11. 22 Shuts up after MI6 boss comes second best (6) CLOSES {C}{LOSES}

    How is 'C' linked to M16 Boss pl?


    2. Ramesh @ 9:41 and 9:44. Thank you very much, Ramesh. :)

    3. Oops! Overlooked the underlined link given by Col Sir for M16 Boss. My apologies.

    4. Apologies not required. The link was put after Ramesh answered your query, it was not there earlier

  12. Nice CW Incognito :)
    Waiting for PGW :)

  13. Superb Incognito. You do not know how happy I am to have samosas on successive days. Thanks a lot.

  14. Is it 'Elementary Watson' or Elementary, My Dear Watson'? I see both versions. Which is correct?

    1. Neither, Ram. SH never said those words in the published ACD books. Please see

    2. If it's neither, then it should be this!

      Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson are busy with yet another complicated case. Suddenly, Holmes seizes a chunk of blood-spattered limestone from the ground.

      "What is it, Holmes?" asks Watson, eagerly.

      Holmes turns and replies, gravely, "It's sedimentary, my dear Watson."


    3. Yes, I had heard about the famous quote not being in the original. thank you for the link.

    4. Sherlock Holmes learns of the news of a body lying on a public road. He, with Dr Watson, is the first to reach the scene of the crime.
      The victim is badly battered, probably run over by a speeding vehicle.
      Holmes bends down and looks at the intestines exposed.
      It is now Watson the doctor who says "It's alimentary, my dear Holmes"

    5. Thanks for the clarification K, MB & CV Sir.

    6. The good doctor seems to have boned up on his anatomy ...

  15. Smashing, delightful crossword Incognito :) breakfast and mystery ... hats (deerstalker) off...

  16. Sorry Srividya: didnt see your query yesterday on THC app for anderoid: you can download from play store. Doing 2011 xwords from it ..

  17. " Watson, I see you have started wearing your woolen underwear"
    " How did you find out , Holmes"
    " Elementary My Dear Watson, You have forgotten to wear your trousers."

  18. Deepak Gopinath7:50 pm GMT+5:30 on Saturday
    Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise

    Gals and Gents, don't believe these old spice tales (we gotta be gender neutral these days). I am a living example that the gag just does not work - on all the three counts...

    Thanks for solving this puzzle. Checking out for the day. (No, I am not going to sleep, but getting involved in some external affairs, I mean running errands outside the billet)

  19. Healthy- Yes
    Wise- Yes,yes!! (fortunately double + does not make a -ve)
    Wealthy- well, all accountants are expected to be!
    So, maybe there is something in the old adages too.

  20. I am a firm believer of this phrase as far as health is concerned!
