Tuesday 19 December 2017

No 12192, Tuesday 19 Dec 2017, Gridman

Solution and annotation of 11A left for any rookie commenter till 10 AM.

1   Initial notice at the shop fixture, perhaps (11) COUNTERSIGN {COUNTER}{SIGN}
9   Opens world body's lists (7) UNROLLS {UN}{ROLLS}
10 Aptitude of teaching staff (7) FACULTY [DD]
11 Manages to catch heart of Bess (5) C?P?S {Addendum - COPES - {COP}{bESs} - See comments)
12 Element that is unusual on ground (4,5) RARE EARTH {RARE} {EARTH}
13 Shallow sortbig — i am to black out (5) BIMBO {B}{I'M}{B}{O}
15 PMO, in toto, is in disarray? That is debatable! (4,5) MOOT POINT*
18 Joke, not fine but with a bit of geniality, to dismiss big bag (9) GUNNYSACK {(-f+g)GUNNY}{SACK}
21 There's something more in the next ranch (5) EXTRA [T]
22 Part of house for phoney persona? (5,4) FRONT ROOM [CD]
24 Pay attention in part of exercise (3,2) SIT UP [DD]
26 Food in Indian bucket learner's taken out for station master's assistant (7) BASMATI {BA(-l+sma)SMATI}
27 Romantic offering from Kathmandu to pianists (7) UTOPIAN [T]
28 Allows walk by prisoners out of number (11) LEGITIMATES {LEG IT}{InMATES}

1   No woman can lose grip over this purse (6,3) CLUTCH BAG [CD]
2   Type of drainpipe section you finally put up (1-4) U-TRAP {PART}{yoU}<=
3   Sort and tally new boastful talk (4,5) TALL STORY {SORT+TALLY}*
4   Sort out odd platform (7) ROSTRUM {SORT*}{RUM}
5   One refusal to carry plant causes hell (7) INFERNO {1}{N{FERN}O}
6   Horse stabled in congenial nook (5) NICHE {NIC{H}E}
7   He creates fears about a mistrial I left being launched afresh (8) ALARMIST {A}{MISTRiAL}*
8   Twice thrummy, featuring an urban legend (4) MYTH [T] {thrumMY+THrummy}
14 My French bird is cobra's enemy (8) MONGOOSE {MON}{GOOSE}
16 Quickly transport officer leaves and fixes up space for journalists (5,4) PRESS ROOM {PRESto}{MOORS<=}
17 Ornamentations are very soft in coach goods emptied out (9) TRAPPINGS {TRA{PP}IN}{GoodS}
19 Devoted to a party circle (7) ADORING {A}{DO}{RING}
20 Fruit Indian young girl halved — Queen returns thanks (7) KUMQUAT {KUMari}{QU}{TA<=}
22 Stories from leaders of famed Indian business society (4) FIBS Acrostic
23 Briefly snare with ultimately cool fishing net (5) TRAWL {TRAp}{W}{cooL}
25 Spoil top number among the abstemious (5) TAINT {A1}{N} in {TT}



  1. 11A COPES {COP}{ES} catch+heat of Bess

    1. It would be nice if you could identify yourself, rather than posting as an unknown

  2. 11A COPES {COP}{ES} catch+heart of Bess

  3. 3a: (sort+tally)* = tall story = boastful talk.
    Posted wrongly earlier. Sorry.

    1. Did you post as unknown@8:37?

    2. No sir. I solved some 15 items and tried to post them at one stroke. The post was not successful and it is not appearing in the blog. There was a typo in 3a. Hence the posting @ 8.50.

    3. I posted as unknown@8:37 by mistake. Corrected immediately @ 8:38. commenting on the blog first time.

    4. Venkatesan:Only 11A was needed to be answered today. Fridays are the day where you can post as many answers as you can

    5. Got it sir. Unfortunately I have covered 11a in the first unsuccessful post.

    6. No problems. You will get many chances to answer including 1 clue everyday and as many clues on Friday. You can also participate on Sundays at 10.30 AM for Sunday Special crosswords where you may post 3 answers and participate in the group solving. A much happening place here for crossword buffs

  4. A young and ADORABLE BIMBO walks with her CLUTCH BAG. It is snatched by two youngsters on a two-wheeler.
    You call this a MYTH?
    No MOOT POINT this!!
    The PRESS ROOMs are busy ever other day with such news.
    People SIT UP in their FRONT ROOM and watch these stories on their Idiot boxes.
    To COPE such a situation one should take that EXTRA care. Every FACULTY must be on the alert...

  5. Cop = catch , heart of Bess es , copes

  6. 28A- Legitimate as a verb was new to me. Had to check. I thought it could be legitimises,until it wsa 'taint'ed by the crossing.

    1. Paddy: C.V-Gridman has legitimized the word legitimates. So leg it mate ! One way of legitimizing the illegitimates !

  7. Sir I am a very beginner in solving crosswords if any could plz explain how to solve crossword

  8. I tried many times but somehow I am not able to catch the essence I visit your blog every day

    1. The blog gives how the solution is arrived at of each clue. So study the clue and see how the snswers are arrived at.
      Also visit crossword unclued.com and go to 7 steps for beginners.

    2. Vasant: Your advice is fine for a newbie, but the answers at the end of each clue is in crosswordese language too esoteric for him. I suggest that he collect the clippings of each crossword and solve as much as he can and when the solutions come next day , start drawing inferences from the solutions and work backwards into his unsolved grid. Within a week, I am sure, he will have picked up the lights and find them so easy to understand the mind of each compiler. Then when he sees our crosswordese language as DD, CD, telescope, charade etc ( these were all new to me for years until I learnt and still am learning !) . Our colouring friend, Ramesh-ji will have also added visual clarifications to the answers by his mosaic and variegated markings and explanations at the bottom of the blog. Very soon, the Revolutionist (CHE- an oft-used clue by compilers for the Red rebel!) babe-in-the woods in the crossword maze will have become an expert solver !

      Good luck Cheguvera ( are you Raghuveera by any chance ?) and welcome to the CLUB and membership of the THCC.

    3. There is no crosswordese here Raju. Details of what CD, DD Charade etc is shown very clearly on the panel on the Left Hand Side of this blog. I don't see why you are still learning those terms, you have been visiting this blog for so long. It shouldn't take more than a week or so to learn how those 15 odd items, shown under ANNOTATIONS on the left hand side panel of this blog, work.

    4. Deepak: When I used the word 'learning' It was an euphemistically coined usage, like legalese etc. Aren't we all learning all the time? There are occasions when we did and will do find new nomenclatures created by compilers to make the answers more challenging and then we decide to slot them into a new niches. I still struggle to differentiate between DD and CD as the line is rather thin. Every new compiler coming in the THCC has always challenged with his or her creativity . That's the beauty of the THCC that I have discovered, absolutely far removed from the regular compilers of UK I was used to. I still maintain that THCC has broken new grounds and will continue with more and more unknown territories. Got it?

    5. Thank you sir's for your advice

    6. Thanks for greeting @raju sir and I am not raghuveera

  9. 12A unusual ground meaning
    Rare earth
    21 A There is something more
    15 A PMO in toto
    Moot point

