Tuesday 17 September 2019

No 12732, Tuesday 17 Sep 2019, Arden

Enroute to Washington DC, headed back to Bangalore. Next post from Bangalore.

1   Dark periods – start in opposite direction for tourist spots (6) SIGHTS (-n+s)SIGHTS
4   Tape to place in class (8) CASSETTE {CAS{SET}TE}
9   Idle one gets in tow regularly (6) LOUNGE {L(O)U(N)G(E)}
10 Arthur gets an arm around me in exchange (8) ARGUMENT {AR{GU{ME}N}T}
12 Painter has a head start over islander (8) TAHITIAN {T{A}{Head}ITIAN}
13 Movie called 'Country' (6) GREECE (~grease)
15 Record playing, too much delay makes one sad (12) DISCONSOLATE {DISC}{ON}{SO LATE}
18 Correct, let the wobble be seen as being unfair (5,3,4) BELOW THE BELT*
21 Sponge rings break in half, perhaps (6) LOOFAH {L{OO}FAH*}
22 Daughter finds a way to cut onion, as a rule (8) DOMINION {D}{O{M1}NION}
24 Crazy to combine drugs (8) CRACKPOT {CRACK}{POT}
25 Moped, half-heartedly for getting duck (6) SCOTER SCOoTER
26 No direct effect on Philosophy (8) DOCTRINE*
27 Sell by assuming different rate (6) BETRAY {B{RATE*}Y}

1   Trouble outside, left inside for privacy (8) SOLITUDE {L} in {OUTSIDE}*
2   Huge cats prowling, not the most elegant (8) GAUCHEST*
3   Drunk guy left in the rear, runs – he must keep his balance (9,6) TIGHTROPE WALKER {TIGHT}{ROPE}{WA{L}KE}{R}
5   Line below central lawn is crooked (4) AWRY {lAWn}{RY}
6   For example 9 elect rich characters to take up an impossible task (6,3,6) SQUARE THE CIRCLE {SQUARE}{ELECT+RICH}*
7   Take a leak after a peg in tent (6) TEEPEE {PEE} after {TEE}
8   Fulfils initial expectation, leads to growing respect (6) ESTEEM {MEETS}{Ex...n}<=
11 Instrument will swell up, as small becomes twice as large (7) BASSOON {B{AS}{S}OON} (Addendum - BA(-ll+ss)SSOON - See comments)
14 Time to assume tail wagging means happiness (7) ELATION {E{TAIL*}ON}
16 In other words is termed as a coalescer (8) DEMISTER*
17 Fish will remain outside ring, perhaps (8) STINGRAY {ST{RING*}AY}
19 Quiet rise in medical practice (6) PLACID [T<=]
20 Pattern of a plant disease (6) MOSAIC [DD]
23 Said to be good in France, capital in Germany (4) BONN (~bon)

Reference List
Arm = GUN, Daughter = D, Way = M1, Left = L, Guy = ROPE, Runs = R, Line = Railway = RY, Peg = TEE, Small = S, Large = L



  1. 11D: I parsed it as BALLOON (to swell up) with both the L's (twice as large) being replaced by S (small)

  2. 11D. Swell up - balloon. {as} {a} replacing {ll}» twice large. Is this ok.

  3. 11D. Swell up - balloon. {as} {a} replacing {ll}» twice large. Is this ok.

  4. Managed to solve 8 clues : -(
    Curious to know the answers peeped in here.
    17 Dn (Stringray) and 19 Dn (placid) had wonderful clues that totally deceived.
    6Dn where 9 is used as 3x3 was another trap that I fell for completely, despites my profession being dealing with squares every day.

    23Dn. I might be nitpicking. Bonn is not the capital of Germany since the fall of the wall nearly 30 years ago.

  5. Slightly tougher than yesterday with lots of places for one to be misled. I did indeed in a few places. I had to hit below the belt to square the circle!

  6. Have a safe flight back Col. and happy landings.

    1. + Welcome back to India, Col, after a long and cross-country odyssey in the US. Since you are due to visit Coimbatore, any chance of a meeting !

      Today’s Arden is smooth and not a stingray ! Cassette and Bonn are old bonnets !

    2. At Frankfurt right now. Will call you from Coimbatore

  7. Typical Arden-mark crossie. Enjoyed well.

    We all wish you a safe flight and happy landing, Col!

  8. Enjoyable puzzle. One question: in 8D =ESTEEM, is "growing" the indicator for reversal?

    1. Yes. In a down clue grow, rise, go north, etc are reversal indicators.

    2. This clue, wp=def<=, so def=wp<=. (Growing is not directly operating on wp).

  9. A humorous (certainly not angry!) clue in today's ET-
    This type of clue makes one angry (6)

