Wednesday 25 September 2019

No 12739, Wednesday 25 Sep 2019, Incognito

7   Englishman returns title (4) NAME {E}{MAN}<=
8   Buys brew packed in bags (9) PURCHASES {PUR{CHA}SES}
10 Romeo, sir, is to some extent an ancestor of Horus (6) OSIRIS [T]
11 Closely hold, grabbing a parish priest, conveying appreciation (8) CLAPPING {CL{A}{PP}ING}
12 They make money from cavities? (8) DENTISTS [CD]
14 King and journalist with minor under guardianship (6) EDWARD {ED}{WARD}
16 Choir dancing around stone gets the bird (7) OSTRICH {O{ST}RICH*}
18 Tomato puree with a bit of nut for a Turk (7) OTTOMAN {TOMATO}*{Nut}
21 A smile may result from misinterpretation of these internet messages (1-5) E-MAILS*
23 God! That is a famous author! (8) CHRISTIE {CHRIST}{IE}
25 Composer saint hugs wounded cherub (8) SCHUBERT {S{CHERUB*}T}
27 Top Frenchmen in clubs, perhaps (6) SUMMIT {SU{MM}IT}
29 A model gift for now (2,7) AT PRESENT {A}{T}{PRESENT}
30 Street has good device for roasting meat (4) SPIT {S{PI}T}

1   Masters run after hot pets (8) HAMSTERS {H}{MASTERS*}
2   Costly honey (4) DEAR [DD]
3   Jerks destroy maps in ship (6) SPASMS {S{MAPS*}S}
4   Accurate composition accompanied by third note of C Major scale (7) PRECISE {PRECIS}{E}
5   Least expensive primate to be housed in container (8) CHEAPEST {CHE{APE}ST}
6   Fast! Snake has swallowed tail of iguana (1,1,1,1) ASAP {ASP} over {i...nA}
9   Sister catches one confused Spanish gentleman (5) SENOR {S{ONE*}R}
13 Star is agitated by setter producing bones (5) TARSI {STAR}*{I}
15 Tiger, perhaps, in forests (5) WOODS [DD]
17 Mollycoddled female student around fantastic sets (8) COSSETED {CO-ED} over {SETS}*
19 In the beginning, sailor in Italy has one egg (2,6) AB INITIO {AB}{IN}{IT}{1}{0}
20 On board, travelling cheat hurts (7) SCATHES {S{CHEAT*}S}
22 Doctor has tea or coffee (5) MOCHA {MO}{CHA}
24 Model sister appears for exam once again (6) RESITS*
26 Unique Selling Proposition of special American mail service (1,1,1,1) USPS {USP}{S}
28 Initially, May alone supported Secret Service (4) MASS Acrostic

Reference List
English = E, Brew = CHA = Tea, Parish Priest = PP, Journalist = ED, Stone = ST, Saint = ST, Model = T, Street = ST, Good = PI, Hot = H, Ship = SS = On Board, Sister = SR, Sailor = AB, Italy = IT, Special = S



  1. It's coffee/tea time with Incognito. Quite a stirrer!

    1. A rare occasion where I enjoyed coffee and tea mixed! Good find this 'MOCHA' is!

    2. Dentists- one of my rare cold solves!

    3. I made the mistake of reading out the clue to in-house dentist!! And ended up getting ragi java

  2. Some how, Christe is one of CW favourites.

  3. I thought (Jesus) Christ was referred to as the Son of God, not exactly as God. Or Messenger from God. Is that right?

    1. Its ref more of as expression of (surprise!/exclamation). Oh god, oh Christ, oh Jesus.

  4. Oh DEAR!
    Afterall what is in a NAME?
    Cha is tea and MOCHA is coffee!
    To be PRECISE most of our discussions AT PRESENT seem to be on ONE NATION ONE...
    If we have a ONE NATION ONE DRINK will it be tea or coffee?
    Tea is the CHEAPEST drink and one would believe that majority of Indians drink it.
    But on the other hand coffee will receive MASS CLAPPING from South India.
    And they will oppose tea as a National Drink. (They are used to oppose anything and everything.)
    But one cannot deny the fact that cha has taken one to Himalayan heights and coffee has seen the downfall of a billionaire.

    1. Instead of a tale, a Precis on Drink.
      Here, in Thailand, most drink coffee. Surprised to learn that it is 3rd largest producer of Coffee in Asia.

  5. Oh!Oh!
    What a connect. Covers all angles- from Himalayas to Coorg,not forgetting the opposing opposition.

  6. First time solved all except SPIT. Sleuth and Golfer clues best!

  7. Had a pleasant evening at the Col’ s place and was pleasantly surprised when Ajesh joined to make it a mini- bloggers meet. Surprised to learn from Ajesh that he doesn’t solve crosswords much but is keen in compiling ! I wonder how he can put the cart before the horse - like graduating first and then going back to primary school. He says he learnt the ropes of compiling from THCC and Crossword Unclued. He picks up the hints from annotations and then sets up his own grid, using Microsoft Excel and Crossword Compiler. Talk about working backwards,
