Sunday 29 September 2019

The Sunday Crossword No 3067, Sunday 29 Sep 2019

Overdose of Anagrams

1   Tiddly oaf never shakes? I don’t believe it (3,7,4) FOR HEAVENS SAKE*
10 Brief gives bum steer (5) TERSE*
11 Spice Girl given cautions about counterfeit goods (9) FORGERIES {FOR{GERI}ES}
12 Traditional intro in Raiders remake (4,3) DEAR SIR*
13 Web implicated, diet abandoned where people eat (7) DINETTE {DI{NET}TE*}
14 'Uh' sound elicited by kitsch wardrobe (5) SCHWA [T]
16 Arbitration with no time for deep thought (9) MEDIATION MEDItATION
19 Suffering when a conservative follows heartless, reactionary group (9) PURGATORY {A}{TORY} after {GRoUP<=}
20 Act immorally with American in snotty enclosure (5) SINUS {SIN}{US}
22 On 'scone', rendering given by reactionaries (7) NEOCONS*
25 Batman's seen in this hoax in American resort (4,3) CAPE COD {CAPE} {COD}
27 Bisected protozoan – 50% missing very soon (2,4,1,2) IN HALF A MO {IN HALF}{AMOeba}
28 Nannies essentially depicted in musical movie (5) ANNIE nANNIEs
29 Bashed fifth toe? Holler just because you can (3,3,4,2,2) FOR THE HELL OF IT*

 Early bit of devotion: rousing her at four (3,6) OUR FATHER*
3   Cobbler does this for despicable people (5) HEELS [DD]
4   Amoral foe tampered with sports car (4,5) ALFA ROMEO*
5   Wild deer on both sides of river went astray (5) ERRED {E{R}RED*}
6   Big mugs muffled passage on fancy keyboard instruments (9) STEINWAYS {STEIN{WAY}S}
7   Fatalist will lose weight to become famous (1-4) A-LIST fatALIST
8   Oriental festival supported by nationalist (7) EASTERN {EASTER}{N}
9   Quarrelling dads to wrestle (2,4) AT ODDS*
15 Religious leader with a 'tally-ho!': a maverick (9) AYATOLLAH*
17 Seat of learning choosy lad declined (3,6) DAY SCHOOL*
18 19, simple-minded one (8,1) INNOCENT I  Definition not clear
19 Religious leader quiet concerning difference of opinion (7) PONTIFF {P}{ON}{TIFF}
21 Primarily, somewhere you don’t necessarily expect Yukonese? (6) SYDNEY Acrostic &lit
23 As an alternative, including the alternative (5) OTHER {O{THE}R}
24 Small potatoes!? A tremendous success! (5) SMASH {S}{MASH}
26 Scotsman in post office, one of 6 (5) PIANO {P{IAN}O}

Reference List
Time = T, River R, Nationalist = N, Quiet = P, Small = S, Scotsman = IAN



  1. 18d pope "innocent I", 19d Pointiff.

  2. 18A- 19 in the clue should give some clue. 19A is pontiff- any connection?
    Innocenti is Italian scooter/ car maker- this has any connection with 19?

  3. Oh! Prasad always to the rescue.

  4. Best Wishes to all particpants of IXL.

    1. +1
      I am in Varanasi today. I hope I will be able to make it, the power situation is very erratic due to heavy rains here.

    2. Varanasi? Will you be going to Renukoot? Or there for some religious rite?

    3. No, Renukoot, Vasant.
      We are on group tour to Varanasi for temple darshan. Will be back in Hyderabad on Tuesday.

    4. If possible do visit Sarnath, if you haven't visited earlier.

    5. Sarnath, of course, is in our itinerary, although we have visited twice earlier.

  5. 18d wrong clue?
    24d doesn't appear in the grid.

    1. It seems they have made necessary corrections!

    2. Yes, Kushagra Singh announced that all the answers for 18DN will be given credit!
      I remember my school days when a question in Maths was set with an incorrect/impossible answer, they used to give full marks to all those who attempted. Ha ha!!!

    3. Point is OK, but the ,15 to 20 minutes lost in trying to fit an answer!

    4. That's OK but quality? Who is checking the puzzle? Who is downloading? For all competitions you need a strong editor.

  6. I logged in late and had no problem. Looks like they have corrected it.

  7. looks to be straight forward and a good start. Hope it will continue this way!
