Monday, 4 November 2019

No 12771, Monday 04 Nov 2019, Incognito

7   Don’t eat quickly (4) FAST [DD]
8   Rod’s fantastic mind-game (9) BADMINTON {BA{MIND*}TON}
10 Prohibit a North American fruit (6) BANANA {BAN}{A}{NA}
11 Fifty one in area get faith (8) RELIGION {RE{LI}GION}
12 Medical treatment arranged daily by sister (8) DIALYSIS {DAILY*}{SIS}
14 Initially, athletic persons held copper showing keen insight (6) ACUMEN {At...c}{CU}{MEN}
16 Heartless boy with another heartless boy finally (2,3,2) BY AND BY {BoY}{AND}{BoY}
18 Ceased wandering around Portugal and fled (7) ESCAPED {ESCA{P}ED*}
21 “Fruit” by King is more unseemly (6) UGLIER {UGLI}{ER}
23 Veteran’s grandfather clock (3-5) OLD-TIMER [DD]
25 For example, sun-fish and bird (8) STARLING {STAR}{LING}
27 Tear out packet and eat like a bird (4,2) PECK AT*
29 Leader’s gift? Hides papers! (9) PRESIDENT {PRES{ID}ENT}
30 Again, dyke protects Indiana Jones (4) INDY [T]

1   A strike in large town? That’s a disaster! (8) CALAMITY {C{A}{LAM}ITY}
2   Sicilian mountain’s European insect returned (4) ETNA {E}{ANT<=}
3   So, a tub can be made into a submarine (1-5) U-BOATS*
4   Speech for No.10, Downing Street, perhaps (7) ADDRESS [DD]
5   Girl goes ahead, I hear, and gives wrong information (8) MISLEADS (~miss){MIS}{LEADS}
 Only men allowed to return guns (4) STAG<=
9   Ring is fixed in the middle of hooter — it can be used for hanging (5) NOOSE {NO{O}SE}
13 Spring endlessly with Indian dress (5) LUNGI {LUNGe}{I}
15 Half plum held by French friend produces a savoury taste (5) UMAMI {plUM}{AMI}
17 Irisbust is broken leading to a painful condition (8) BURSITIS*
19 Esmeralda endlessly creates gems (8) EMERALDS ESMERALDa*
20 Hybrid ass left lemon-grass strewn (7) MONGREL {LEMON+GRass}*
22 Arise and dress (3,2) GET UP [DD]
24 Second-in-command Levy’s carrying a record (6) DEPUTY {D{EP}UTY}
26 Regrets ruse going awry (4) RUES*
28 Cocaine, to some extent, is a killer (4) CAIN [T]

Reference List
Fifty one = LI, Portugal = P, King = ER, Papers = ID, European = E, Ring = O, Indian = I, Record = EP


  1. +1
    Clue should have been 'submarines' and not as stated.

  2. Simply great!
    Thank you Incognito.
    Feast was a bit too fast for me- last to fall.

  3. Today's Puzzles were simply superb..

  4. Enjoyed the puzzle thoroughlly! 12A and 4D great for me!
    21A needs explanation- the ugli part?

    1. KKR this fruit might be in Jamaica it seems. but the name looks peculiar. Good to know about this from Incognito

    2. I don't know how it tastes, but it is certainly setters' favorite!

    3. Almost all the setters had a bite of this fruit

    4. Paddy I heard from My ex colleague....the taste composite of Tangy, bitter and juicy. have a nice day

  5. incognito is always a confidence booster. venturing Gaurdian cryptic (excel versiona nd liesurely solve).
