Monday 18 November 2019

No 12783, Monday 18 Nov 2019, Afterdark

1   One has interest perhaps on a girl, and disturbed inside — proceeds without poise repeatedly (5,3,5) AGAIN AND AGAIN {A}{GAIN}{A}{AND*}{G}AIN Anno pending
10 Perhaps a Syrian making a fuss crossing obstruction (9) DAMASCENE {DAM}{A}{SCENE}
11 State where a multitude is being sent back (5) ASSAM {A}{MASS<=}
12 God is everything one has to start with (5) ALLAH {ALL}{A}{Has}
13 Tolerant with a primarily nice, but almost boring man (9) INDULGENT {1}{Nice}{DULl}{GENT}
14 Dirty-looking husband inside a small boat (6) DINGHY {DING{H}Y}
16 Delivers some rum in casks... (5) TURNS {TU{R}NS}
19 doctor in shack at the rear to have (5) DRINK {DR}{IN}{s..cK}
20 Angry Malaysians, many out on strike (6) ASSAIL maLAySIAnS*
25 Somehow make up, gain custody of child and take across country (9) KAMPUCHEA {MAKE+UP}* over {CH} and {A}
26 Sterile catheters first added to list (5) CLEAN {Ca...s}{LEAN}
27 Leaf is tender, right inside (5) FROND {F{R}OND}
28 Replace it, make a copy (9) REPLICATE* Make on Double duty See comments
29 Appliance needs very little current, close to zero volt energy; novel to begin with (9,4) MICROWAVE OVEN {MICRO}{WAVE} {zerO}{V}{E}{No..l}

2   Taking a risk? Government’s meandering (8) GAMBLING {G}{AMBLING}
3   Biblical name in Arabic for messiah, in translation loses meaning essentially at the root (5) ISSAH meSSIAH*
4   Birth defect didn’t stop her from flying (6) AMELIA [DD]
5   Awful Andrea leaves one daughter stuffed almost (8) DREADFUL {anDREA}{D}{FULl}
6   Good suggestion to have large gin mixed with some salt and fish (9) GRAYLINGS {G}{RAY}{L}{GIN*}{Salt}
7   A school has charges for children (6) ISSUES {1}{S}{SUES}
8   Proof of a degree needed to get a vehicle (2,4) ID CARD {1}{D{CAR}D}
9   Leave my pet off (5) EMPTY*
15 As per terms of agreement, Nehru was forced to accept ceasefire at the end; embarrassed in retreat (9) HEREUNDER {NEHRU}* over {c...rE} and {RED<=}
17 Paint her awesome attributes in nude (2,3,3) IN THE RAW [T]
18 Graduates are changing by midterm, maybe related to interest (4,4) BASE RATE {BA'S}{ARE*}TE Anno for TE not clear (Addendum - {BA's}{ARE*}{senTEnce} - See comments)
21 Maybe Vikram's fifty plus and superhot essentially (6) LANDER {L}{AND}{supERhot}
22 Ask if frigate is holding a boat (5) SKIFF [T]
23 Perhaps air bubbles are mobile; will burst (6) EMBOLI*
24 Setback on round five for chess champion (6) KARPOV KARP{O}{V} Setback?
26 Fabric is fashionable, almost new and old (5) CHINO {CHIc}{N}{O}

Reference List
One = A, Girl = G, A = 1, Husband = H, Child = CH, Across = A, Right = R, Volt + V, Energy = E, Government = G, One = AN, Daughter = D, Good = G, School = S, Degree = DD, Fifty = L, New = N, Old = O


  1. 24d park! Misread by setter!
    18d term:sentence

    1. 18D-senTEnce? I was struggling (for anno) with tERm.

    2. Paddy,
      You seem to have found a word synonym for term and picking up the mid-part.
      I am afraid the setter has not intended this.
      It is as worse as an indirect anagram, in my view, as there can be several synonyms for words. Experts views please?

    3. Doesn't the same go for "imagine closing early" yesterday?

    4. This one too
      " 28 Throws a crustacean without hesitation after losing temper initially "

    5. Thanks Prasad,
      Can you please give the grid numbers for these clues?
      Yesterday was Sunday. I don't remember to have seen it.

  2. 28a replicate as noun is copy. Make anind, imu

  3. 1a waited for something better. IMU:
    Proceeds: gain

  4. I too found no reasonable anno for the above clues.

    Due to the three clues, well-knit clues like 25AC, 29AC, 15DN got obscured.

  5. 26D.. Fabric is fashionable, almost new and old....CHINO meant as Feminine and CHINOS for Masculine. How to interpret....usually CHINOS wear by Gents often.

    1. " Chino cloth (/ˈtʃiːnoʊ/ CHEE-noh) is a twill fabric
      As the cloth itself was originally made in China, the trousers were known in Spanish as pantalones chinos (Chinese pants), which became shortened to simply "chinos" in English"

    2. Thanks for the clarifications. acc. to the puzzle chino will be the right one.

  6. Chino also means a fabric- not necessarily a finished product.

  7. Mediocre puzzle IMO with too many A = A, One, An,I substitutions
    1A one = A, A=A
    10A Crossing is juxtaposition indicator ? A=A
    11A A=A
    12A One=A
    13A A=I
    19A Role of 'to' in the beginning?
    20A "On" is redundant
    29A Microwave= Micro + Wave same roots
    5D One = An
    7D A = I
    8D A=I
    24D Error I think

    1. Valid points. With the paper charging its online viewers for accessing the crossword section, they ought to take even greater care and do a much better job editing the puzzles for quality and errors.

    2. How do Micro=Very little and Current=Wave have same roots?

    3. Hi Col,

      I mean cluing Microwave as Micro + Wave. It is like cluing Tennis Ball as Tennis + Ball (with ball clued as round object not social gathering) Not very kosher I thought..

    4. I see Ajeesh's point Col.
      Micro is short form of microprocessor, microcomputer or microwave (oven).

    5. I would like to add that to the Setter's credit, the entire phrase of microwave oven is not clued as micro+wave+oven.
      We should consider the whole clue and not the part to criticise.
