Wednesday 6 November 2019

No 12773, Wednesday 06 Nov 2019, Lightning

8   Strict guideline to add fresh, natural fudge (4,3,4,4) HARD AND FAST RULE*
9   Old boy thus allowed centre of arena not in use (8) OBSOLETE {OB}{SO}{LET}{arEna}
10 Get back say vultures lacking wings (6) AVENGE scAVENGErs
11 Reason one good man parts with second management (9) LOGISTICS {LOG{1}{ST}IC}{S}
12 Smooth track primarily for Olympics, maybe (5) EVENT {EVEN}{Tr..k}
15 Misrepresent velocity of electron in estimate (7) BELIEVE {BELIE}{V}{E}
17 They could spark cricketing ties (7) MATCHES [DD]
19 Segment of cruise in eastern river (5) SEINE [T]
20 Lament circling short Mediterranean island beside eastern city (9) MELBOURNE {M{ELBa}OURN}{E}
23 Musty outside black farm building (6) STABLE {STA{B}LE}
25 It’s a bargain getting cats and dogs for scraps (8) SNIPPETS {SNIP}{PETS}
26 Distressed gunmen react to universal resistance with rebuttal (15) COUNTERARGUMENT*

1   Cheat taking only two thirds of wood used in construction (6) BAMBOO BAMBOOzle
2   Warning against extraordinary domination (10) ADMONITION*
3   $0.01 I have to acquire new carrot (9) INCENTIVE {1}{N}{CENT}{I'VE}
4   Transgression by fellow breaking old barrier (7) OFFENCE {O}{F{F}ENCE}
5   America united by a liberal general (5) USUAL {US}{U}{A}{L}
6   Get rid of charge to go around river (4) FREE {F{R}EE}
7   With extreme care, pierce rings for example, showing good taste (8) ELEGANCE {carE}{L{EG}ANCE}
13 Emptiness in heart, perhaps? Get this device (6,4) VACUUM PUMP {VACUUM}{PUMP}
14 Closing early, arrived to join game at university (9) CAMBRIDGE {CAMe}{BRIDGE}
16 Joy where European community ousted a ballot (8) ELECTION EL(-a+ec)ECTION
18 Striker from South America on a high — he could deliver (7) MESSIAH {MESSI}{A}{H}
21 Sodium to contaminate? Not one floating (6) NATANT {NA}{TAiNT}
22 Renegade returned sly look capturing bishop (5) REBEL {LE{B}ER}<=
24 Financial institution to suppress Krona (4) BANK {BAN}{K}

Reference List
Good man = ST, Second = S, Velocity = V, Electron = E, Eastern = E, Black = B, New = N, Fellow = F, Old = O, United = U, Liberal = L, River = R, High = H, Bishop = B, Krona = K


  1. Replies
    1. Not getting the print edition?

    2. Sorry about that, I forgot to add Lightning's name

  2. Aha! I missed 'A hi'! Messiah did not deliver to me.
    ...and I missed the University in spite of crossings. A bridge too far.

    1. Messiah is a promised deliverer. If he has not promised you, he will not deliver :-)

  3. I had to look up 21D , I was stuck on Neymar for some time on 18D :-) He has been in the news lately ! Strangely enough bamboozle bamboozled me :-)

  4. Paddy. I do get the print edition. I opened the blog at 830 am to know who is on today, didn't find name and hence posted my question.I don't come down till 10am, after my prayers for my breakfast.

    Incidentally, the Readers Editor has been inviting for a editorial board attendance. Is one fro Madras going ? CV or PADDY maybe ? No arm in trying to prove their interest in their readers wrong ?

    In Nairobi, I used to make friends with journos and editors and walk in to have a chat with them, giving my suggestions and they were not only responsive but even enthusiastic! I am still in touch with a cartoonist and a columnist from Coimbatore by email.

    1. Raju,
      CV is best suited- if he is interested.

  5. Pardon the typos ! Harm instead of arm and Is any one from Madras.

    1. Rajugaru,
      You don't have to be apologetic for such typos. It happens with some electronic devices.

  6. An enjoyable puzzle: fairly easy to do, good clues (got them all!).

  7. Took charge as ion and solved IRON instead of free and got stuck for AVENGE. I thought IRON also means get rid of as in iron out the differences.:(

  8. Had it been the interactive paper version ION would show in RED.

  9. That would have been a Red Letter Day! ( I had many in interactive days)
    I think ironing out is smoothing out/ de-creasing rather than getting rid of. Somehow charge led me to fee at first glance and I was through.

  10. Late Solve for me today. Very enjoyable puzzle. Loved Messi (ah!).
    Thanks Lightning.

  11. How do I get 1 in incentive (3dn) - I've containing n cent. Kindly explain.

    I also got all today thanks to the learnings from the blog.

  12. $0.01 is 1 cent or I cent.
    Yes, blog is instructive and all of us have learned from here.
