Sunday 3 November 2019

The Sunday Crossword No 3072, Sunday 03 Nov 2019

1   Saint to make holy, solemn film (7,5)  SHALLOW GRAVE {S}{HALLOW}{GRAVE}
9   Amateur catered poorly, without cold bubbly (7) AERATED {A}{c ATERED}*
10 In audition, one needing a coat? (7) LACQUER (~lacker)
11 Norwegian with complaint: menu lacking cover (5) IBSEN {IBS}{mENu}
12 Occasionally switch options (3,3,2) OFF AND ON [DD]
14 Avoid school of tuna raptly swimming (4,6) PLAY TRUANT*
15 Frank force-fed regularly (4) FREE {FoRcE fEd}
17 Topless undergarment is kind of current (4) EDDY tEDDY
19 As one who adores setters may be heard to say somewhere along the Thames (4,2,4) ISLE OF DOGS (~ I love){ISLE OF}{DOGS}
21 Gossip from speech by Monty Python performer? (4,4) IDLE TALK {IDLE TALK}
23 'Policy change? Terribly untrue (mostly)!' (1-4) U-TURN UNTRUe*
25 English in ground, exercising to gain experience (7) UNDERGO {E} in {GROUND}*
26 Competitive clergyman getting tense (3-4) CUT-RATE {CU{T}RATE}
27 Wise, large QI host, British icon, is a sizzler (4-3,5) DEEP-FAT FRYER {DEEP}{FAT}{FRY}{ER}

2   Cathar is sanctimoniously offering oily concoction (7) HARISSA [T]
3   The Gallic metal corroded, like the Roman (8) LATINATE {LA}{TIN}{ATE}
4   Chances of dad dancing slim ... to begin with (4) ODDS Acrostic
5   Grand old organ on German novel (10) GOLDFINGER {G}{OLD}{FIN}{GER}
6   Kleptomaniac craftily concealing capital (5) ACCRA [T]
7   Country dancing: cure suppressing troubles (7) ECUADOR {ECU{ADO}R*}
8   Hype practically non-stop over Tyneside Olympian (8,4) PRINCESS ANNE {PR}{INCESSANt}{NE}
9   Exchange about privies to be seen as premature (1,3,8) A BIT PREVIOUS*
13 Lords' feuds erupted in city on the Rhine (10) DUSSELDORF*
16 One bet gets you tingling (8) AFLUTTER {A}{FLUTTER}
18 Crazy daughter escaped (7) DELUDED {D}{ELUDED}
20 Prepare for reproduction old version of Bible, omitting Genesis at beginning (7) OVULATE {O}{VULgATE}
22 Number provided by Support, ringing Personnel (5) THREE {T{HR}EE}
24 Primarily: sing crazily, absent text? (4) SCAT Acrostic &lit

Reference List
Saint = S, Amateur = A, Cold = C, English = E, Tense = T, British Icon = ER(Queen Elizabeth), Grand = G, One = A, Daughter = D, Old = O, Personnel = HR