Thursday 28 November 2019

No 12792, Thursday 28 Nov 2019, Gridman

1   Boorish fellow therefore does not start providing voice modulation (7) CADENCE {CAD}{hENCE}
5   Anticipate what’s here (6) EXPECT [CD]
9   Doctor and I, by the way, are slightly wet (5) MOIST {MO}{I}{ST}
10 Surpass deliveries by US President (9) OVERTRUMP {OVER}{TRUMP}
11 Writing about origin of love gives hint (7) INKLING {INK{Love}ING}
12 Admirer neglects to start air freshener (7) IONISER lIONISER
13 Such a container could do with a refill (5) EMPTY [CD]
14 Jack and missionary in waterproof cloth (9) TARPAULIN {TAR}{PAUL}{IN}
16 Master mad about Dutch city (9) AMSTERDAM*
19 Pasta? Push this central dish from Japan! (5) SUSHI {paSta}{pUSh}{tHIs}
21 Fashionable ways to make progress (7) INROADS {IN}{ROADS}
23 Somehow ignore a historic period (4,3) IRON AGE*
24 Carrier of printed matter to retail it (9) NEWSSTAND [CD]
25 She originally stole your lovely pencil holder (5) SYLPH Acrostic
26 Cheats Greek character backing mineral (6) GYPSUM {GYPS}{MU<=}
27 Nonsense work with lines embedded in desk (4-3) ROLL-TOP {RO{LL}T}{OP}

1   Sympathies for deputy getting English speeches with no order (14) COMMISERATIONS {COMMIS}{E}{oRATIONS}
2   What one might do before leaving to leave the bar in a hurry (5,2) DRINK UP [CD]
3   In a stylish way, you get in dismissing ace in an insane manner (7) NUTTILY N(-a+u)UTTILY
4   Lone good date is exotic and stretched out (9) ELONGATED {LONE+G+DATE}*
5   Something fragrant swallowed by clientele mistrustingly (5) ELEMI [T]
6   Speak endlessly about AP town’s flower (7) PETUNIA {sPE{TUNI}Ak}
7   Advice the administrative body delivered orally (7) COUNSEL (~council)
8   Training job provided by nice, hip tappers (14) APPRENTICESHIP*
15 Hint about a leftover amount (9) REMAINDER {REM{A}INDER}
17 Son, with stomach extremely nasty, is unhealthily thin (7) SCRAWNY {S}{CRAW}{NastY}
18 Passes English with shortcomings (7) ELAPSES {E}{LAPSES}
19 Marriage-related opus put out on brief shop event (7) SPOUSAL {OPUS*}{SALe}
20 Red-faced, allowed evidence of injury to show up first (7) SCARLET {LET}<=>{SCAR}
22 Son and father recall writing on muscular problem (5) SPASM {S}{PA}{MS<=}

Reference List
Doctor = MO, Way = ST, Jack = TAR, Line = L, English = E, You = U, Good = G, Son = S, Father = PA


  1. Cloud Nine back for me!
    100% without any reference and that too in half an hour flat. Thank you GM.
    6D & 12A were the last to fall.
    Could not parse Sushi (Aha after seeing blog) & 1D.

    1. +1
      My initial thought on 1DN was CONSIDERATIONS, until I got drenched in 9AC!

  2. Fantastic puzzle. Neatly clued. No contrivance.

  3. Puzzle great,participation poor!

  4. Thank you Gridman.... Nice clues 1ac, 12ac,19ac, 26ac, 3d &17d were good..

  5. Very entertaining puzzle. Thank you Gridman.
