Tuesday 26 November 2019

No 12790, Tuesday 26 Nov 2019, Gridman

1   Works hard and long with some three of bulkier security devices (8) BULLOCKS {BULkier}{LOCKS}
6   Pole, be lenient endlessly (4) SPAR SPARe
9   Trying times are usual for these bench sitters (6) JUDGES [CD]
10 Thanks to the French girl for winged sandals (7) TALARIA {TA}{LA}{RIA}
13 Fit to be restricted (9) QUALIFIED [DD]
14 Fuel found in Virginia. There it is! (5) VOILA {V{OIL}A}
15 Sailor and journalist are retired (4) ABED {AB}{ED}
16 Supporter in rage to look for ideas (10) BRAINSTORM {BRA}{IN}{STORM}
19 Prince, be with wild rider member of old regiment (10) HALBERDIER {HAL}{BE}{RIDER*}
21 One abandons a piece of furniture for English domestic (4) CHAR CHAiR
24 Little weight in pronouncement (5) OUNCE [T]
25 Tries to enter actual practice (9) REHEARSAL {RE{HEARS}AL}
26 Uproar from two leaders of Russia about hard, catty comment (7) RHUBARB {R{H}Ussia}{BARB}
27 Queen startled over one like horse (6) EQUINE {EQU{1}NE*}
28 Single old lawyer gets Scotch mate (4) SODA {S}{O}{DA}
29 Girl goes around star in US city (3,5) LAS VEGAS {LAS{VEGA}S}

2   Howl boys leave bird worried (7) ULULATE {bULbUL}{ATE}
3   Gigolo, dropping a ring, running to a gallery (6) LOGGIA {GIGOLo}{A}
4   Head of clan has less healthy-looking boy dismissed (9) CASHIERED {Clan}{ASHIER}{ED}
5   Investigators have journalist put in place (5) SITED {SIT}{ED}
7   Concealed support I consider for porch (7) PORTICO [T]
8   These high navy officers do come to the front (4,8) REAR ADMIRALS [CD]
11 Liberal Whip embraces six (6) LAVISH {LA{VI}SH}
12 Woos after soft drink in sport arenas (6,6) SQUASH COURTS {COURTS}<=>{SQUASH}
17 Dismantle cheesiest Arctic covers (3,6) ICE SHEETS*
18 Almost vague family divisions (6) GENERA GENERAl
20 Lacking vigour, network manager stops short (7) LANGUID {LAN}{GUIDe}
22 Almost excited, son and girl give a cry of praise (7) HOSANNA {HOt}{S}{ANNA}
23 Heard you are embraced by friend who is grown-up (6) MATURE (~you are){UR} in {MATE}
25 Beer splashes — lady’s first to rise (5) REBEL {BEER*}{Lady}

Reference List
Thanks = TA, Sailor = AB, Journalist = ED, Supporter = BRA, Hard = H, Single = S, Old = O, Boy =
 B, Boy = ED, Son = S


  1. had a bit more difficulties than yesterday. made me work a bit more. Enjoyed all the same.

  2. Loved the puzzle. Liked Rear Admirals, Squash Courts, Brainstorms among other clues.
    First One In: Cashiered
    Last One In: Halberdier
    Word of the day: Loggia
    Clue of the day: Soda for its innovative definition( Scotch Mate!)

    1. +1. Simple but novel. Had a smile while filling and that's the idea.

    2. I learnt 'cashiered' recently and was happy to get it.

    3. KKR, but for col its on the rocks.

    4. I stopped with soda. Not with its accompaniment!!!

    5. I am with the Col. Do not like to pollute and dilute good scotch though I have stopped drinking it nowadays unless in the company of Col and good friends.

    6. Prasad, when did I say have scotch on the rocks? I am a Vodka drinker

    7. The only thing cheap in Thailand is alcohol.. Hic.. So Vodka brands like Absolut, Smirnoff are available not so costly and for Scotch lovers too, all the premium Single malt brands are available..
      But Thai people are beer guzzlers.. Their local brands Chang, Singha, Leo outsell their German counterparts Heineken, Carlsberg, etc.

    8. Col
      "22 Single old lawyer gets Scotch mate (4) SODA {S}{O}{DA} Not for me I like it on the rocks!" 20 Nov 2013.

      The comment just registered in mind while I was reading past posts. But I took on the rocks meant without soda.

  3. 10 AC Small correction, Col
    Girl name is RIA

  4. Halberdiers are Scottish bagpipers ? Never heard of them. Thanks CV

  5. Raju, not bagpipers. Read Col.'s link.

  6. With difficulty, I got halberdiers.... Enjoyed the grid and the clues...

