Saturday 1 August 2020

No 13003, Saturday 01 Aug 2020, Sunnet

Solution to 29A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular/novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.
London Bridge is falling down
Falling down, falling down
London Bridge is falling down
My fair lady

Build it up with wood and clay
Wood and clay, wood and clay
Build it up with wood and clay
My fair lady

Wood and clay will wash away
Wash away, wash away
Wood and clay will wash away
My fair lady

Build it up with iron and steel
Iron and steel, iron and steel
Build it up with iron and steel
My fair lady

Iron and steel will bend and bow
Bend and bow, bend and bow
Iron and steel will bend and bow
My fair lady

Build it up with silver and gold
Silver and gold, silver and gold
Build it up with silver and gold
My fair lady

Silver and gold will be stolen away
Stolen away, stolen away
Silver and gold will be stolen away
My fair lady

Send a man to watch all night
Watch all night, watch all night
Send a man to watch all night
My fair lady

1   Exact note sent back by air (6) IMPOST {MI<=}{POST} (Correction - IMPOSE {MI<=}{POSE} - See comments)
4   Fool to return before dark? Ok (8) PASSABLE {SAP<=}{SABLE}
10 Unwanted growth in cold, tossed macaroni (9) CARCINOMA {C}{MACARONI*}
11 Wrong a girl (5) AMISS {A}{MISS}
12 Block China’s trade corridor? With a blank check? (5) BRICK {BRIC}{ChecK} (Correction - {BRI}{ChecK} - See comments)
13 Transport frames and hollow protective cover for ship (9) DEADLIGHT {DE{AnD}LIGHT}
14 Jittery one ran out of election meeting in the COVID-19 era (7) TELECON ELECTiON*
16 Mud is about to settle (4) CLAY {C}{LAY}
19 Partially preserving old wealth (4) GOLD [T]
21 Going down to Florida to catch a cod perhaps (7) FALLING {F{A}L}{LING}
24 One song by new church member (9) UNITARIAN {UNIT}{ARIA}{N}
25 This is after a hair is transplanted here (5) BIHAR {aB}{HAIR*}
26 Women Fliers’ meeting? (5) COVEN [CD]
27 Reaching out to former nurse in Guinea (9) EXTENDING {EX}{TEND}{IN}{G}
28 Most peaceful seer sent off (8) SERENEST*
29 Mostly better road surface binder (6) ?O?T?R (Addendum - MORTAR {MORe}{TAR} - See comments))

1   Warm in island with every other tree chopped (8) INCUBATE {IN}{CUBA}{TrEe}
2   Spot page with report (8) PARTICLE {P}{ARTICLE}
3   Glue a cane (5) STICK [DD]
5   A means of communication using a memory and a chip (7) ARAMAIC {A}{RAM}{A}{IC}
6   Small secure protective cover for regular post (5,4) SNAIL MAIL {S}{NAIL}{MAIL}
7   Bond girl blocks partner (6) BRIDGE {BRID{G}E}
8   Fake rates rectified by last letter (6) ERSATZ {RATES*}{Z}
9   Capital’s liberal professor’s on (6) LONDON {L}{DON}<=>{ON}
15 Among corn scattered by ancestor (3-6) CRO-MAGNON*
17 Items desired by wife’s a little high grade (4,4) WISH LIST {W}{IS}{High}{LIST}
18 Some drag a rag around contents of petri dish (4-4) AGAR-AGAR [T]
20 Clubs with some deep waterways (7) DRIVERS {Deep}{RIVERS}
21 Limited it in damages (6) FINITE {FIN{IT}E}
22 Fakes bird calls (6) QUACKS [DD]
23 Metal piece with a little lead dropping (6) SILVER S(-l)I(+l)LVER
25 Ostracise judge linked to Oxygen’s music producer (5) BANJO {BAN}{J}{O}

Reference List
Note = MI, Cold = C, About = C, New = N, Page = P, Memory = RAM, Chip = IC, Small = S, Girl = G, Liberal = L, Wife = W, Judge = J, Oxygen = O

Colour/Font Scheme

DefinitionSolutionComponent lettersEmbedded linksTheme word Anagram IndicatorC/C indicatorReversal IndicatorHidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicatorDeletion IndicatorHomophone IndicatorMovement IndicatorPositional IndicatorSubstitution, IndicatorOpposite indicatorLink/Connector, Extraneous


  1. 29 a mortar road surface =tar, mostly better mor(e)

  2. 1A- Air gives post?
    Pl. explain 25A

    1. Post v. - put up on notice board or blog or fb, to make the news public, to broadcast
      Air, v. - to broadcast

    2. 25a Oxygen must be the name of a music band.

    3. Sunnet's intention was IMPOSE {MI<=}{POSE}. I have corrected the main post

    4. Paddy, had a doubt whether you wanted clarity on 25A or 25D!

    5. Paddy's doubt would be 25a.
      B is "after a".

    6. Yes Prasad. Still in the dark. Banjo is ok.

    7. Got it just now. B is after A and then (hair)*
      Takes so long to decipher Prasad. Col. has crossed out a. I could not understand till now- tube light on low voltage!

  3. Surface binder is the definition
    Mortar is the solution I guess

  4. 12a anno needs correction.

    China's trade corridor is BRI not BRIC

  5. Yes,in the given solution there are 2 C's.

  6. Enjoyable puzzle! Is there a theme?

    1. Yes. Since detected and highlighted

    2. Wonderful! Never heard full rhyme. Thanks Col

    3. Thanks Vasant.
      Some versions have a few more theme words in them.

  7. Didn't notice the theme. Vasant seems to have spotted it,

    Very nice

    1. No, I didn't. I couldn't put two and two together. I detected brick, mortar and clay and bridge, silver and gold.

    2. Yes, my thoughts were limited to the Pangram only.

  8. Lightning and I as Gridman have previously created puzzles with theme words extracted from poems. I remember once it was The Solitary Reaper. The others I don't recall.--------------------

    1. One I remember. Frost's Mending Wall. Published couple of years back.

    2. A little search yielded the desired result. THC 12372,18th July 2018.

  9. That's really interesting and I had no clue until Col. pointed it out.

  10. Sir a novice here 12A BRI i understand .i do not get C and K and the context of the solution BRICK

  11. 12A blank check , empty the ChecK, you get CK.

  12. Brick is a block. Hence the def.Block.

  13. Also for
    Fool=Ass returns is ( ssa)
    Dark =Pale before=b

    {Pa (ssa) (b) le} = ok

  14. No,that is not correct. Pl. look at the anno in the main post.
    Fool is sap & return is pas.
    Dark is sable. Sp Pas sable- OK

  15. In 25A, how is 'here' a definition of Bihar?
