Monday 3 August 2020

No 13004, Monday 03 Aug 2020, Sunnet

Solution to 12A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular/novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Hail one that displays? (6) SHOWER [DD]
4   Stops current leaking out with standard mineral (8) FELDSPAR {FiELDS}{PAR}
10 Grill/Toast them for not more than... (2,3,4) AT THE MOST*
11 Plant employing thousands is a liablity (5) SISAL [T]
12 Friend running in to call (5) C?O?Y (Addendum - CRONY {CR{ON}Y} - See comments)
13 On replica being rebuilt in China (9) PORCELAIN*
14 Plan for measure (7) PROGRAM {PRO}{GRAM}
16 Speech defect to slip out (4) LISP*
19 Drink in Baja Valley (4) JAVA [T]
21 Cut without any handicap (7) SCRATCH [DD]
24 Eye frost found on street inside British city (9) LEICESTER {LE{ICE}{ST}ER}
25 Bachelor’s degree, thus is fundamental (5) BASIC {BA}{SIC}
26 Teams court (5) SQUAD {'S}{QUAD}
27 Highlight using sepia mesh (9) EMPHASISE*
28 Therefore hat in France is hardest (8) SOLIDEST {SO}{LID}{EST}
29 Margin in house shelves (6) HEDGES [DD] (Addendum - LEDGES {L{EDGE}S} - See comments)

1   Bend and run away with a painting (8) SEASCAPE {S}{E{A}SCAPE}
2   Hot rod damaged by bull? True (8) ORTHODOX {HOT+ROD}*{OX}
3   Point to my rival (5) ENEMY {ENE}{MY}
5   Transport restitched halter-neck initially (7) ENTHRAL {HALTER+Neck}*
6   Princess takes poet to pharmacist (9) DISPENSER {DI}{SPENSER}
7   Pa massaged a scalp (6) PASCAL*
8   Yield advanced again (6) RELENT {RE-LENT}
9   Woolen ball to two little dogs (3-3) POM-POM {POM}{POM}
15 Crashed parent’s close to boy (4-5) REAR-ENDED {REAR}{END}{ED}
17 Pain remains inside, hiding (8) STASHING {ST{ASH}ING}
18 Ordered test around Rustic Woods (8) THICKETS {T{HICK}ETS*}
20 Cooler braid of player (7) ACTRESS {AC}{TRESS}
21 Railway division’s new pit lines (6) SCRIPT {SCR}{PIT*}
22 State requests for containers (6) FLASKS {FL}{ASKS}
23 Drug container intercepted by Soviet Union is visible (6) VISUAL {VI{SU}AL}
25 Fire in second class lounge (5) BLAZE {B}{LAZE}

Reference List
Current = I, Running = ON, Street = T, Is in French = EST, House = LS(Lok Sabha), Bend = S, Princess = DI, Boy = ED

(Same as Saturday)


  1. 29a L(edge)S. House =Look Sabha, LS.

  2. LISP (in 16A) can be highlighted as part of theme (programming language).

  3. My daughter in IT tells me that FLASK is micro web framework written in Python

  4. Nice to see Dr.RKE after a long time. Hope the book is progressing well.
    Glad you find time to keep solving and looking in.

    1. Thanks Mr.Padmanabhan. Yes. One part done. Only arranging the references is pending. Hope to finish the next in 10-15 days

    2. Great to hear the good news.

  5. ¶ Flask is a web framework. This means flask provides you with tools, libraries and technologies that allow you to build a web application. This web application can be some web pages, a blog, a wiki or go as big as a web-based calendar application or a commercial website.

  6. I did not have 'flask' in my list. However I had 'scratch' as a programming language.

  7. So many virtual languages we don't know about.

  8. 12 a Rally. R(inning) Ally
    Rally is to call.

  9. Not correct. Please see correct solution from Remy above.

  10. 25A BASIC ,SIC Derived from ???
    Can somebody enlighten

  11. sic 1 (sĭk, sēk)
    Thus; so. Used to indicate that a quoted passage, especially one containing an error or unconventional spelling, has been retained in its original form or written intentionally.

    One sees this often in newspaper reports.

  12. What a beautiful puzzle!The clues themselves are wonderful!Pangram and theme take the puzzle to new heights.
    Thanks Sunnet for the entertainment.

    1. +1

      A superb puzzle. Didn't get about 4.

      5A was one of them. Maybe coz am an electrical engineer! Current leaks = fields interesting.
