Wednesday 12 August 2020

No 13012, Wednesday 12 Aug 2020, Avtaar

Solution to 24A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular/novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Floor panel (6) BAFFLE [DD]
4   Controversial lodge in Seattle’s outskirts getting finished externally (8) DISPUTED {PUT} in {Se...lE} in {DID}
9   A message about gutted backcountry ravines (6) ABYSMS {A}{Ba...rY}{SMS}
10 Pressure for student in wall-climbing stunt (8) ESCAPADE ESCA(-l+p)PADE
11 Who, perhaps, seals orders (14) PRONOUNCEMENTS {PRONOUN}{CEMENTS}
13 Extremely fast percussion playing (10) SUPERSONIC*
14 Avtaar’s second letter (4) MEMO {ME}{MO}
16 Bond will ultimately sign (4) LINK {wilL}{INK}
18 Pick up, among others, one young girl accompanied by adult, on the return journey (10) ASSIMILATE {ET AL}{1}{MISS}{A}<=
21 Manchester United, playing without club’s regular members, is a huge let-down (14) DISHEARTENMENT {MANcHESTER+uNITED}*
23 A crime leader is killed — butchered by John of Nebraska (8) AMERICAN {A}{cRIME*}{CAN}
24 Study antecedents of old Velasquez originals over again (2,4) ?E ?O?O (Addendum - DE NOVO {DEN}{Old}{Ve...z}{Or...s} - See comments))
25 Flood ravaged Uttar Pradesh’s interiors, barring accesses to Rishikesh and Dehradun (8) SATURATE {UTTAR+prAdESh}*
26 Capital As? (6) ATHENS (A then S)

1   Flyer for promotion is terrible, filled with lapses at the intro (4) BLAD? {B{La...s}AD} Couldn't find this in a dictionary? See comments
2   Spooner advised judge to shake this deadly plant (7) FLYTRAP (~try flap)
3   Luxembourg college rusticated senile, vacuous expert (8) LUMINARY {LU}{seMINARY}
5   Debugger? (11) INSECTICIDE [E]
6   Mountain climbing starts to stimulate many adventurers — it is in their blood (6) PLASMA {ALP<=}{St...e}{Many}{Ad...s} Semi&lit
7   Cadet is pouring water in shirt (7) TRAINEE {T{RAIN}EE}
8   Crossed blue denims and embroidered tops could be informal (5,4) DRESS CODE {CROSSED}*{De...s}{Em...d} Semi&lit
12 University’s head attendant — not vigilant (11) UNOBSERVANT {U}{NOB}{SERVANT}
13 Carefree youth talks about Disney hero leaving home (5,4) SALAD DAYS {S{ALADDin}AYS}
15 Most transparent, intricate slim fit trimmed dress (8) FILMIEST {SLIM+FIT+drEss}*
17 Most curious, spiralling section of Lhotse is onscreen (7) NOSIEST [T<=]
19 I am not starting to eat wild reptile or bird (7) AMNIOTE {I+AM+NOT+Eat}*
20 Revolutionary controlled naysayer (6) DENIER<=
22 Officers’ school regularly gets awards at the finale (4) COLS {sChOoL}{a...dS}

Reference List
Pressure = P, Student = L, Second = MO, Adult = A, John = CAN, Shirt = TEE, University = U, Home = IN

Dr RKE's TalePiece

The clock on my computer reads 08.10 and I am still BAFFLEd by the 13D and16A. I am unlikely to complete a tale and send it to the COL’s blog today, unless I think up something at a SUPERSONIC speed. Maybe, this would turn out to be a short MEMO rather than a colourful tale.  

I have to climb out of this ABYSM of inertia, conjure up something DE NOVO (should it not have been 2,4 instead of 6 - what is the PRONOUNCEMENT of the  LUMINARIES in this blog on the enumeration?) and ensure that there is no BLAD.  It cannot be DISPUTED that this offering from Avtaar was SATURATEd with some very clever word play. One has a tough time to ASSIMILATE the parsing of say, 25DA. Avtaar sends you on an exciting ESCAPADE, trying to  get INSECTICIDE from ‘debugger’ because you are likely to be thrown off the scent, thinking of some software stuff.

One really needs to keep checking one’s instincts that makes one think of ‘flimsiest’ when actually it is FILMIEST. Probably the unraveling gene must be in your PLASMA to separate the ‘mountain’ and the ‘climbing’ to get ALPS ß in 6D. It is easy for a TRAINEE solver to fall into the FLYTRAP that is suggested by ‘Lhotse’, as the reverse reading indication is so subtle in 17D (NOSIEST). Incidentally, I looked up on Google and found ‘Lhotse’ to be an AMERICAN jacket. 

But veterans on this blog will assure the newbies that one has to slog on, without any DISHEARTENMENT, if one has to come out with all ‘A’ grades. Any DENIERS? 


  1. 24a DENOVO DEN(study)+1st letters of Old Velasquez Originals
    Def Over again

  2. 24 a Study= Den, antecedents of O ld V elasquez O riginal s, over again, De Novo

  3. Hi! Re 1D. Blad (n) sample of a book produced as promotional material. (Poss ety as bl(urb) and ad(vertisement)
    From BRB.

    1. Thanks, Satyen. Also in Chambers

    2. Didn't find it online, hence the comment


    4. From the above link:
      A promotional flyer or mockup for a product, especially for a book.

    5. It's an advertisement professionals informal. Alt dialect of blade (leaf/leaflet).
      But col query is more on the official OED I guess.

  4. 5d does debugger have the intended meaning in dict. (Online version doesn't). It is CD,imo.

    1. Yes It is a CD. If it were dictionary meaning , it would not be cryptic

  5. OMG. This CW is sheer bonkers to me

  6. A different style of talepiece from the Doc but equally entertaining. Slight typo -25 D should be 25 A ? Didn’t know the Lhotse jacket - I did, course, intend the mountain.

  7. I take BRB to mean the print edition of Chambers BLAD in editions earlier than 13th? Which edn, pl?

    1. Yes CV Sir, BRB is the print edition of Chambers Dictionary. The above mentioned ref is from the Revised 13th Edition. I don't have the earlier editions unfortunately.

    2. It is in the online OED as well

    3. Thanks. I guessed it must be in the 13th edition. The Col has one of the latest but I am not sure if it is 13th or the 12th. Mine is a much earlier edition when a cheaper Indian edition was printed in India by arrangement (that has ceased now) but I stopped updating after the emergence of the facility in making references online without our rising from the computer chair.

    4. After you bought the BRB last time, you gave me the earlier edition that you were using.
      I find the entry:
      blad, blad, n
      a sample of a book produced as promotional material.

    5. I have the 12th Edition and it is there in that. Now that almost everything is there online I hardly look into the BRB

  8. The enumeration of (6) in 24A probably is some software error. The pdf version and the e-paper version are showing the correct enumeration of (2,4)

    1. The print edition has the correct enum as 2,4. But the online version has it as 6.

    2. The software is PuzzleMe. Behind it is AmuseLabs. So what do we expect?

  9. Past the SALAD DAYS and so could not get the LINK!

  10. Excellent brainteasers today! Didn't get 2 words in the NW corner and 19D and 26A in the SE, alas, but several aha moments (5D, 11A, 13D, 18A). Thank you, Avtaar.

    1. Thanks for trying and the feedback Amita

  11. Nice puzzle! Tough in parts but fair and enjoyable. The clue for Athens gave me a sense of deja vu.
    Thank you Arden.
