Wednesday 5 August 2020

No 13006, Wednesday 05 Aug 2020, Dr. X

Solution to 10A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular/novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Sticks up for bands playing in filthy place (6,2) STANDS BY {ST{BANDS*}Y}
5   Damage resulting from rascal’s broadcast (6) IMPAIR {IMP}{AIR}
10 Most prompt to tackle strike in plant (7) C?L?M?S (Addendum - CALAMUS {CA{LAM}USe} - See comments)
11 Not many insects cause disease in children (7) RICKETS cRICKETS
12 Drink at pub endlessly and dance (5) RUMBA {RUM}{BAr}

13 Tail end of appalling economic contraction (9) DEFLATION*
14 Shame about tramp killing maiden in story (12) CONTRIBUTION {CONTRI{BUm}TION}
18 Intrusion by man coming out of time machine outside (12) INTERVENTION {IN{TERm}VENTION}
21 Suffering pain after consuming oriental plant that’s poisonous (9) HELLEBORE {HELL}{E}{BORE}
23 Have fun on a beach in Spain (5) PLAYA {PLAY}{A}
24 Design pitch with turn finally (7) PATTERN {PATTER}{turN}
25 Loosen tight nuts with hammer (7) UNSTRAP {NUTS*}{RAP}
26 Devour chop brought back by relatives (4,2) TUCK IN {CUT<=}{KIN}
27 Man, most lonely, accepts date with girl hurriedly (8) HEADLONG {HE}{A{D}LONe}{G}

1   Defend scoundrel in court (6) SECURE {SE{CUR}E}
2   Coolness of a president meeting maiden in fling (6) APLOMB {A}{P}{LO{M}B}
3   Start to express wish in sullen manner (9) DEMEANOUR {Ex...s}{MEAN} in {DOUR}
4   Option to hold party at trendy topless bar’s irrelevant (6,3,5) BESIDE THE POINT {BE{SIDE}T}{HEP}{jOINT}
6   Supremo chats, drinking fine coffee (5) MOCHA [T]
7   A cocktail, ripe and strong served up — it’s taken before meal (8) APERITIF {A}{RIPE*}{FIT<=}
8   Lad after ecstasy in rave becomes vibrant (8) RESONANT {R{E}{SON}ANT}
9   String musician will not like this small problem that may jeopardise everything (1,4,2,3,4) A RIFT IN THE LUTE [C&DD]
15 Act to stop pound collapsing without resistance (9) UNOPPOSED {UNOP{POSE}D*}
16 Most memorable part of euphoric states on marijuana (4,4) HIGH SPOT {HIGHS}{POT}
17 Powerful Hitler acts insane, killing disheartened refugees (8) ATHLETIC {HITLEr+ACTs}*
19 Stop endless fracas in Spanish quarter (6) BARRIO {BAR}{RIOt}
20 Horse initially plunges through gate erratically! Derby might rest on it (6) HATPEG {H}{AT{Pl...s}EG*} H for Horse? See comments
22 Fragrant resin from a tree around eastern island (5) ELEMI {EL{E}M}{I}

Reference List
Mnay = C, Maiden = M, Man = M, Oriental = E, Date = D, Girl = G, President = P, Ecstasy = E, H = Heroin = Horse, Eastern = E, Island = I

(Same as yesterday)


  1. 10Ac CALAMUS - {CA{LAM}US(-e)}

  2. @Deepak: ref your note to 20d - I am not sure what Satyen's intention was, but H=Heroin, and Horse is a slang term for Heroin

    1. H for Horse is in Chambers.

    2. Chambers Vasant? I think you're referring to the 'Crossword Dictionary' and not the BRB or online dictionary. Not found in Collins or Free Dic either. Oxford online does have it as KKR says

    3. Yes The Chambers Crossword Dictionary. It is often used in Times puzzle and I had looked it up.

    4. Unfortunately I have lost my BRB during one of my transfers.
      And here, in Thailand,my only reference source is on line ones as I had to leave all my books in India.

    5. Thanks Bhala. That was my intention.

  3. Looks like the lads (8D) are rushing HEADLONG to have fun (25A) at a beach party in a PLAYA.Having had a drink at pub (12A), with bands (1A) and string musicians(9D) playing they dance the RUMBA. A cocktail, ripe and strong (7D) is served up as an APERITIF, but some guests are in a HIGH SPOT, after ecstasy in the rave(8D) and others in a euphoric state (16D) after puffing on the plant (21A), (weed/marijuana) and so would rather go to a trendy topless bar (4D). There is an endless fracas (19D) to devour the lamb chops (26A). They badly need a cup of MOCHA to sober them up. Only the most charming one, known for his coolness (2D) succeeds in having a fling with the maiden with quiet APLOMB!

  4. I did the puzzle in fits and starts.Found this tough.Had to struggle for Hellebore,Playa, Barrio and Jayega and the Lute in 9A( I was stuck with ?u?e).
    Thanks Dr.X for the challenge.

    1. +1. Found it a lot tougher than yesterday. Had problems with all the above plus a few more. Of course learned a few new words.

    2. Sorry it was tough for you. Tomorrow should be easier.

  5. Typo: Hatpeg instead of jayega.

  6. Don't know about OED but economically, contraction may cause deflation. But they aren't synonymous.

  7. Some new Spanish words. It's always good to learn.Derby as a racing term with a D capital but as hat should it be so?

    Didn't waste time today. Thanks, Doc.

    1. Derby is the 1st word of a new sentence in the clue. The first word of a sentence will always start with a capital letter, won't it Raju?

  8. Nice grid Doctor. Smooth surfaces and some unusual synonyms like ‘Court’ for ‘see’.

  9. I know it.There could have been an oblique reference to a headgear. Any way, I did enjoy the decoy use, Doc
