Satyen Nabar's Sun Spl analysed
Saturday, 31 October 2020
No 13081, Saturday 31 Oct 2020, Incognito
Friday, 30 October 2020
No 13080, Friday 30 Oct 2020, Arden
7 Bird protected by her monkey (3) OWL
9 Fit into an epic tussle (5) ICTUS [T]
10 Band will repair the damage (9) MEGADEATH* The band doesn't have A in DEATH
11 Went over, have to make it smaller (5,4) SCALE DOWN {SCALED}{OWN}
12 Regularly goes into battle, you bet (5) WAGER {WA{G
13 Managed to do work outside — it warns you of a gas leak (7) ODORANT {TO+DO}* over {RAN}
15 Christmas for Japanese drama student (4) NOEL {NOE}{L} The Japanese drama is NOH?
18 Boast about habit (4) BRAG<=
20 Mindless pursuit for artist to follow (3,4) RAT RACE {RA}{TRACE}
23 Top accommodation by a lake for 19 (5) AERIE {A}{ERIE}
24 Nurtured and dyed outside America (9) SUSTAINED {S{US}TAINED}
26 City is flat and cold in the beginning (9) CLEVELAND {LEVEL}{AND}<=>{C}
27 Melancholy in the air (5) DIRGE [CD]
28 Can return the egg (3) NIT<=
29 Arrest enemy soldier in battle, the German will run away (4,1,6) TAKE A POWDER {TAKE}{A}{POW}{DER}
1 Material found in corner, as in order... (8) NAINSOOK {N{AS+IN}*OOK}
2 ... not great shape (8) TETRAGON*
3 Paper without heading is a problem (5) ISSUE
4 A dish to be promoted as Wellington, perhaps (7) GUMBOOT {GUMBO}{TO<=}
5 Set one’s heart, say, on a material (7) ORGANON {ORGAN{ON} Material? Seems to be an editing error by Arden, it appears the original word must have been ORGANZA
6 Women tend to develop talent (9) ENDOWMENT*
7 Nothing called the ultimate fruit (6) ORANGE {0}{RANG}{
8 Stories about a hard place in our neighbourhood (6) LAHORE {L{A}{H}ORE}
14 A wave involving people for the accord (9) AGREEMENT {A}{GREE{MEN}T}
16 Collected fish, need to pick up recipe (8) GARNERED {GAR}{NE{R}ED}
17 Bowler — fellow maybe a grade lower (8) HEADGEAR {HE}{A+GRADE}*
19 My god! A programming language for a hunter in the sky! (7) GOSHAWK {GOSH}{AWK}
20 After short stay next to central square, they’re left behind (7) RESIDUA {RESID
21 Reiterating one’s ability to perform dance (6) CANCAN {CAN}{CAN}
22 Taken separately — it could be passionate (6) ARDENT (i){ARDEN}{T}
25 Sound only under the car (5) AUDIO {O}<=>{AUDI}
Thursday, 29 October 2020
No 13079, Thursday 29 Oct 2020, Arden
7 Run, some are crushed like a bunch of grapes (8) RACEMOSE {RACE}{SOME*}
10 Puzzles females wearing cotton, perhaps... (7) BAFFLES {BA{FF}LES}
11 ... if they stimulate one of them (7) WHETHER [C&DD]
12 Becomes clear, American city follows crime (7) LARCENY {CLEAR*}{NY}
13 Old official carrying note — it’s all gas (7) METHANE {THANE}<=>{ME}
14 Absolving old sailor — one is involved (11) EXONERATING {EX}{ONE}{RATING}
19 Sack from the French city of yore (7) DESTROY {DES}{TROY}
21 East of Berlin moneybags can’t fly (7) OSTRICH {OST}{RICH}
23 After revolution liberators lost IRA support (7) BOLSTER {L
25 Alfilaria — every other issue is an affair (7) LIAISON {
26 Fight over land, one’s taken away mineral (8) FELDSPAR {SPAR}<=>{F
27 Child is sick, gets cold (5) CHILL {CH}{ILL}
1 Service pneumatic drive (3,5) AIR FORCE {AIR}{FORCE}
2 Enemy takes measure of the rim (6) FELLOE {F{ELL}OE}
3 Minister’s house damaged by trees in question (10) PRESBYTERY {PR{BY+TREES}*Y}
4 Boat is slower, taken separately (4) ?C?W (Addendum - SCOW {S(lower = cow)COW} - See commnts)
5 In a detailed manner ask the man his complaint (6) ASTHMA {AS
6 Metal business by Latvian (6) COBALT
8 Current carrying master switch for conductors (7) MAESTRI {I}<=>{MASTER}*
9 Move slowly — after first count another count comes up (5) CREEP {C
13 Make a world fit for a flyer (6,4) MEADOW LARK*
15 Sorted out internal energy and unit of magnetic field strength (7) OERSTED {SORTED}* over {E}
16 Appreciates help — that’s denied (8) GAINSAID {GAINS}{AID}
17 Bother to live in a mud hut (5) ADOBE {ADO}{BE}
18 Cut up having woman cleaner (6) PHENOL {P{HEN}OL<=}
20 Fix everything in a helmet (6) SALLET {S{ALL}ET}
22 Stupor in Goa, perhaps (6) TRANCE [DD]
24 Riveted to music tempo (4) RAPT {RAP}{T}
Wednesday, 28 October 2020
No 13078, Wednesday 28 Oct 2020, Arden
Tuesday, 27 October 2020
No 13077, Tuesday 27 Oct 2020, Arden
Monday, 26 October 2020
No 13076, Monday 26 Oct 2020, Gridman
Special, THC No 6632, 03 Jan 2000
Please submit all your answers in one comment.
THC 6632
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Title | Setter | Preamble |
Explanations | Copyright | Questions |
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- Ctrl-* adds a * prefix to the current clue's notes.
- Hovering over a clue's notes shows the clue as a tooltip.
Jotting pad: (click here to shuffle)
Down & Up
1 | Heaven is in a ceremonial march (8) |
5 | Horrified by a ghostle head, has temperature (6) |
10 | Public speech has to avoid extremes and show proportion (5) |
11 | He sold ale to get rented property (9) |
12 | Venerable old lady, one blending with charm and art (9) |
13 | African province at birth (5) |
14 | Paying your part of the bill? What a treat! (5) |
16 | Subversive brutes - a ring busted (8) |
18 | Suddenly attacked, exhausted after morning (8) |
20 | Cut into cubes, passed away holding key (5) |
24 | Sweet girl that is after a share (5) |
25 | European community split in allowances for responses (9) |
27 | Breaking an idle set, they show the time and place on top of newspaper stories (9) |
28 | Relative returning from Greece in triumph (5) |
29 | Get off from the ship like a bachelor in a state of ignorance (6) |
30 | Abated after last month but expired (8) |
1 | Soft, dim ray deflected by huge construction (7) |
2 | Deserter at a time sounds like knocing on the door (7) |
3 | Burning in the environs of Delhi? This is the garment for you (5) |
4 | Alas, Roy is heartless about remuneration (6) |
6 | Forest of immature trees? (9) |
7 | Evangelist could stop ale flowing (7) |
8 | Child unsteady on his feet (7) |
9 | Stupid chap with a stout nut? (7) |
15 | In the rolls 'e is cast as a resident in the campus (9) |
17 | Give the girl a call for fish (7) |
18 | Agreed to a measure supported by two pressmen (7) |
19 | Container for ablution (7) |
21 | Summertime equipment for prisons (7) |
22 | Go down in a bad scene in extremes of dread (7) |
23 | For a lass he generates a lot of trouble (6) |
26 | Impart a slight trace of elemnt, germanium in short (5) |
Sunday, 25 October 2020
The Hindu Cryptic on Sunday #8, Sunday 25 Oct 2020, Gridman
The Hindu Cryptic on Sunday can be accessed at the link given below. The interactive version at the link is free you just need to sign in using an email ID and password, no subscription is required.
The Sunday Crossword No 3122, Sunday 25 Oct 2020
1 Everyman in area set up for renovation with toolbox item (4,7) TAPE MEASURE {ME} in {AREA+SET+UP}*
9 Chicken, headless bird reflected, finally complex psychedelic figure (7) HENDRIX {HEN}{
10 Silver fork's prongs grabbed hearty stews (7) TAGINES {T{AG}INES}
11 Remove tip from inflammation for wedding, perhaps (5) UNION
12 Timeless, fat, ultimately fictional man! (8) FALSTAFF {FA
14 Applause given to guitar style considered best (4-6) HAND-PICKED {HAND}{PICKED}
15 Person at computer rejected just over 57% of résumés (4) USER RESU
17 Clever pig (term of endearment) (4) BABE [DD]
19 Brownish water glass not holding litre (5,5) BURNT UMBER {BURN}{TUMB
21 Disraeli, noted Israelite (8) BENJAMIN [GK]
23 Reportedly, bashful bear that's hunted for fur (5) COYPU {COY}{PU} Bear=Put Up
25 The French newspaper is essentially ultra Marxian (7) LEFTIST {LE}{FT}{IS}{
26 Area of skin peeled, removing outer layers – using this? (7) SCALPEL {SCALP}{
27 Chandler put out by big surprise (11) THUNDERCLAP*
1 Etonians managed without a worry (7) TENSION {ETONI
2 Noisily, dad cuts veg (8) PARSNIPS (~ pa snips)
3 9am to rise and dress (4) MAXI<=
4 Again, get in dubious cosmetic terminology (4-6) ANTI-AGEING*
5 Clockwork Orange author's innermost desires (5) URGES
6 Primarily, entities numbering nine envisaged as discrete sets? (7) ENNEADS Acrostic &lit
7 But ... but misprinted Bible hasn't one representation of idea (7,6) THOUGHT BUBBLE {THOUGH}{BUT*}{B
8 Invite disaster when raft's rulebook thrown out (3,3,7) ASK FOR TROUBLE*
13 Friendly and well served with charming interior (10) ACQUAINTED {AC{QUAINT}ED}
16 Night out: wrap up with club (3-5) PUB-CRAWL {WRAP+CLUB}*
18 Geordie wearing suit for charity performance (7) BENEFIT {BE{NE}FIT}
20 Oddly blue with pay rise and happy to get swindled (3,1,3) BUY A PUP {B
22 A little roadie unloads, getting cheers (5) ADIEU [T]
24 Ras Tafari, somewhat elevated emperor (4) TSAR [T<=]
Reference List
Litre = L
Saturday, 24 October 2020
No 13075, Saturday 24 Oct 2020, Gridman
5 Almost hoping old learner’s in large eastern force (6) OBLIGE {O}{B{L}IG}E}Fragment of a previous version of 3d perhaps got added to this clue?
7 Alternative: let C and S exchange wealth (8) RESOURCE {RE(-c+S)OUR(-s+C)E}
9 Spoil Scottish sweetheart with butter and herb (8) MARJORAM {MAR}{JO}RAM}
10 No raid or surprise bit of advancement (6) INROAD {NO+RAID*}
11 Crossword answers in top half of the grid? Not exactly (8,6) NORTHERN LIGHTS (CD)
12 Box containing Irish water with staff’s large cold meal (10,5) PLOUGHMAN'S LUNCH

16 Pretty charters drafted for group of ambulance staff (9,5) STRETCHER PARTY {PRETTY+CHARTERS*}
20 Company’s right group stays (6) CORSET {CO}{R}{SET}
21 Pleasing piece of fiction about Blake novel (8) LIKEABLE {LI{BLAKE*}E}
22 Footloose Mark about to commit wrong with one female. Great! (8) TERRIFIC {T{ERR}{I}{F}IC
23 Favourite’s rejected exercise; it’s plain (6) STEPPE {PET'S<=}{PE}
1 I just went in circles around Fuji — found no female in martial art (8) JIUJITSU {I+JUST*} around {

2 Weapon dropped in river — good grief! (4,2) DEAR ME {DE{AR M}E}
3 Hoping girl will go out to get special pain-relievers (8) ASPIRINS {ASPIRIN
4 MP avoids ‘Harrumph’; turns it into cry of joy (6) HURRAH {HARRU
6 Starters of biriyani, roti and vadam. Oh, well done (5) BRAVO (Acrostic)
7 Moral and oath C-in-C provided for a type of religion (5,8) ROMAN CATHOLIC {MORAL+OATH+CINC*}
8 Outstanding insect abandons one girl and accepts another (7) CLASSIC
13 Graceful girl is so meaningful at heart (7) LISSOME (T)
14 Warm to winner, setter and dandy (3,2,3) HIT IT OFF {HIT}{I}{T OFF}
15 Caught thus, you’re taken by surprise (8) UNAWARES (E)
17 Again classify holiday home (6) RESORT {RE-SORT}
18 Spots child, short in stature, going in dashing (6) RAKISH {RA{KI
19 Tolerate the Italian inside raising plant (5) TULIP {PUT<=} around {IL<=} Tolerate= Put up