Thursday 8 October 2020

No 13061, Thursday 08 Oct 2020, Afterdark

Solution to 25A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   A disheartened boy’s love breaking up. Clear? (7) ABSOLVE {A}{BoyS}{LOVE*}
5   Small place with green leaves at the edges of stretches (7) SPRAWLS {S}{P}{RAW}{Le..eS}
9   Bad taste; people are turned back in transport, say (6,3) ESTATE CAR {TASTE*}{RACE<=}
10 Confine an animal in a container... (3,2) BOX IN {B{OX}IN}
11 ... bad to start, fluid collection overcoming resistance leads to disease (4,3) BIRD FLU {Bad}{I{R}DFLU*}
12 Showered; police officer ready in a frenzy (7) SPRAYED {SP}{READY*}
13 Ridiculous to weep holding first and last letters (5) CRAZY {CR{A}{Z}Y}
15 Indifferent in a way, returns advance (9) APATHETIC {A}{PATH}{CITE<=}
17 Printing pioneer’s tenure disturbed by force on either side to accommodate boy (9) GUTENBERG {G}{UTEN{B}ER*}{G}
19 Olympian has covered last mile (5) OWENS {OW{milE}NS}
21 Midwives appeal after a cocktail with vodka’s empty; getting another liquor (7) AKVAVIT {wiVes}{IT}<=>{A}{cocK}{VodkA}
23 Dingbat house’s illegal, not uniform; case to follow (7) SHOEBOX {HOuSE*}{BOX}
25 Complete book? Not half. Almost absurd (5) T?T?L (Addendum - TOTAL {TOme}{TALl} - See comments)
26 Queen has zeal, somehow controls a baron with competence, essentially hard (9) ELIZABETH {EL{1}ZA*}{B}{c..pETe..e}{H} 
27 Designate listener to spot (7) EARMARK {EAR}{MARK}
28 Former spouse holds deed? Heartless lady indeed (7) EXACTLY {EX}{ACT}{LadY}

1   An apparatus for distilling beer, primarily mild and lighter, perhaps (7) ALEMBIC {ALE}{Mild}{BIC}
2   Found in transit, arriving with instrument... (5) SITAR [T]
3   ... we will take the plane by attacks (4,3) LETS FLY [DD]
4   Urge company to sack team leader and hire Charlie (9) ENCOURAGE EN(-t+c)COURAGE
5   Vassals in a corner, king’s force gets silly primarily (5) SERFS {S}{ER}{F}{Si..y} (Correction - {SE}{R}{F}{Si..y} - See comments)
6   Revival of tribe somehow controlled by a factor, say (7) REBIRTH {R{TRIBE*}H}
7   Shrub to grow remotely, all over the place without energy, oxygen (3,6) WAX MYRTLE {WAX}{ReMoTELY*} 
8   Astronomical term to sync and gather match, say (7) SYNODIC {SYN{ODI}C}
14 Four adult films; perhaps Marlon Brando should get an agent (9) ACTIVATOR {ACT{IV}{A}TOR} (Correction - {ACT{IV}{AdulT}OR} - See comments)
16 Saint is imposing in second sermon (9) AUGUSTINE {AUGUST}{IN}{sEr..n
17 Receiver of good pay’s in grief often (7) GRANTEE {G}{gRi{ANTE}Ef}
18 Short story? No, very long, covering England’s tryst with the French (7) NOVELLA {NO}{V}{E}{L}{LA}
19 Family of dragonflies on a toad? Impossible (7) ODONATA*
20 Just after five, hotel should be vacated in sixty (7) SIXTHLY {SIXT{HoteL}Y}
22 Pinch, hit, weakling will bear it (5) TWEAK [T]
24 Honoured to be left amongst the finest (5) BLEST {B{L}EST}

Reference List
Small = S, Place = P, Resistance = R, Force = G(Gravity), Boy = B, Appeal = IT, Uniform = U, Hard = H, Charlie = C, Corner = S, King = R, Force = F, Factor = RH, Energy = E, Oxygen = O, Adult = A, Good = G, Very = V, Long = L, England = E, Left = L


  1. 25A- complete Book - TOTAL (DD)

    1. How did you think it was a [DD]. Please explain becaiuse it is not a [DD]

    2. Not half means Full. So the another definition considered 'Total'. The annotation for book is NT which is not sitting in the grid.

    3. Book is not just NT.It can be OT as well.

    4. Thanks Paddy. You mean to say old testament (OT). Hence the anno. Might be complete-AL(-L)Tot(AL)-Total. Please correct me.

  2. I saw the comments on Guardian and THC puzzles rather late yesterday. I find the Guardian cryptics always more challenging, in terms of the time I take to solve them which is at least a couple of hours while it is one hour at the maximum for THC. I am also amazed how they make the quiptic and cryptic on Mondays comparatively so easy that it normally does not take more than thirty minutes for me to complete them. My feeling is that all said and done, the British setters being native speakers of the language, have a clear edge. VDS Prasad

  3. My understanding is
    Tome means book - half of Tome is To
    Absurd is Tall - Amost is Tall
    Hence Total

  4. I took 5d as (SE)(R)(F)(S). Corner=SE and R=King. ER is generally Queen ( Elizabeth Regina)

    1. ER = Edward Rex can also be used for King. See the link below

    2. Never knew ER is Edward Rex. Thanks Col.

  5. 14D from where does the second T come from in ACTTOR.?

    1. It seems an oversight by the Setter.

    2. Prasad:The question was about the T that is not clued.

    3. Then it should be {ACT{IV}{AT}OR} as per sree_sree

  6. This was a pretty tricky grid to attempt. Managed to solve just eight of the clues and waited till an hour past noon to ascertain all the answers.
    Nonetheless, hats off to the compiler 'Afterdark' for playing with the minds of Xword addicts like me.... Cheers!!!

  7. I was also wondering about S being a corner. Corners are always SE,SW etc.

  8. The Ref. list (abbreviations) is pretty long!

  9. Surprising to see that there are no updates by Col even by 17.30 hours.
