Monday 19 October 2020

No 13070, Monday 19 Oct 2020, Hypatia

Solution to 20A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

7   You and I rose, for one backing Professor Lupin, say (8) WEREWOLF {WE}{FLOWER<=}
9   Artificial flowers at zoo cages (6) ERSATZ [T]
10 Survive being old, quietly in Church (4) COPE {C{O}{P}E}
11 One stops a car, parked and able to shift (5,5) BRAKE PEDAL*  
12 Sound from sailor in base (6) VIABLE {VI{AB}LE}
14 Colourful festival at noisy bar is all-inclusive (8) HOLISTIC {HOLI}{STIC}(~stick)
15 How moors are becoming places for people trying to get fit? (8,5) CHANGING ROOMS {MOORS}* [RA]
18 Packed meal carried Spooner’s hair ball (3,5) BOX LUNCH (~ locks bunch)
20 Quickly given consent orally, get comfortable (4,2) C?S? U?  (Addendum - COSY UP {'COS}{YUP} - See comments)
21 They recollected conducting strike on stage as a way to communicate (10) TELEGRAPHY {TE{LEG}{RAP}HY*}
22 Crossing river, pick up plant (4) BURY {BU{R}Y}
23 Exercise reeling fish in — it isn't worth much (6) PEANUT {PE}{TUNA<=}
24 Say, Gold can put back Nano component of atmosphere (8) NITROGEN {EG}{OR}{TIN}<={N}

1   Show Eve’s first-born rising as one possessed by the devil (8) DEMONIAC {DEMO}{CAIN<=}
2   Nothing more than an old lake (4) MERE [DD]
3   Lie about love — an empty lie is a minor flaw (6) FOIBLE {F{O}IB}{LiE}
4   Ridicule stifling fine craftsman (8) JEWELLER {JE{WELL}ER}
5   In line with Mumbai neighbourhood’s scandals (10) ASPERSIONS {AS PER}{SION'S}
6   Artist depicted clouds (6) STRATI*
8   Light and fashionable, the cooking vessel is an instant hit (5,2,3,3) FLASH IN THE PAN {FLASH}{IN}{THE}{PAN}
13 Dance shows getting money finally? Certainly! (2,3,5) BY ALL MEANS {B{m..eY}ALL}{MEANS}
16 Make teenager mad (8) GENERATE*
17 Article Indian took out from second row in store (8) SQUIRREL {S}{QU(-a+i)IRREL}
19 Discharged old boy died without notice (6) OBEYED {OB}{EYE}{D}
20 Animal firm yet unsteady incubating egg (6) COYOTE {CO}{Y{O}TE*}
22 Help promote new arrival (4) BOON NOOB<=

Reference List
Old = O, Quietly = P, Church = CE, Sailor = AB, River = R, Exercise = PE, Gold = OR,  Nano =N, Second = S, Indian = I, Old boy = OB, Died = D


  1. Frankly I have solved 20a but the anno doesn't dawn on me with the same promptitude. The Col has a great knack in leaving out the right one!

    1. I didn't mean to say he could not parse it! LOL.

    2. The anno has just dawned on me.

    3. Since this is unsolved yet, time to help with some hint. No success for me yet. Could get the def and possibly parse the last 4 letters.

    4. Yet to dawn,though I filled in.
      I don't mind getting a mail from you- for the penny to drop.

    5. When I said 'Spot on', I only meant that Col. had picked the correct and toughest one.

    6. Actually only 1 in my view.

    7. .Setter uses 'quickly" to suggest the HPs are to be uttered fast.

    8. Didn't think of 'quickly' it that sense. But yes.

  2. Enjoyable as ever. Many Aha moments. Thank you Hypatia.

  3. You and I rose, for one backing Professor Lupin, say (8) WEREWOLF {WE}{FLOWER<=}
    How the homophone ( say) fits here..Prof Lupin ,who is he?

    1. Gemini, Why don't you read the blog properly before shooting off a question? Looks like Col. had anticipated your doubt and given the link in his post (Werewolf underlined) Just click it and you get the answer. Harry Potter isn't an unknown after all!

    2. Rose,say means rose for example , which is flower.

  4. 20 A - Because (given, should be give that) - Quickly -Short form 'COS - YUP (yes) for consent. COSY UP. Far fetched?

    1. I was toying with the idea SOSY UP; COS SAY YUP (~coz) (consent) orally

    2. Given:cause. If we take quickly to mean in short, it's cos. Good one sritri.

    3. Sritri has the correct explanation - which is what I had intended. Quickly ‘given’ - shortened version of “Because” = ‘Cos and Consent orally = Yup. COS+YUP

  5. Precisely it would be homophone of 'course yup. 'course being of course shortened while speaking.

    1. When you speak these two words without a gap it would sound like cosy up

    2. My take was Same as sritri. Cosy is pronunced kaw-zee.(cau-seY when pronunced without break)

    3. But how does that mean 'given consent'

    4. Given:cause, consent : yep/yup

    5. given consent = 'of course yes' (~course){COS}{YUP for yes}
