Sunday 18 October 2020

The Sunday Crossword No 3121, Sunday 18 Oct 2020

1   Where ineptly hung art may be found avant-garde (3-3-4) OFF-THE-WALL [DD]
6   Jetty's ripe for renovation (4) PIER*
9   What you might see in bathroom: bum before trousers put on (6,4) SPONGE BAGS {SPONGE}{BAGS}
10 Poet's 40% of Providence (4) OVID prOVIDence
12 Endlessly taking our Aga's dough out? Capital! (11) OUAGADOUGOU {OUr+AGAs+DOUGh+OUt}
15 Tells senior churchmen to cede power (7) RELATES pRELATES
16 Earthly stench, ugly air's regularly expelled (7) SECULAR {StEnCh+UgLy+AiR}
17 Bach met liberal King (7) MACBETH*
19 Train station with aspiration to become space station (7) HOUSTON (~EUSTON)
20 Following release of PR, pliable Cypriot taking journey to Paris (4,2,5) CITY OF LIGHT {CYprIOT}*{FLIGHT}
23 Cricket captain, heartless automaton (4) ROOT RObOT
24 How Christopher Robin might describe himself? Hang on ... (4,4,2) BEAR WITH ME [DD]
25 Lucid? Regularly wiped out. Slàinte! (4) SANE SlAiNtE
26 Where some penguins are // unlikely to marry (2,3,5) ON THE SHELF [DD]

1   Get rid of creative Frenchman! Get rid of Pierre Renoir for starters! (4) OUST prOUST
2   Some of logpile is deal (4) FLOG [T]
3   Luxuriously happy state, Ontario, on the face of it; however, everyone's hammered on grass (4,2,3,3) HIGH ON THE HOG {HIGH}{ONT}{Ho...r}{Ev...e}{Ha...d}{On}{Gr..s}
4   Setting up wireless Mac? Beware concealed peripherals (7) WEBCAMS [T<=]
5   Record improvisations with bottlenecks (3,4) LOG JAMS {JOG}{JAMS}
7   Oversee Everyman cooking veal with gin and it (10) INVIGILATE {I}{VEAL+GIN+IT}*
8   Part of summer pudding studied, they say, declared 'in season' (10) REDCURRANT (~ read current)
11 Benelux unhappy with 'cretinous' representation (3,9) LOW COUNTRIES {LOW}{CRETINOUS}*
13 President, comical figure finally sans advantages (5,5) TRUMP CARDS {TRUMP}{CARD}{sanS}
14 Bush's grimly humorous letter from long ago (10) BLACKTHORN {BLACK}{THORN}
18 Warhol being, to some extent, portraitist (7) HOLBEIN [T]
19 Artist displayed headless earth-hog (7) HOGARTH {eARTH+HOG}*
21 Primarily, word hollered exhibiting exuberance? (4) WHEE Acrostic &lit
22 Novelist's ego (4) SELF [DD]

Reference List
Power = P


  1. 19a I have been to the city and a bit of practice given by french MD on pronunciation, I would go with Dublin's Heuston station.

  2. Aside: The Hindu cryptic on Sunday ( today by Krisscross), no doubt , tough for me, but for every clue, there is an elaborate explanation of the hint, which helped me in getting into the CW world.

  3. My own opinion is that this kind of elaborate explanation should not be expected.
    When once we are familiar with clue types, we should be able to work out the anno in similar clues.
    Let's say we have learnt 'eating' is an insertion ind, then if we come across 'entertaining' or 'consuming' or 'hosting' or 'admitting' or 'boxing' or 'enveloping' etc etc in other clues, we should be able to guess it's the inds ind. We should not expect to be told it is.
