Tuesday 6 October 2020

No 13059, Tuesday 06 Oct 2020, Vulcan

Solution to 9D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

1   Change in the semantics gets criticism (12)  CHASTISEMENT*
10 Foam, blood in meadow all around (7) AEROGEL {LE{GORE}A}<=
11 Puzzle kid put together (7) CONFUSE {CON}{FUSE}
12 Knowing when to express disapproval at the end of conference (6) ASTUTE {AS}{TUT}{c...cE}
13 Report claiming new train is clean (8) SANITARY {SA{TRAIN*}Y}
15 Walked and measured, after seconds, distracted (6,3) SPACED OUT {PACED OUT}<=>{S}
16 Foreign article about deception (5) ALIEN {A{LIE}N}
17 More trouble with leader gone (5) OTHER bOTHER
19 Introduces a couple of new measures (9) ANNOUNCES {A}{NN}{OUNCES}
22 Drinking with setter at a wine place with large cover (8) IMBIBING {I'M}{BI{BIN}G}
24 Daddy and mommy finally having a fruit (6) PAPAYA {PAPA}{m..mY}{A}
26 Casino one built with capital (7) NICOSIA {CASINO+1}*
27 Allowance and gratuity in post (7) STIPEND {S{TIP}END}
28 Neon light designed to last, finally (2,3,4,3) IN THE LONG RUN {NEON+LIGHT}* [RA] (Correction - {NEON+LIGHT}*{RUN} - See comments)

2   Drink with girl’s besties to start with and then eat out (4,3) HERB TEA {HER}{Be...s}{EAT}*
3   Tourist greets his cooks (9) SIGHTSEER*
4   Pointless image, say (4) IDLE (~idol)
5   Usage of an etching needle, basically fascinating (10) ENCHANTING {AN+ETCHING+Ne...e}*
6   Dissatisfaction of European Union over lost ground (5) ENNUI {E}{UNIoN}* 
7   I am nuts swimming around a massive wave (7) TSUNAMI*
8   Trouble with her, she ultimately becomes a stupid person (6) HARASS {H(-e+a)AR}{ASS}
9   African chief and one nationalist leader separating (6) ?E?Y?N (Addendum - KENYAN - {KE{N}Y}{AN} - See comments) 
14 Virtually this is what one goes by (6,4) DOMAIN NAME [CD]
16 Praising and lauding a thorough leader after revolution (9) ADULATING {LAUDING+A+Th...h}*
17 Familiarise with East Asia (6) ORIENT [DD]
18 Anglo-Indian heading off to host graduate’s barbeque (7) HIBACHI {cHICHI} over {BA}
20 Constant animosity over a university building (7) CHATEAU {C}{HATE}{A}{U}
21 Drink son has within reach (6) SHANDY {S}{HANDY}
23 Get the better of disease eventually during plague (5) BESET {BES{d...sE}T}
25 Town’s old — sleepy for the most part (4) OSLO {O}{SLOw}

Reference List
Seconds = S, New = N, European = E, Over = O,  Constant = C, University = U, Son = S, Old = O


  1. 9d KENYAN; African; {KE{N....}Y}{AN}

  2. 28a charade (neon lights)* designed. to last= run, imo

  3. An enjoyable grid. 9d,6d and 11a are my picks.

  4. 15A- S for seconds is a little confusing. Started thinking in terms of SS.

    1. That's your problem or peculiarity. We write 1s for one second and 2s for twp seconds. The abbr is s for both singular and plural. Similarly 1m, 2m; 1h, 2h.

    2. Got it. Thank you for correcting me.

  5. 22a found setter=I'M bit far-fetched. Usually it is I or ME

    1. Yes. Setter= I or me. If I'm then should be setter's

  6. 17D. East will do for orient. Isn't Asia superfluous?

    1. Orient by def is east asian countries. East is used in cryptic sometimes to refer to east asian. But the actual def is east asia.

  7. Vulcan ji's puzzles are excellent.

    1. and so are Vulcan's of Guardian too

    2. As far as I know and as far as I have gauged. Vulcan of TH came before Vulcan of Guardian did.
      Secondly, while in no way lessening the importance and quality of THC and while asserting that its quality is good, it cannot be compared to The Guardian crossword or for that matter CWD in any UK mainstream newspaper (ignore regional or county newspapers). The UK crossword is a class apart rooted as it is in British milieu and culture. The desi crossword will wear veshti and jibba and Hawaii chappals, or at best the safari suit like our Government officers of lower grade trying to impress village folk, never the four-piece suit from Savile Row and highly polished shoes..

  8. 22A imbibing because drink is imbibe and large is big right?

  9. one of the meanings of bin is wine- refer the link given by Col.in the main post (item4) and large is big.
    BTW when it is unknown,pl.put in your name in the post.

  10. 7D TSUNAMI ; couldn’t it be {i’m nuts(a)}*
    I am=I’m ,around a ?

  11. If it's an anagram,words (rather letters) are taken as they are and not modified in any manner. There is no need here since all the letters are there before swimming around (anagram indicator)

  12. 18A- Plumb vertically- SHEER(DD)means Perpendicular

