Monday 5 October 2020

No 13058, Monday 05 Oct 2020, Anon

Solution to 28A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Reject need oddly at door (6) NEGATE {NeEd}{GATE}
4   Show remorse at regular pier in lease (6) REPENT {RE{PiEr}NT}
9   A maniac returns for a fish (4) TUNA {A}{NUT<=}
10 I confused cronies in empty madrasa on Pacific island (10) MICRONESIA {I+CRONIES}* in {Ma...sA}
11 Almost OK beer at the end (6) FINALE {FINe}{ALE}
12 Pass peculiar looking oak tree with every second (8) OVERTAKE {OAK+TREE+eVery}*
13 Burn, incinerate, at first, links to foundations (9) CHARITIES {CHAR}{In...e}{TIES}
15 Bring back Stradivarius hiding missiles (5) DARTS [T<=]
16 Rope for fool within Lazio boundaries (5) LASSO {La{ASS}ziO}
18 Obstacle for gentle mixologist (9) BARTENDER {BAR}{TENDER}
22 Overlook crazy suitor (no saint) in U.S. state (8) MISSOURI {MISS}{sUItOR}*
23 Attacked senior finally helped (6) RAIDED {s...oR}{AIDED}
25 Tell workers about sources (10) INFORMANTS {INFORM}{ANTS}
26 Organism found in glacial gaps (4) ALGA [T]
27 Initially lacking blame? Make sure of it (6) ENSURE cENSURE
28 Almost defame Turkish currency (6) ?S?E?S (Addendum - ASPERS ASPERSe - See comments))

1   Nurture our shin weirdly (7) NOURISH*
2   Starts going homeward across northern African country (5) GHANA Acrostic
3   Intern to start off exam during disturbance (7) TEMPEST {T{tEMP}EST} (Correction - {TEMP}{tEST} - See comments)
5   Hidden San Angelo pessimist runs off (6) ELOPES [T]
6   Looks at series with asthenopia (9) EYESTRAIN {EYES}{TRAIN}
7   Birdbrained alien in bushes (7) THICKET {THICK}{ET}
8   Newly made raincoats gone for people in their eighties (13) OCTOGENARIANS*
14 Electrical devices for those who oppose on the radio (9) RESISTORS (~resisters)
17 Urge spectators to lose bit of unbelief (7) ADIENCE AuDIENCE
19 Drives in regular Utah rots (7) THRUSTS {uTaH}{RUSTS}
20 Finally, he teams up and proceeds (7) EMERGES {hE}{MERGES}
21 Season for principal seasoned singer, needing no introduction (6) SUMMER {Se...d}{hUMMER}
24 Fuming at leader, incompetent judge (5) IRATE {In...t}{RATE}

Reference List
Saint = ST, Alien = ET


  1. 10a micronesia is a group of islands (it's also a country).

  2. Looks like, the setters have taken a solemn decision to make life very easy for solvers and turn 100 per cent results. I like 28a for the shear reason that it rarely appears.

    1. Agree it's a walk through- enjoyable all the same.

  3. 28A Aspers(e) almost defame.

    1. Asper is the old coin (unit of currency). Aspers seems plural like rupees

    2. Asper is the old unit of Turkish currency. 20 aspers make 1 Kurus and Kurus is one- hundredth of Lira.

  4. 3D- I took it as (Temp) est (Test-T)

  5. Interactive version failed to show up yet again.

    1. Yes. Very very annoying. Height of carelessness.

  6. 14d: Are resistors electrical devices or electrical parts? Can anyone explain the reason for putting devices there?

    1. They are devices and are used as components of electrical circuits.
      Here the dictionary def,
      a device having resistance to the passage of an electric current.

    2. Okay thank you very much Sree.

  7. 21 across surface reading made me think that, perhaps, Dr.Rke might pen a Talepiece to the recently departed legendary singer... would be nice

    1. Dr RKE's OT slot has been recheduled to 7 AM that is why he is unable to solve the CW's in the mornings and write the tales

  8. 27A: SURE in clue as well as in the answer!

    1. It sure confused me till the crossings left no choice.

    2. Could have been better with a simple switch
      Initially lacking blame?Make certain (6)
