7 Writer Virginia, receiving mantra, is to come back (6) ASIMOV {V{OM}{IS}A}<=

8 City dweller at Brunei collapses (8) URBANITE {AT+BRUNEI*}
9 Respected hotel let (8) HALLOWED {H}{ALLOWED}
10 Quarrelsome carpenter (6) CHIPPY (DD)
11 Visual about disembowelled raja is prophetic (8) ORACULAR {O{R
13 Serenely all knights took it first as manifestation of woman power (5) SAKTI (Acrostic)

14 Computer professionals with methodical and critical skills (7,8) SYSTEMS ANALYSTS (E)
17 Devilish, he’s gone stomping out and angry (5) LIVID {D
19 Run to first-class, primarily luxurious vehicle after finally-expired travel permit (8) RAILCARD {R}{AI}{L
21 Bedevil soft convict with every other rule (6) PLAGUE {P}{LAG}{
22 A quiet bird due to change disposition (8) APTITUDE {A}{P}{TIT}{DUE*}
24 American gets meaner about what is needed to log in (8) USERNAME {US}{MEANER*}
25 Men are summoned to change handle (6) RENAME {MEN+ARE*}
1 A small hearty meal in the main (4) ASEA {A}{S}{mEAl}
2 Absolute rascal staying within legal limits (8) IMPLICIT {IMP}{LICIT}
3 I, for one, heard the affirmation (6) AVOWAL {~A VOWEL}
4 The point of developing brassicas without using a bit of ready-mix (8) ABSCISSA {BrASSICAS*}
5 Carefully analyse one French tool (6) UNPICK {UN}{PICK}
6 Priestess relaxes after admitting principally tender relative (10) STEPSISTERS {PRIESTESS*} around {Tender}
8 Part of aircraft that is in transportation, apparently (13) UNDERCARRIAGE {UNDER}{CARRIAGE}
12 Sequence of cards makes two boys turn red (5,5) ROYAL FLUSH {ROY}{AL} {FLUSH}
15 I have changed, taking the award all round — it is antique (8) MEDIEVAL {MED{I'VE*}AL}
16 Youth longing to get time for aquatic activity (8) YACHTING {Y}{ACH{T}ING}
18 Unexpected change in Vijayawada-Gulbarga end to end line (6) VAGARY {VijayawadA}{GulbargA}{RY}
20 Doctor — and how patients see her one after another reportedly (6) INTERN {~IN TURN}
23 Struck thus, one can’t speak (4) DUMB (E)
2 Absolute rascal staying within legal limits (8) IMPLICIT {IMP}{LICIT}
3 I, for one, heard the affirmation (6) AVOWAL {~A VOWEL}
4 The point of developing brassicas without using a bit of ready-mix (8) ABSCISSA {B
5 Carefully analyse one French tool (6) UNPICK {UN}{PICK}
6 Priestess relaxes after admitting principally tender relative (10) STEPSISTERS {PRIESTESS*} around {T
8 Part of aircraft that is in transportation, apparently (13) UNDERCARRIAGE {UNDER}{CARRIAGE}
12 Sequence of cards makes two boys turn red (5,5) ROYAL FLUSH {ROY}{AL} {FLUSH}
15 I have changed, taking the award all round — it is antique (8) MEDIEVAL {MED{I'VE*}AL}
16 Youth longing to get time for aquatic activity (8) YACHTING {Y}{ACH{T}ING}
18 Unexpected change in Vijayawada-Gulbarga end to end line (6) VAGARY {V
20 Doctor — and how patients see her one after another reportedly (6) INTERN {~IN TURN}
23 Struck thus, one can’t speak (4) DUMB (E)
Reference List
Virginia=VA,Mantra=Om, Hotel=H, Run=R, First-class=AI, Soft=P, Quiet=P, American=US, Small=S, One French=Un, Youth=Y, Time=T, Line=Ry
Colour/Font Scheme
Definition, Solution, Component letters, Embedded links, Theme word, Anagram Indicator, C/C indicator, Reversal Indicator, Hidden word Indicator, Letter Pick indicator, Deletion Indicator, Homophone Indicator, Movement Indicator, Positional Indicator, Substitution, Indicator, Opposite indicator, Link/Connector, Extraneous
14 Computer professionals with methodical and critical skills (7,8) SYSTEMS ANALYSTS (E)
ReplyDeleteWhat does E mean?
Non-cryptic easy type clue.
ReplyDeleteSee the clue type notations listed in the left panel of this page.
Typically Gridman,esp.the long ones. Thank you for a good workout in the morning.
ReplyDeleteAsimov took some time solving the reversalsLiked Yachting.
I thought H was missing in sakthi (some pronounce as shakti),but wp left no doubt.
Royal Flush is a typical poker term.
ReplyDeleteRamesh is also in Coimbatore?
ReplyDeleteNo, the location label in all posts refer to my location and not that of any other person or blogger
DeleteRy- line; can someone clarify
ReplyDeleteRy = abbreviation for Railway = line
DeleteA smooth one again from Gridman. Very nice clues. I have many favourites today. Asimov, Hallowed, Oracular and Avowal. Nice morning orkout. Thank you Gridman.
ReplyDeleteSorry w is missing in my workout
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteYour comment is deleted as you have not mentioned your name. Moreover all answers are already there in the main post.
DeleteA straightforward grid from Gridman. Nice and smooth
ReplyDeleteThanks for the Comments, AJ and Avtaar. It is so nice to see them as different from the nitty-gritty in the blog about notation, coloration, label, bracket, arrow, star and what not.
ReplyDeleteMention of the faves elates the setter as he, while setting, may have himself been happy after writing. Of course, any critical comment/objection too is welcome so the setter can give his defence if he has one or just apologise.
ReplyDeleteBharati wrote: Sakthi pirakkuthu engal moochchinilae.
In Tamil it is sakthi, not shakthi.
Indian words have sp variants.
I do check an Eng dict before I use any Indian word.
Sakthi is in OED.
It is Sakti, with enu as 5. Hence my doubt. It is not Sakthi.
DeleteSakti, I meant.
DeleteNice grid. Wasted time for 1A with Wolfe till awoval (great clue!) Was solved.
ReplyDeleteI too thought of Woolfe only first. The word writer preceding Virginia was the deterrent.But the mantra helped me to shirk that thought and then it was simple, since I disconnected writer from Virginia and took it as definition. Then Virginia became a state in US in my mind and hence VA.
DeleteI tried to start with Va...on seeing Virginia and then realised my mistake.
ReplyDeleteCV Sir - I couldn't post in the blog,yesterday - the DYNAMO clue was tops
ReplyDeleteI have a query on 16D. Is Y for Youth standard
Y for Youth is not standard. I do find Young in a CWD dict. Prob. from YMCA Young Men's Christian Association. Prob. work unfinished! I could have used 'Youth leader'.
DeleteThree cheers to Gridman for this tricky grid....
ReplyDeleteReally enjoyed Gridman today. I get time in the afternoon, and save the Hindu CW as a special treat for the afternoon!
ReplyDeleteWas confused about Sakti - since Shakti is the more common spelling in the North. Thanks for clarifying that.
..and sakthi is the common spelling in the South. Only OED has made it Sakti.
ReplyDeleteYes thanks for clarifying!
DeleteSolved first time all Gridman's clues! Found Across 9, and Down 3,12,18 and 20 partcularly enfoyable!
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed all the clues today.Thanks Gridman!