Tuesday 5 July 2022

No 13600, Tuesday 05 Jul 2022, Arden

Solution to 1D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Spindle diameter provided, allowing fast rotation (7) DISTAFF {D}{I{FAST*}F}
5   Food stuff for bringing happiness, force to go on top (7) GELATIN (+g)GELATIN(-g)
9   Searches for information, don't go for looks (5) OGLES goOGLES
10 Mugwort's 'rocking times' presented in song (9) ARTEMISIA {AR{TIMES*}IA}
11 After midnight some stay outside, it's not for you girls! (4,5) STAG PARTY {STA{niGht}{PART}Y}
12 Note in plain envelope, it may be lighter (5) BARGE {BAR{G}E}
13 Singing star eager to return (4) DIVA<=
15 Girl and boy share a place in France (8) NORMANDY {NORM(A)NDY} or {NORM(A}{A)NDY}
18 Broke after grabbing victory — cheeky! (8) INSOLENT INSOLvENT
19 Call back while in remand (4) NAME [T<=]
22 Angry buccaneers exposed (5) IRATE pIRATEs
24 Coach daily, Bill will stop in the middle (9) CHARABANC {CHAR}{A{BAN}C}
26 Maximum time, manoeuvre as to admit them first (2,3,4) AT THE MOST {AS+TO}* over {THEM} {Correction - {T}<=>{AS+TO}* over {THEM} - See comments)
27 Bird can see rat's tail in mud (5) STILT {S{raT}ILT}
28 Sea creature — one to checkmate in the middle of sea (7) MANATEE {M{AN}ATE}{sEa}
29 Venerable old lady cooked, yearning to get inside (7) DOYENNE {DO{YEN}NE}

1   Complaint of a bribe (6) D?O?S? (Addendum - DROPSY [DD] - See comments)
2   Not universal address, it’s a sudden evolutionary change (9) SALTATION SALuTATION
3   He spun a yarn which made one sit up (5) AESOP {A}{POSE<=}
4   Newspaper in European country — L'Arome? (9) FRAGRANCE {FRA{RAG}ANCE}
5   Getting way up, fellow's very brave (5) GUTSY {GU{ST<=}Y}
6   Stupid to unfairly blame the wet weather (9) LAMEBRAIN {BLAME*}{RAIN}
7   Get a serve in — that was a stunner! (5) TASER [T]
 Spruce up cattle in the middle of tent (6) NEATEN {NEAT}{tENt}
14 Tom joins 8 to make reparation (9) ATONEMENT {TOM+NEATEN}*
16 Pulled back from grass covered land (9) RETRACTED {RE{TRACT}ED}
17 Motherland's curse (9) DAMNATION {DAM}{NATION}
20 Entrance for working maids right inside (6) DISARM {DISA{R}M*}
21 Extremely systematic, they go from bottom to top with the mower (6) SCYTHE {Sy...iC}{(+y)YTHE(-y)}
23 Do as instructed in a London suburb (3,2) ACT ON ACTON
24 Replicate 151 in other words... (5) CLONE {C}{L}{ONE}
25 ...like, for example, value (5) ASSAY {AS}{SAY}

Reference List
Diameter = D, Force G, Note = G, Victory = V, Daily = CHAR, Time = T,  Bill = AC, Universal = U, Newspaper = RAG, Cattle = NEAT, Mother = DAM, Right = R, 100 =C, 50 = L


  1. 26a def:maximum T<=>at(them)os

  2. 15a anno? How to show sharing A!

    1. The girl and boy are not clear!

    2. Maybe we can add a / between A's to make it clearer. Anyway,first time (in my memory) I am coming across sharing. Interesting.

  3. 1d. Dropsy is a complaint and also slang for bribe.

  4. 4D F{RAG}RANCE :typo in annotation

  5. Slightly on the tougher side than the last 3 days?
    G=Force- known. But G= Note?

  6. Oh! Blame my memory. Thank you.

  7. Too tricky puzzles. Few of them difficult to annotate. new words viz., NORMANDY, DOYENNE,STILIT & DROPSY makes my day too busy. Thank you Arden.

