Tuesday 19 July 2022

No 13612, Tuesday 19 Jul 2022, WrdPlougher

Solution to 2D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Much better today.

1   Radish, eggs, carrots — ingredients prescribed exclusively for starters, perhaps? (6) RECIPE Acrostic &lit
4   Interrogating tough (6) TRYING [DD]
9   Complain about cheat (4) LIAR<=
10 Barely spotting omen, acting all-powerful (10) OMNIPOTENT {sPOTTINg+OMEN}*
11 “Wear a bra, dear, it's showing” (6) ABRADE [T]
12 Well-educated people disposing of litter with AI (8) LITERATI {LITTER+AI}*
13 Provide support after wagtails finally cried about wing, pointing to the tail (9) SWEPTBACK {BACK}<=>{w...lS}{WEPT}
15 Perhaps NATO defence falling short (4) BLOC BLOCk
16 Atrocious acne attack (4) CANE*
17 Metallic, hard — not lead — heavy for weighing machine (9) STEELYARD {STEELY}{hARD}
21 Particle without spin, one negative displacing a bit of lepton (8) NEUTRINO NEUTR(-al+1no}INO
22 Buffalo-owner acquiring name and fame (6) RENOWN {OWNER}* over {N}
24 Like a risky proposition to offer lady having sex (3-3-4) HIT-AND-MISS {H{IT}AND}{MISS}
25 Sent back private text on social media with love twice, giving cheer (4) MOOD {DM<=} over {00}
26 “Not ours?” outraged inheritorsiron out (6) THEIRS inHErIToRS*
27 Reportedly outlawed Italian criminal (6) BANDIT {(~banned)BAND}{IT}

1   Brown dancing with excellent coloured band (7) RAINBOW {BROWN}* over {A1}
2   Approximately drawn up arc without radius under semi-circle (5) C?R?A (Addendum - {ArC<=}<=>{CIRcle} - See comments)
3   Justify joke without substance, saying... (7) PROVERB {PROVE}{RiB}
5   ... “Judge not!”, totally upset about missing second mark (6) REPUTE {REf}{UPsET*}
6   Early pint, drunken exchange (9) INTERPLAY*
7   DNA-related information briefly mentioned, withdrawn (7) GENETIC {GEN}{CITE<=} (Correction - {GEN}{CITEd<=} - See comments)
8   A Christian coaching all to convert (5-8) ANGLO-CATHOLIC*
14 Enter... enter... tape malfunctions (9) PENETRATE*
16 Six naked sots chasing red sheep in England (7) CHEVIOT {VI}{sOTs}<=>{CHE}
18 Geographical area originally encompassing ancient place like India, unpopulated (7) EURASIA {En...g}{UR}{AS}{IndiA}
19 Skiff sailor returning, embracing bespectacled wife, beginning to blush (7) ROWBOAT {TAR<=} over {O{W}{Bl..h}O}
20 Exchange T&C in dating app to discover dying spark (6) CINDER (-t+c)CINDER
23 Unsteady person shifting domain? Not I (5) NOMAD DOMAiN*

Reference List
Name = N, Sex = IT, Italian = IT, Radius = R, Excellent = A1, Information = GEN, Sailor = TAR, Wife = W


  1. 2D CIRCA (semi circle = cir, arc without radius = {ac}*)

  2. Clues are good,enjoyable but occasionally longer.

  3. Wordplougher didn't make us plough hard. Enhoyable clues

  4. Lovely grid! My COD was 18dn EURASIA. Thank you WrdPlougher. 😊

    1. +1
      3D too was good!
      11A and 24A were mischievous!

    2. Seeing the Setter's name, I set my target as 5 initially. But could solve 20. More than that, enjoyed most of the clues.

  5. Checked to see the setter's name again!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Good and enjoyable puzzle.. thanks WP. Was sure of "asking" as answer for 4A and that messed up my 5D. Other than that cracked all else.

    2. Asking & Roman (in stead of Anglo) Catholic spoiled my day.

  7. Nice clues from WP today. Could solve in a breeze.

  8. Anyone missing xChequer, try the ome at 1across. Do it like reading a novel. A quarter per day (since it is barred grid, you have 8 quarters!!!

  9. Wow!!! I cant believe i aced WP today. Abs smooth sailing except -
    @ Prasad - Buffalo is legit anagrind?
    Thanx Word Plougher.
    That was
    One MOOD lifter,
    & No! I am not a LIAR;
    It felt like sailing in a ROWBOAT,
    Under clear blue skies with a RAINBOW to boot;

    Such fine INTERPLAY of words,
    There was no question of any HIT & MISS;
    With this your REPUTE & RENOWN may rise,
    As we SWEEPBACK the earlier fiascos, showering u with praise.

