Monday, 31 July 2023

No 13931, Monday 31 Jul 2023, Karaoke

Solution to 23D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Measure of 16, 36 maybe found in carpenter's tool? (6) SQUARE [DD]
5   Cabinet basically worried over a vexatious border (8) WARDROBE {Wo...d}{A}{BORDER*}
9   Surprise from shooter's weapon by enthusiast (4,4) BOWL OVER {BOW}{LOVER}
10 Has two pants? It's not important (2,4) SO WHAT*
11 Hides six-shooter wielding Duke inside for wines (10) BURGUNDIES {BUR{GUN}{D}IES}
12 American jerk (4) YANK [DD]
13 Dissent features in suicide/ murder (5) DEMUR [T]
14 Husband in second air-conditioned train (6) SCHOOL {S}{C{H}OOL}
17 Agree years spent in overseas (3,3) SAY YES {YY} in {SEAS<=}* (Correction - {YY} in {SEAS<=} - See comments)
19 Scottish inventor reportedly consumed drug in cereal (5) WHEAT {(~watt)WHAT}* over {E}
22 Five out of five got 50. It's a record (4) FILE {FIv{L}E}
24 Fly low with courage (10) BLUEBOTTLE {BLUE}{BOTTLE}
25 Felt test case to be dismissed on review and patch up (6) SETTLE [T<=]
26 Associate withdraws support to government bill (8) DIAGNOSE {AID<=}{G}{NOSE}
27 Word play maybe repeater (8) REPARTEE*
28 Man-made hybrid of aster with zinnia mainly (6) ERSATZ {ASTER*}{Zi...a}

2   Queen is doubtful about alternative members required for the meeting (6) QUORUM {QU}{UM} over {OR}
3   By all accounts, friend buys story without suspicion in the end (9) ALLEGEDLY {AL{LEGEnD}LY}
4   Malign knight in flat with objectionable material primarily (7) ENVENOM {E{N}VEN}{Ob...e}{Ma...l}
5   He is fussy about Bank of Nile perhaps losing volume (7) WORRIER {ROW<=}{RIvER}
6   USSR is irritated about Ukraine's last laughs (7) RISUSES {USSR+IS} over {u...nE}
7   Disorderly mob razed college with artillery eventually (5) ROWDY {cROWD}{a...lY}
8   Maybe Einstein goes to bathroom first to take shower before buffet (8) BRAINBOX {Ba...m}{RAIN}{BOX}
15 They have pegs with bowler near stadium seats (3,6) HAT STANDS {HAT}{STANDS}
16 Photoelectric device - An enchanting quality on surveillance (5,3) MAGIC EYE {MAGIC}{EYE}
18 Content with substitute, vacation judge of court (7) SUBJECT {SUB}{JudgE}{CT}
19 Budding forest-fly, I hear (5-2) WOULD-BE (~wood bee)
20 Welcome support cutting short toastmaster (7) EMBRACE {EM{BRA}CEe}
21 Ready to start new Tesla model finally (3,3) ALL SET {TESLA+m..eL}*
23 It goes to in-side and outside (5) E?T?A (Addendum - EXTRA [DD] - See comments)

Reference List
Duke = D, Second = S, Husband = H, Year = Y, Drug = E, 50 = L, Government = G, Queen = QU, Knight = N, Volume = V, College = C, Court = CT, Support = BRA

Sunday, 30 July 2023

Special, Sunday 30 Jul 2023, Economizer

Welcome to our new setter ECONOMIZER. Bouquets and Brickbats welcome.

answers per commenter till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory) 
Please submit all your answers in one comment.  



By Economizer
Squares filled: 0/161
Exolve Print Notes Jotter Ⓒ Economizer & THCC

1Consider returning problem drug (4)
4Security and student delayed, plastered with wine (10)
9Lead arrangements in Paradise City, say (5,5,5)
10Royal falls after drink and sobs (9)
12Wiping stain for polished finish (5)
15Stretches made by article linking Anglo-Saxons and American Samoa (6)
16Obsessed about tour around Nice… (8)
17…nice Dane is on tour for decades (8)
18Drinks to the health of kids around Assam (6)
20Fellow measures statistics (5)
23Leading escort, tying bra suggestively, is unfaithful (9)
24Air gust heard on the radio? (8,7)
25Date beside fountain for youth (10)
26Suffocate without heroin and cocaine (4)

2Monica in America is incompetent (7)
3Surroundings troubled at home with endless envy and torment (11)
4Containing delicious crimson pig (10)
5Endlessly flash old shapely bums (5)
6Circumstances of overturned semi-truck insured (5)
7Reform and stop consuming ecstasy (5)
8Concise conical cut (7)
11Scan block for waffle (7)
13Prophetic cop retreats into sobriety meeting ahead of rude, cross jerk (11)
14Sham future begs deception (10)
17Daughter cooking fries with fellow quarrels (7)
19Derailed train along empty track linked to mystics (7)
21Remove conservative king (5)
22The Devil is located in Vegas at a nightclub (5)
23Assembled sandwich containing umami Indian toppings (5)


The Sunday Crossword No 3265, Sunday 30 Jul 2023

3996 22D
1   Once scenic – redeveloped – qualms? (10) CONSCIENCE*
6   Mimicked, initially atrociously, Prince Edward (4) APED {At...y}{P}{ED}
9   2000s Prime Minister: money's no longer with us (5,5) BROWN BREAD {BROWN}{BREAD}
10 Eager howl (4) KEEN [DD]
11 By treeless zones having trouble, like falling off a log? (5,7) PLAIN SAILING {PLAINS}{AILING}
15 Everyman's puzzle, one that's unwelcome (7) IMPOSER {I'M}{POSER}
16 Crescentic republic, one abutting the Illyrian Adriatic, primarily? (7) CROATIA Acrostic &lit
17 Showy flowersor little ones, you say? (7) ORCHIDS {OR}{(~ kids)CHIDS}
19 Some toffs identified as unable to score (7) OFFSIDE [T]
20 Unjustly demanding, dismal posting (12) BLACKMAILING {BLACK}{MAILING}
23 Friend's friendly? Not at first (4) ALLY pALLY
24 Opera singer, right, surrounded by swirling sitar and violin (10) STRADIVARI {DIVA}{R} in {SITAR*}
25 Company pitched (4) CAST [DD]
26 Diners' cups: I moved two places along (10) BRASSERIES BRASS(-i)ER(+i)IES

1   Bass offered amid lettuce: they're covered in corn (4) COBS {CO{B}S}
2   12 down – or up! (4) NOON <=>
3   Charlie and Les getting credit for wicked thing (11) CANDLESTICK {C}{AND}{LES}{TICK}
4   Before now, more like a nobleman? (7) EARLIER {EARL-IER}
5   Timeless young lady in clinch now and again (7) CLASSIC {C{LASS}lInCh}
7   A patricide – deranged, concerning youth needing treatment (10) PAEDIATRIC*
8   In cosy room, causes irritation: the writer maligns (10) DENIGRATES {DEN}{I}GRATES}
12 Regularly ignore Finn's attack, being pleasant enough (11) INOFFENSIVE {fInNs}{OFFENSIVE}
13 No panic! BLT's toasted: here's some wine (5,5) PINOT BLANC {NO+PANIC+BLT}*
14 Perhaps aviators' magnificent displays (10) SPECTACLES [DD]
18 Broadcast Ella Fitzgerald? (7) SCATTER {SCAT-TER}
19 Slice of inferior lean steak somewhere in France (7) ORLEANS [T]
21 Institute and experimental facility set up in Indonesian island province (4) BALI {I}{LAB}<=
22 Conifers and gorse, by the sound of it (4) FIRS (~ furze)

Reference List
Prince = P, Edward = ED, Singer = DIVA, Right = R, Bass = B, Lettuce = COS, Charlie = C

Saturday, 29 July 2023

No 13930, Saturday 29 Jul 2023, Gussalufz

1   Quietly turned shy around female wearing scent (8) PERFUMED {P}[DEMU{F}RE<=}
6   Stares at the mouth and checks gums (6) STICKS {St...s}{TICKS}
9   Bug likes unevenly peeled fruit (4) UGLI {bUG+LIkes}
10 Delhi's shaken after short protest is crushed (10) DEMOLISHED {DELHIS}*<=>{DEMO}
11 Heavy food rejected, say ... (6) STODGE {EG}{DOTS}<=
12 Predict food/beer cut (8) FOREBODE*
13 Spies pip Secretary Eve, frequently a source of spicy stuff (6,4) PEPPER TREE {sPiEs+PiP+sEcReTaRy+EvE} 
15 American author wanting a mate (4) TWIN TWaIN
17 Composer skips popular buffet (4) CHOP CHOPin
18 Chaps from India matter — in short, I should be given a shot, no? (10) COUNTRYMEN {COUNTRY}{ME}{N} Anno not clear (Addendum - {COUNt}{TRY ME}{N} - See comments)
20 A lobster pickle suitable for the pantry (8) STORABLE*
22 Tastes salty sandwiches after turning over money (6) ASSETS [T<=]
24 Bad co-stars wrecked shows (10) BROADCASTS*
26 Staple paper at its tip; cool? (4) RICE {p..eR}{ICE}
27 Company's authorization, that is! (6) COOKIE {CO}{OK}{IE} &lit
28 A couple of males — traditional and right-wing, basically — but like powerful women (8) MATRONLY {MAles}{Tr...l}{Ri...g}{ONLY}

2   Half a quarter divided by ten at first, that is! (9) EIGHTIETH {EIGH{Ten}{IE}TH} What's the definition here? &lit
3   Fired up or burned out? (5) FRIED*
4   How I might clue each July/August? (3-4) MID-YEAR (yEAr)
5   Note: setter is not very bright (3) DIM {D}{I'M}
6   Pour drinks, pal — missing a binge (7) SPLURGE {S{PaL}URGE}
7   Tiny cyst I (by stitching up) conceal (4-5) ITSY-BITSY [T]
8   State must make dough (5) KNEAD (~need)
12 Castle in Paris — one's treasure (7) FORTUNE {FORT}{UNE}
14 Book store circumvents copyright on book (9) PAPERBACK {P{APE}{R}{B}ACK}
16 Indicate foul by mid-fielder #15 (9) IDENTICAL {INDICATE*}{fieLder}
18 Eclectic brunch from the south regularly seen in workplace (7) CUBICLE {EcLeCtIc+BrUnCh}<=
19 Passage of time managed to settle ... (7) TRANSIT {T}{RAN}{SIT}
21 ... body ache in part of the foot, for Spooner (5) TORSO (~sore toe to torso)
23 Motor's overstressed (5) SERVO* {'S}{OVER*}
25 Ponder inconclusively about problem (3) SUM MUSe<=

Reference List
Quietly = P, Female = F, Popular = IN, No = N, Company = CO, Note = D, One in French = UNE, Copy = APE, Right = R, Time = T

Friday, 28 July 2023

No 13929, Friday 28 Jul 2023, Gussalufz

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

9   Person had made wife procrastinate (3,3,3) HUM AND HAW {HUMAN}{HAD*}{W}
10 A gangster addressed respectfully about concern (5) ALARM {A}{MR AL<=}
11 Say, pugs running around about breakfast table items (7) EGGCUPS {EG}{PUGS}* over {C}
12 Positive or negative charges essentially found in nitrogen-ozone mixture (3-4) NON-ZERO {chaRges}* {N+OZONE}*
13 Gussalufz's eating a bread (5) MONEY {M{ONE}Y}
14 Opponent of monarchy can put out quiet release once again (9) REPUBLISH {REPUBLIcan}{SH}
16 One charging fee ordered to accept unknown currency (7,8) FOREIGN EXCHANGE {ONE+CHARGING+FEE}* over {X}
19 Soviet leader consumes ecstasy on telly, oddly showing a liberal bent (9) LENIENTLY {LENI{E}N}{TeLlY}
22 Killer's hidden message cracked by judge (5) NINJA {NIN{J}A}
24 One skipsvery put out by one throwing up (7) OMITTER vOMITTER
26 Reportedly hold a grudge with judge (7) ARBITER (~ are bitter)
27 Queen embraced by nobleman taking off royal uniform (5) EQUAL {E{QU}ArL}
28 Solemn character close to Jon's extremely envious in Garfield (9) SOBERNESS {SOBER{joN}{En...uS}S}

1   Photograph leg muscles showing sluggishness (6) PHLEGM [T]
2   Fancier journal covering the full range across Indian Railways (8) IMAGINER {I{MAGazINE}R}
3   My junior editor arranged to leave door cracked for extra segment (6,4) INJURY TIME {MY+JUNIoR+EdITor}*
4   Search desperately for drink (6) CHASER*
5   Six open women filed complaint (5-3) SWINE POX {SIX+OPEN+W}*
6   Wife enters to criticize man (4) PAWN {PA{W}N}
7   Bird cycling around monkey and rabbit (6) TAPETI {(+t}TTI(-t)} over {APE}
8   A cow's output is in this bubbly energy drink (8) SMOOTHIE {S{MOO}THI*}{E}
15 Barbed wired fences shine limitlessly (conclusion of inmates in prison) (6,4) BEHIND BARS {BE{sHINe}DBAR*}{i...eS}
16 Stumble badly and fail while dumping one's beau (4,4) FALL OVER {FAiL}{LOVER}
17 Truant is in trouble as he likes to be naked (8) NATURIST*
18 +1 is an erotica author, inspiring web poet (8) NINETEEN {NIN} over {NET}{EE} 
20 Suffer through joke about seal (4,2) NAIL UP {N{AIL}UP<=}
21 Bird regurgitated many half-eaten bugs (6) YNAMBU {MANY*}{BUgs}
23 Check support for member—no minorities, for starters (6) ARREST ARmREST
25 Powder cask, say (4) TALK (~talc)

Reference List
Wife = W, About = C, Quiet = SH, Unknown = X, Ecstasy = E, Judge = J, Very = V, Queen = QU, Royal = R, Full range = A-Z, Women = W, Energy = E

Thursday, 27 July 2023

No 13928, Thursday 27 Jul 2023, Avtaar

Solution to 3D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Label referencing topic of volcanic dust that regularly pervades Mercury (7) HASHTAG {H{ASH}{ThAt}G}
5   Expert involved in reform is threatened (7) MENACED {MEN{ACE}D}
9   Avtaar is given a certain amount (7) MEASURE {ME}{A}{SURE}
10 Every other lioness circling approach, turned to the centre (7) INWARDS {lIoNeSs} over {DRAW<=}
11 I, for one, would be leading a trial (5,4) UPPER CASE {UPPER}{CASE} (Addendum - {UP}{PER}{CASE} - See comments)
12 Skirts of blue with 50% in maroon - extraordinary colour (5) AMBER {BluE} in {MARoon}*
13 Adult grouse is caught (5) GROWN (~groan)
15 Offer fixed reduction (9) INTRODUCE*
17 Nanny's song spiced up with raunchy verse (9) GOVERNESS {SONG+VERSE}*
19 Sum up on Excel (5) RECAP {RE}{CAP}
22 Star Wars-like detailed, specific training called off (3-2) SCI-FI SpeCIFIc
23 Short girl with a lamb in tow holding sign near junction (9) MOMENTARY {MARY} over {OMEN}{T}
25 L'il badly treated ? (3-4) ILL-USED {LIL}* [RA]
26 Boat loaded with two-centuries-old narcotic leaves (7) TOBACCO {BOAT*}{CC}{O}
27 Meet a female model in retreat when visiting Sicily on vacation (7) SATISFY {A}{SIT<=}{F} in {SicilY} (Addendum - {A} with {F}{SIT}<= in {SicilY} - See comments}
28 Hampered bishop pair stuck in corner on right side of board (7) HOBBLED {HO{BB}LE}{b..rD}

1   Meat and refreshments recalled in European city (7) HAMBURG {HAM}{GRUB<=}
2   Fake and mostly substandard cleanser (7) SHAMPOO {SHAM}{POOr}
3   Heartless cook quitting? Lorry driver is more loyal (5) T?U?R (Addendum - TRUER TRUckER - See comments))
4   Endearing cocktail ingredient (9) GRENADINE* &lit 
5   Corn I planted in jungle (5) MAIZE {MA{I}ZE}
6   Reform of Brown eschewing Utopian Leftist axioms, basically (3,6) NEW LABOUR &lit {BROWN+Es...g+Ut...n+Le...t+Ax...s}*
7   Animal bone and egg kept in California for all to see (7) CARIBOU {RIB}{O} in {CA}{U}
8   Justify  Democrat replacing  Republican in bank (7) DESERVE (-r+d)DESERVE
14 I will always be her first love, perhaps? (9) NARCISSUS [C&DD] Her or His? See comments
16 Tense set livened up light international contest (4,5) TEST MATCH {T}{SET*}{MATCH}
17 Pass drinks slowly savouring society's scandals (7) GOSSIPS {GO}{SIPS}  over {S}
18 Small vessel, very close to the bay (7) VEINLET {V}{thE}{INLET}
20 Break large section of a church that is separated (7) CHANCEL {CHANCE}{L}
21 Board's director holding up work at court (7) PLYWOOD {D}<=>{PLY}{WOO}
23 Young British naval officer in Malaysia entertains retired inspector and daughter (5) MIDDY {MY} over {DI<=}{D}
24 Ancient royal article turned up with old British coin (5) NABOB {AN<=}{BOB}

Reference List
On = RE, Training = PE, Junction = T, Century = C, Female = F, Bishop = B, For all to see = U, Republican = R, Democrat = D, Tense = T, Society = S, Very = V, Large= L, Director = D, Inspector = DI(Detective Inspector), Daughter = D

Wednesday, 26 July 2023

No 13927, Wednesday 26 Jul 2023, Bruno

Solution to 6A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Each start of November and February, feeds animals for special occasions (10) BEANFEASTS {B{EA}{No...r}{Fe...y}EASTS}
 Famous flying aircraft, mainly man's seen flying away? (4) ?F?S (Addendum - UFOS {FamOUS}* - See comments) &lit
9   Teetotaller in abstinence organization's famous - man has medical specialist's skill (10) ATTAINMENT A{TT}A}{IN}{M}ENT}
10 Henry banned from Indian city restaurant (4) DELI DELhI
12 Rep let person who causes trouble? (6,6) STORMY PETREL {REP+LET}* [RA]
15 Animal was mounted carrying Earl and Queen (3,4) ROE DEER {RO{E}DE}{ER}
16 A pig and eel hybrid's living on the ground (7) EPIGEAL {A+PIG+EEL}*
17 It saps complete strength - leaving no verve finally (7) ALLERGY {ALL}{EneRGY} Semi&lit
19 Range of high-end jewellery lacks centrepiece (7) HEARING {higH}{EARrING}
20 Countryman's enthusiasm to go on a normal date in more modern surroundings (3,9) NEW ZEALANDER {NEW{ZEAL}{A}{N}{D}ER}
23 Repeat recycling task - take out rubbish first (4) ECHO (+e)ECHOr(-e)
24 Hard worker wants husband that is boring, quiet and a rebel (5,5) BLACK SHEEP {B{LACKS}{H}EE}{P}
25 Catch a glimpse of James Pycroft? (4) ESPY [T]
26 Dramatise grading problem in a school and put on Prime finally (10) AGGRANDISE {GRADING}* in {A}{S} on {p..mE}

1   Bishop is hiding a prejudice (4) BIAS {B}{I{A}S}
2   Pitch's another low turner - opined openers (4) ALTO Acrostic
3   Weak note in final act - listener in the middle of stadium was confused (5-7) FAINT-HEARTED {FA}{acT+EAR+IN+THE+staDium}* (Correction - {FA}{IN}{acT} and {EAR} in {THE+staDium}*)
4   Lover's married, sadly (7) ADMIRER*
5   Old technique to record an image of colour myopies' often ignored (7) TINTYPE {TINT}{mYoPiEs}
7   10As supporting Florida with regret, put up flag (5-2-3) FLEUR-DE-LIS {DELI'S}<=>{FL}{RUE<=}
8   Quiet husband seen around illegal dancing club (10) SHILLELAGH {SH}{H} over {ILLEGAL}* 
11 An extended form of 10A at California's last existent Germantown (12) DELICATESSEN  {DELI}{CA}{e...nT}{ESSEN}
13 Relative's energetic travels around America (5-5) GREAT-NIECE {ENERGETIC}* over {A}
14 Course's popular after recruiting the Spanish fraternity (10) FELLOWSHIP {FLOWS}{HIP} over {EL}
18 Eulogy composed contained Latin - that can be seen around Christmas (4,3) YULE LOG {EULOGY}* over {L}
19 Manually powered instrument with hydraulic ends listed with a radio on top (7) HANDCAR {H and C}{A}{Ra..o}
21 Mythical creature still found on India's northernmost part? (4) YETI {YET}{In..a} Semi&lit
22 Part of church where mistake's cleared mainly (4) APSE lAPSE

Reference List
Each = EA, Teetotaller = TT, Man = M, Medical specialist = ENT, Henry = H, Earl = E, Queen = ER, No = N, Normal = N, Date = D, Husband = H, Quiet = P, School = S, Bishop = B, Note = FA, Florida = FL, Quiet = SH, America = A, Popular = HIP, The in Spanish = EL, Latin = L

Tuesday, 25 July 2023

No 13926, Tuesday 25 Jul 2023, Bruno

Solution to 9A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Couple detailed assault on husband (6) ATTACH {ATTACk}{H}
4   City's soapbox for demagogues kept hidden (6) OXFORD [T]
8   Visa finally expired - qualify to travel around East - go from one state to another (7) LIQUEFY {QUaLIFY}* over {E}
9   Fools on one side of me - catch setter's drift? (7) ?R?I?S? (Addendum - TRAIPSE {TRA{I}PS}{mE} - See comments)
11 Punjab's capital on the east - notably troubled - mark where extra defence is needed (7,3) PENALTY BOX {Pu...b}{E}{NOTABLY*}{X}
12 Cry of pain as belly's pinched at the top (4) OUCH pOUCH
13 Passenger sends daughter to the front to become less wet (5) DRIER (+d)DRI(-d)ER
14 Terrible time to work - not essentially Manic Mondays perhaps? (8) DOOMSDAY {DO}{MOnDAYS}*
16 Old school religious group can be joined by a squeeze at the bottom and kiss (8) OSCULATE {O}{S}{CUL{A}T}{s...zE}
18 Guy put top of can on can (5) CABLE {Can}{ABLE}
20 Shock retracts testicles (4) NUTS<=
21 Brings suits - about two hundred - to go on screen - one's finally picked out for serial (10) SUCCESSIVE {SU{CC}ES}{SIeVE}
23 Metal's sticky at one end, dry and weird when current passes through it (7) YTTRIUM {s...kY}{TT}{R{I}UM}
24 Saint with hidden riches shows secrecy (7) STEALTH {ST}{wEALTH}
25 Delay ends in lunchtime after father picked up wife (6) DAWDLE {DA{W}D}{Lu...mE}
26 Weirdo fellow given current account (6) MANIAC {MAN}{I}{AC}

1   One's engaged in stripping planets for source of oil (5) ANISE {plAN{1'S}Ets}
2   Storm? I must go around a new roundabout way (7) TSUNAMI {I}{M{A}{N}UST}<=
3   Restaurant's cooktop had to be reinforced with iron to get air to rise (9) CAFETERIA {Cook}{A{FE}TE}{AIR<=}
5   Two chromosomes linked by steroid in the middle can reproduce (5) XEROX {X}{stEROid}{X}
6   Love! Without love.. boring and grim... (7) OMINOUS {O}{MIN{O}US}
7   Indian and Chinese leader got cold - had to get dry (9) DESICCATE {DESI}{Ch...e}{C}{ATE}
10 Old mattress' nice and malleable in the middle - flexible and yielding (9) OBEDIENCE {O}{BED}{NICE+m..lEa..e}*
13 Became irritated as Southern wind subsided around (9) DISGUSTED {DI{S}{GUST}ED}
15 Group making music of horse and cart rattling (9) ORCHESTRA*
17 Loose small team supporting world organization (7) UNSCREW {S}{CREW}<=>{UN} Loose or Loosen?
19 Vegan, healthy, and raw starters not found in barmitsvah spread - only rice (7) BASMATI {BArMITSvAh}
21 One consumed by University art showing head (5) SKULL SK(-i+u)ULL
22 Visionary's captaincy often is at the back of victory (5) VATIC {cApTaInCy}<=>{V}

Reference List
Husband = H, East = E, Daughter = D, Old = O, School = S, Hundred = C, Dry = TT, Current = I, With = W, Wife = W, Account = AC, New = N, Chromosome = X, Indian = DESI, Cold = C, Southern = S, Small = S, University = U, Victory = V

Monday, 24 July 2023

No13925, Monday 24 Jul 2023, Crescent

Solution to 5D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

Crescent in his elements. Tough going today!

8   A few days outing short for Southern hemisphere (4) DOME (-s+d)DOME
9   Good bars pour full, with head of froth sticking on tap (2,3,5) UP FOR GRABS {G+BARS+POUR}* over {Fr..h}
10 Superb spinner bringing on a nick (3-5) TOP-NOTCH {TOP}{NOTCH}
11 Setter's drink said to be stout (6) MIGHTY (~my tea)
12 Mobile international units not spreading (2,4) IN SITU {I+UNITS}*
13 Wild call by born revolutionary for blank faces (8) FRENETIC {CITE}{NE}<= after{FoR} 
15 Shop before wives fancy exclusive exhibitions (5,8) SNEAK PREVIEWS {SNEAK}{PRE}{WIVES*}
17 Seaside spot, a tiny section within sultan's realm? (8) DESPOTAT [T]
19 Back in a moment (6) SECOND [DD]
21 Clear line from dark stripe originally over plaster (6) STUCCO {OCCUlT}{St...e}<=
23 Bad blood in interim void between America and China (8) ACRIMONY {A}{CR{In...iM}ONY}
24 About to drop off from do to doss? (4-6) HALF-ASLEEP {DO is half of DOSS and DOSS is SLEEP}
25 Bond returns smothering kiss, way to go! (4) EXIT {TI{X}E<=}

1   Sink leaves warehouse (6) GODOWN {GO DOWN}
2   Interval to signify new item (8) MEANTIME {MEAN}{ITEM*}
3   Heap butter and suck rum (4,6) RUST BUCKET {BUTTER+SUCK}*
4   Rate efforts with rank marking highest grade (2,3,5,5) OF THE FIRST WATER*
5   Out of fashion, primarily again about cut (4) ?R?M (Addendum - FROM {Fa...n}{MORe<=} - See comments)
6   Bomber given sharper wingtip (6) BROGUE [CD] (Addendum - {B}{ROGUE} -;See comments)    
7   Goes without son following a black mark (8) ABSTAINS {S}<=>{A}{B}{STAIN}
14 Earwigs start out from ditches and dumps (10) EAVESDROPS {lEAVES}{DROPS}
15 Spooky time in particular making one run (8) SPECTRAL {T} in {SPEC(-i+r)RAL}
16 Neem rub applied to nurse cold and cramp (8) ENCUMBER {NEEM+RUB} over {C}
18 Fleet coming to harbour whenever calm (6) PACIFY {PAC{IF}Y}
20 Term for cotton, name borne by similar fabric (6) NANKIN {c...oN}{A{N}KIN}
22 Tilt after jack's lifted boot (4) OUST jOUST

Reference List
Days = D, Good = G, International = I, Born = NE, Shop = SNEAK, Line = L, America = A, China = CRONY, Son = S, Bomber = B, Black = B, Time = T, Run = R, Cold = C, Fleet = PACY, Name = N, Jack = J

Sunday, 23 July 2023

Special, Sunday 23 Jul 2023, Inswinger

Welcome to our new setter INSWINGER. Bouquets and Brickbats welcome.

answers per commenter till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory) 
Please submit all your answers in one comment.  



By Inswinger
Squares filled: 0/137
Exolve Print Notes Jotter Ⓒ Inswinger & THCC

6"Times" featuring "Illumination for England" (7)
7Recycling endless energy that's environmentally friendly (5)
9Religious leader, father, English poet (4)
10Wooing tennis champion, performing without love (10)
11Squeeze by to look back for something sharp (4,4)
13Kindles puff of weed in extreme seriousness (6)
15Egg on valiant Australian lads, from the beginning (4)
17Exhausted, starting to treat anger and onset of depression (5)
18Image extracted from semiconductors (4)
19Gather a team, say (6)
20Surrenders chopped cucumbers without hesitation to Head of Security (8)
23Knocked unconscious, lost touch essentially in head injury (10)
26Cheer base (4)
27XX, principally soft-core (5)
28Returning dull and feeble, say, half-way between Monday and Friday (7)

1Woman's cleanlier arrangement where alcohol is stored (4,6)
2One helps to rehabilitate penniless shippy, injured with a touch of osteoporosis (6)
3Jockey erroneously overruns observer (4)
4Diagnosed endlessly and wrongly, suffered pain (8)
5Top man's a baddy at heart (4)
6First ball, way wide (5)
8French XI in oddly narrow surroundings may be positive or negative (3-4)
12Peers and looks oddly around middle of garden (5)
14Late verbal send-offs? (10)
16Six hundred debts? Cruel! (7)
17Historic sporting rivalry has these components (3,5)
21Is it possible for a lawyer to form a country? (6)
22Stand initially before castle (5)
24Firm, fine former English captain (4)
25Setter's initially broken foot (4)


The Sunday Crossword No 3264, Sunday 23 Jul 2023

1   Clutches Greek serpents (6) GRASPS {GR}{ASPS}
4   Sailor's assistant we're told brings on cargo of bitumen (8) LODESTAR {(~loads)LODES}{TAR}
9   Holds sway: good to assume means of control (6) REIGNS {REI{G}NS}
10 Everyman's entirely in vulgar fashion (8) IMPURELY {I'M}{PURELY}  
12 Nuisances in small numbers (8) HANDFULS [DD]
13 Some señoritas selected dangling ornamentation (6) TASSEL [T]
15 Predominates, bizarrely, having taken off (12) IMPERSONATED*
18 Arrangement of Elgar and 'Land...' is what'll get your heart racing (7,5) ADRENAL GLAND*
21 One finding bees surrounding 10 goats (6) IBEXES {1}{BE{X}ES}
22 Avoid sun, despite being prepared (8) SIDESTEP {S}{DESPITE*}
24 Those easily angered exchanging words in a posed photograph (8) HEADSHOT  {HOT<=>HEADS}
25 Incredibly slender terrains helping mainlands interconnect, primarily? (6) ISTHMI Acrostic &lit
26 Baked spanakopita OAP strangely rejected in Commonwealth country (8) PAKISTAN {SPANAKopITa}*
27 Welcomes a fleece to clothe son (4,2) ASKS IN {A}{SK{S}IN}

1   Whingers roasted composer (8) GERSHWIN*
2   After a year, one has a rest: a Cypriot resort (4,4) AYIA NAPA {A}{Y}{1}{NAP}{A}
 Fear depression's bad habits (8,7) PINAFORE DRESSES*
5   Cockney detective's measured resistance (4) OHMS (~holmes)
6   Train with Dutch boarders losing time before El Salvador? They're not certain (8,7) EDUCATED GUESSES {EDUCATE}{D}{GUEStS}{ES}
7   Tense hold-up, I believe (6) THEIST {T}{HEIST}
 Monarch and kin greatly amuse soldiers (when sent up) (6)  ROYALS {SLAY}{OR}<=
11 Crusty loaf? That's a mistake (7)  BLOOMER [DD]
14 Bass and violin initially introducing song in a state (7) BAVARIA {Bass}{And}{Vi...n}{ARIA}
16 Captain Charles twice briefly showing security measures (8) CAPTCHAS {CAPT}{CHAS}
17 Support commercial possibility (8) ADOPTION {AD}{OPTION}
19 Part of nightclub is hoppin', man! (6) BISHOP [T]
20 Once again evaluate a comment (6) REMARK {RE-MARK}
23 Shakespeare's river's rising: a stellar sight (4) NOVA<=

Reference List
Greek = GR, Good = G, Ten = X, Sun = S, Son =S, Year = Y, Dutch = D, Time = T, Tense = T, Soldiers = OR(Other Ranks), Commercial = AD

Saturday, 22 July 2023

No 13924, Saturday 22 Jul 2023, Hypatia

Congratulations to Hypatia on her 100th Crossword

8   Not entirely chaste articles in ancient literature (6) PURANA {PURe}{AN}{A}
9   Can he join lines oddly lost in passages (8) CHANNELS {CAN+HE+LiNeS}*
10 Name one tooth doctor to remove small cavity ultimately (8) IDENTITY {1}{DENTIsT}{c...tY}
11 Damage reputation of US central bank returning American money to Europe (6) DEFAME {FED<=}{A}{M}{E}
12 According to Spooner, expected singer Furtado in capital (3,5) NEW DELHI (~ due nelly to new delhi)
13 Originally orphaned kangaroos awaiting pouches in substitute animals (6) OKAPIS Acrostic 
14 Foolish singer has reformed through excellent books (7) ASHANTI {HAS}*{A{NT}1} 

17 Hospital supports lives, probing charts in accidents (7) MISHAPS {H}<=>{IS} in {MAPS}
20 Engineer allocated to dispose dilapidated old compound (6) ACETAL ALloCATEd*
22 Hot and tired out cracked by pressure but fearless (8) INTREPID {IN}{TRE{P}ID*}
25 Sat around collecting information for representatives (6) AGENTS {A{GEN}TS*}
26 Sheep dog? Everyone essentially wants mine (8) COLLIERY {COLLIE}{eveRYone}
27 In Java, ran a simulation showing holy city (8) VARANASI [T]
28 Chap casing one liberal bar is convicted (6) GUILTY {GU{1}{L}{T}Y}

1   Holding daughter, she'd run to work in lots (8) HUNDREDS {D} in {SHED+RUN}*
2   Sounded sleepy when study technique came up (6) YAWNED {DEN}{WAY}<=
3   Piano student tackling song belonging to a duet, say (6) PARIAL {P}{ARIA}{L}
4   Material account with major insurer keeping track (7) ACRYLIC {AC}{LIC} over {RY}
5   Style of Indian cooking with old fashioned roti wraps (8) TANDOORI {AND}{O} in {ROTI}*
6   Fellow went through Sinhala novel quickly (2,1,5) IN A FLASH {F} in {SINHALA}*
7   Past students all summon him regularly (6) ALUMNI {AlL+sUmMoN+hIm}
15 They feel unmarried men eat nan in a mess! (8) ANTENNAE {mEN+EAT+NAN}*
16 Lucky charm, partly in Crystal is mandatory (8) TALISMAN [T]
18 Dire need of sex in monastery (8) PRIORITY {PRIOR{IT}Y}
19 Boy is abrupt - drops rupees for one cookie (7) BISCUIT {B}{IS}{CU(-r+1)IT}
21 Drink on the counter, may turn cold (6) COGNAC {CAN}{GO}{C}<=
23 The discontented bear wants second bit of “hunny” in tongue (6) TELUGU {ThE}{LUG}{hUnny}
24 Upset about getting team to concentrate (6) ELIXIR {ELI{XI}R<=}

Reference List
Small = S, American = A, Money = M, Europe = E, Excellent = A1, Books = NT(New Testament), Hospital = H, Hot = IN, Pressure = P, Information = GEN, Liberal = L, Bar = T, Daughter = D, Piano = P, Student = L, Account = AC, Track = RY, Old = O, Fellow = F, Married = M, Sex = IT, Boy = B, Rupees = R, Cold = C, Team = XI

Friday, 21 July 2023

No 13923, Friday 21 Jul 2023, Hypatia

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

9   Foreboding sensed by the Titanic's captain? (1,7,7) A SINKING FEELING [C&DD]
10 Witch initially pursues craft in bed turning to shady internet sites (4,3) DARK WEB {Wi..h}<=>{ARK} in {BED<=}
11 Despondent leader sacked and kicked out (7) EJECTED dEJECTED
12 Valet daily behind one covered park (9) CHAPRASSI {CHA{P}R}{ASS}{1}
14 Chilling in vehicle inside sanctuary on vacation (5) SCARY {Sanc{CAR}uarY}
17 Changed what happened at noon? (7) AMENDED {AM ENDED}
19 Pioneer taking first guided tour in Agra (7) GAGARIN {Gu...d} in {IN+AGAR}*
21 A little leopard returns stopping close to antelope (5) ELAND {A}{Le...d}<= in {END}
23 Rescuers bring back milk, essentially to cats (9) LIFELINES {mILk}<={FELINES}
25 Attack ambushing small brown animal (7) MUSTANG {MU{S}{TAN}G}
27 One serves in auditor’s job? (7) RACQUET (~racket)
30 Completely demolish Oz theatre (4,2,3,6) RAZE TO THE GROUND {OZ+THEATRE}* [RA]

1   Listen to forbidden troupe (4) BAND (~banned)
2   Belt fastener? (4) TIER [DD]
3   Most desks arranged outside were fixed by nails (8) SKEWERED {DESKs}* over {WERE}
4   Ma in Mumbai is regularly seen as God (6) ANUBIS {mA+iN+mUmBaI+iS}
5   Old fellow fractures finger in the present (8) OFFERING {O}{F}{FINGER*}
6   Last of Pornhub's boring films - they are revolting! (6) REBELS {RE{p...uB}ELS}
7   Capitals of France, Italy and Turkey in order (4) FIAT Acrostic
8   Silver head frequently seen in elderly (4) AGED {AG}{hEaD} Semi&lit
12 Long for leader from communist party (5) CRAVE {Co...t}{RAVE}
13 She virtually responds at your beck and call? (5) ALEXA [GK]
15 Some minor partitions hold up screen (5) APRON [T<=]
16 Pulls wild oxen without direction (5) YANKS {YA{N}KS}
18 Second key outside bungalow, essentially (8) DELEGATE {DELE{bunGAlow}TE}
20 Spooner's remote screen - it provides lounge access (4,4) GOLD CARD (~cold guard to gold card)
22 Starts to doodle really fast making sketches (6) DRAFTS {Do...e}{Re...y}{FAST*}*
24 Old tiller planting nothing for acres (6) FORMER F(-a+o)ORMER
25 Butter turns a little sour and spoils? (4) MARS {RAM<=}{Sour}
26 Volume of loud laments (4) SIZE (~sighs)
28 Say, self-sufficient way to get hair trimmed? (1-3) U-CUT {(~you)U-CUT}
29 Little daughter gets new position? That's neat! (4) TIDY TI(-n+d)DY

Reference List
Daily = CHAR, Park = P, Small = S, Old = O, Fellow = F, Direction = N, Acres = A, Daughter = D, New = N