Saturday, 30 September 2023

No 13984, Saturday 30 Sep 2023, Spinner

Welcome back Spinner after a long break.

1   Get involved with soldiers trapped in corrupt pleasure (13) ENTERTAINMENT {ENTER}{TAIN{MEN}T}
10 English attack loses leader, short of score by a dozen (5) EIGHT {E}{fIGHT}
11 Former flame criticises Spinner about development (9) EXPANSION {EX}{PANS}{I}{ON}
12 American pop singer's extremely sharp listeners (6) SPEARS {SharP}{EARS}
13 Primarily doctors with specialisation in solving teethy situations, for starters (8) DENTISTS {Do...s}{ENT}{In}{So...g}{Te...y}{Si...s} Semi&lit
15 Silence is a good man's complaint (9) STILLNESS {ST}{ILLNESS}
16 Perform twice for moron (4) DODO {DO}{DO}
20 Letters from boyfriend signalling conclusion, many times over (4) ENDS [T]
21 Comedy arc masquerading as constitutional government (9) DEMOCRACY*
24 Thrilling, unfinished tie - game cut short, interrupted by rains essentially! (8) DRAMATIC {DRAw}{MAT{raIns}TCh}
26 Sympathised with elderly getting irked regularly (6) AGREED {AG{iRkEd}ED}
28 Spinner back on stage, overcoming traces of intense scheduling stress (9) EMPHASISE {ME<=}{PHAS{In...e}{Sc...g}E}
29 Bond protecting tin shield (5) TITLE {TI{TL}E} Anno for TL not clear See comments
30 Spinner trained near ground in Greece or Spain (13) MEDITERRANEAN {ME}{TRAINED+NEAR}*

2   Nation's leader, voted in with gusto initially, failed to take care (9) NEGLECTED {Na...s}{E{Gu..o}LECTED}
3   Crazy tennis player, taking no naps, running at 100% (8) ENTIRELY {TEnNIs+pLaYER}*
4   Endless road, one having many branches (4) TREE sTREEt
5   One's broken promises beginning to nurture suspicion (10) IMPRESSION {1}{PROMISES*}{Nu...e}
6   Home saved by quiet baby (6) MINUTE {M{IN}UTE}
7   Fixes distress between partners (5) NAILS {N}{AIL}{S}
8   Chief's a monster (5) BEAST {BE{A}ST}
9   Sadly, he's not getting love in singular window of opportunity (3,4) ONE SHOT {HES+NOT}* over {O}
14 Unpredictably dive since pursuing one blowing hot and cold (10) INDECISIVE {DIVE+SINCE}<=>{1}
17 Captain features in extraordinary star/hero team that plays together (9) ORCHESTRA {C} in {STAR+HERA}*
18 Irritates too much, endlessly (7) NEEDLES NEEDLESs
19 Disturb broken finger while taking hit on the sides (8) FRIGHTEN {FINGER}* over {HiT}
22 Retiring is about a long distance journey! (6) SAFARI {IS<=} over {A}{FAR}
23 Faintly touched ball, caught in a tight space - Wicket gone! (5) EDGED wEDGED
25 When losing head, a little becomes a lot! (5) AMPLE sAMPLE
27 Look after a piece of rare artwork (4) REAR [T]

Reference List
English = E, Former flame = EX, Good man = ST, Home = IN, Partners = N,S(North and South in Bridge card game), Captain = C

Friday, 29 September 2023

No 13982, Friday 29 Sep 2023, Karaoke

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Drink over drink - It's a drinking spree (4-2) PISS-UP{SIP<=}{SUP}
5   Spooner's defender followed old maid, maybe (4,4) CARD GAME (~ guard came to card game)
9 Tightening to catch thieves chiefly for shoplifting (8) STEALING {S{Th...s}EALING}
10 Pass through evil blood (4,2) SINK IN {SIN}{KIN}
11 They cared for perimeters essentially in struggle (5,5) ARMED FORCE {CARED+FOR+periMEters}* &lit
12 Wine biscuits available partly on counter (4) ASTI [T<=]
13 Low-rent? 50 less for hooter! (5) OWLET {lOW}{LET}
14 Get hold of scoundrel in bishop's diocese (6) SECURE {SE{CUR}E}
17 Wine bar back in airportSiberia (6) BISTRO [T<=]
19 Animal's long laugh outside (5) HYENA {H{YEN}A}
22 Encouraging expression from compound periodically (4) CMON {CoMpOuNd}
24 Training at noon, that maybe marathon mostly or another athletic event (10) PENTATHLON {PE}{N}{THAT*}{LONg}
25 I hear marketing drink makes sense (4,2) ADDS UP {(~ad)ADD}{SUP}
26 Instruments found in radio car in a shed (8) OCARINAS [T]
27 Second slip position (8) BACKDROP {BACK}{DROP}
28 One of two plus one in number (6) EITHER {E{1}THER}

2   Detain one after the other, I say (6) INTERN (~ in turn)
3   Extremely sadistic animals get bunny (9) SCAPEGOAT {Sa...iC}{APE}{GOAT}
4   Traumatic chill essentially disturbing sleep on retirement? Take flu shot (7) PAINFUL {N{chIll}AP}<={FLU*}
5   Primarily cancer institute gives admission readily excluding tobacconists for a whiff (7) CIGARET Acrostic Semi&lit
6   Resorts concocted registers (7) ROSTERS*
7   Intoxicating preparation smuggled out of MichiganJackson (5) GANJA [T]
8   Jogging suit in extra sweat (8) MOISTURE {MO{SUIT*}RE}
15 Edit the technique of weight-loss (5,4) CRASH DIET {EDIT}* [RA]
16 A way between extremes through press, maybe (3,5) VIA MEDIA {VIA}{MEDIA}
18 Ideally, where do you see this grid? (2,5) ON PAPER [C&DD]
19 No-hoper mostly failing to catch cock mainly in cage (3-4) HEN-COOP {NO+HOPEr}* over {Cock}
20 Man-eater roaming freely passing over river in spring (7) EMANATE {MAN+EATEr}*
21 Take measure party-wise (6) DOSAGE {DO}{SAGE}
23 Indian agricultural worker from the South in town (5) NASIK<=

Reference List
50 = L, Bishop's diocese = SEE, Training = PE, Noon = N, Marketing = AD, Drink = SUP, River = R, Party = DO

Thursday, 28 September 2023

No 13981, Thursday 28 Sep 2023, Gussalufz

Solution to 1D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Names everyone in class, discontentedly (5) CALLS {Cla{ALL}sS}
4   Drove naked, sustained by shocks and green lights (9) APPROVALS {APP{dROVe}ALS}
9   Revitalised an empty settlement (7) PAYMENT*
10 Seabird with a bit of gas, breathing heavily (7) PUFFING {PUFFIN}{Gas}
11 Boy, getting old (around ten, almost), ran off (6) BOLTED {B}{OL{TEn}D}
12 Chair sides with motion at the outset, amidst apprehensions (8) ARMRESTS {AR{Mo...n}RESTS}
14 Essentially set lay crossword - style is simple (4) EASY {sEt}{lAy}{c..sSw..d}{stYle}
15 Speech following last month's award (10) DECORATION {ORATION}<=>{DEC}
18 Herb medics ground and smeared? (10) BESMIRCHED*
19 Partition between India and Pakistan, after not the best union? (4) BLOC {LOC}<=>{B}
22 College community claimed: "A campus that has bounced back substantially" (8) ACADEMIA [T<=]
24 Oddly, CEO branded as a key component of our vision (6) CORNEA {CeO+bRaNdEd+As}
26 Solo, featured-in-a-movie, clothed-in-wild-garb dance (7) BHANGRA {B{HAN}GRA*}
27 Nike perhaps goes over dad's limits, son (7) GODDESS {GO{DaD}ES}{S}
28 "Leaf's quality?" Gardener: "Nonsense - so uneven!" (9) GREENNESS {GaRdEnEr+NoNsEnSe+So}
29 CSK: Siraj's reverse carries dangers (5) RISKS [T<=]

1   Spooner says, give money to TV provider with competence (7) C?P?B?E (Addendum CAPABLE (~pay cable to capable) - See comments)
2   Employ A-list stars, mostly for fans (9) LOYALISTS [T]
3   A drop of eggnog replacing egg in scones leads to tantrums (6) SCENES SC(-o+e)ENES
4   Author abruptly kills husband in vehicle (4) AUTO AUThOr
5   Notes from The Hindu say: "Gussalufz carrying on, yes" (5,5) PAPER MONEY {PAPER}{M{ON}E}{Y}
6   Delivery from Gussalufz's baker? (3,5) OFF BREAK {BAKER}* [RA] (Anind is Gussalufz = Crossword)
7   Actress Bhatt's other name (5) ALIAS {ALIA'S}
8   Girl getting involved in two crimes registers presence (5,2) SIGNS IN {SI{G}N}{SIN}
13 Tear C. Vitae's redraft, start once again (10) REACTIVATE*
16 One disparages Sri Lankans? (9) ISLANDERS {1}{SLANDERS}
17 Fantastic HR guide! New professional, known to transform one's life conclusively (5,3) HIRED GUN {HR+GUIDE}*{N}
18 New-gen baba gets a cushy seat (4,3) BEAN BAG*
20 Research Assistant hides body (7) CHASSIS [T]
21 One caught in a conflict backed red cosmetic (6) POWDER {POW}{RED<=}
23 American women are well-informed (5) AWARE {A}{W}{ARE}
25 Food drives? (4) EGGS [DD]

Reference List
Boy = B, Not the best = B, Son = S, Husband = H, Yes = Y, Girl = G, New = N, American = A, Women = W

Wednesday, 27 September 2023

No 13980, Wednesday 27 Sep 2023, Avtaar

Solution to 22D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Frisk vehicle containing traces of valium and opium (6) CAVORT {CA{Va...m}{Op..m}RT}
5   Female writer (one among siblings) releases book about a grand forecourt (8) FRONTAGE {F}{bRONT{A}{G}E}
 I cycled around munching a tasty eatable (8) DELICACY {I+CYCLED}* over A
10 Music-maker turned out in red (6) CLARET CLARinET
11 When one can say “Aye” to Congress? (3,2,7) AGE OF CONSENT [CD]
13 Characters seen regularly in loud party game (4) LUDO {LoUd}{DO}
14 10 1/2 cherries around the far edge of dinner platter (8) TRENCHER {T{d...eR}EN}{CHERries}
17 Very loud, boring leader of outing annoyed about hotel in a foreign country (8) OFFSHORE {Ou...g}{FF}{S{H}ORE}
18 Element of oily fluid causing noise from pen? (4) OINK {Oily}{INK}
20 American President mostly gets charged when ignored (7,5) BRUSHED ASIDE {B{RUSHED}{AS}IDEn}
23 Singular chap leaving a grave (6) SOLEMN {SOLE}{MaN}
24 Interchange, finally cut off by policemen backing supremo (8) DICTATOR {ROTATe}{CID}<=
25 Unknown solvent, initially dropped in, say, tetracycline base (8) KEYSTONE {KE{Y}{So...t}TONE}
26 Venom-spewing poisonous lizards - extremely energetic nasties, basically (6) SPLEEN Acrostic 

2   Lying Bill assumes stand (4) ABED {A{BE}D}
3   Having eggs and duck soup blended with refined-oil-free ravioli (9) OVIPAROUS* {O+SOUP+RAVIoli}*
4   One dealing in retrospective of colour paintings (6) TRADER {RED}{ART}<=
5   Doctor had left one unoccupied luxury hospital confines - couple of females become very angry (3,3,3,6) FLY OFF THE HANDLE {HAD+LEFT+ONE+Lu..rY+H}* over {FF}
6   Working with business head, reviewed the initiation of robotic electric vehicle's detailed test (4-4) ONCE-OVER {ON}{CEO} with {Ro...c}{El...c}{Ve...e}<=
7   Catches bugs holding end of plier (5) TRAPS {T{p..eR}APS}
8   Source of vegetable protein in banger seen coming off (5,5) GREEN BEANS*
12 Protected area is sandy with primarily flora-less frozen, dirty earth (6,4) BUFFER ZONE {BUFf}{FROZEN*}{E}
15 About to be deprived of everything, wins 100 in photo finish (5,4) CLOSE CALL{C}{LOSE ALL} over {C}
16 Inherit land and building? Not I! (4,4) COME INTO {COME}{NOT+I}*
19 When travelling Copernicus avoids open show on stage with animals etc. (6) CIRCUS CopeRnICUS*
21 Requirements from Supreme Court covering training on closure of cases (5) SPECS {S{PE}C}{c..eS}
22 An ending in love stories of a traditional kind (4) ?O?E (Addendum - LORE - L or E - See comments) 'Ends of love, ... ' would have been better. See discussion in comments below.

Reference List
Book = B, Grand = G, Party = DO, Very loud = FF, Hotel = H, When = AS, Unknown = Y, Bill = AD, Fellow = F, Hospital = H, Earth = E, About = C, 100 = C, Training = PE

Tuesday, 26 September 2023

No 13979, Tuesday 26 Sep 2023, Hypatia

Solution to 6D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Educated student lost and made money (6) EARNED lEARNED
4   Primarily a round object not fully closed inside (5,3) ABOVE ALL {A}{B{OVEr}ALL}
9   Anointed after king's annoyed (6) ROILED {OILED}<=>{R}
10 Marching band entertains friend (8) RALLYING {R{ALLY}ING}
11 Average inns not prepared for meat eaters (3-11) NON-VEGETARIANS*
13 Totals set to stay intact (4,2,4) MADE TO LAST {TOTALS}* [RA]
14 Starts to feel elated, nursing Indian liquor (4) FENI Acrostic
16 Excavates cracks (4) DIGS [DD]
18 Ordering unfinished bouquet is so servile (10) OBSEQUIOUS {BOUQUEt+IS+SO}*
21 Important directions from bird shows? (8,6) CARDINAL POINTS {CARDINAL}{POINTS}
23 Periodic movement in cattle, eating quietly, leaving hot shelter (4,4) NEAP TIDE {NEA{P}T}{hIDE}
24 Reverend demands two beverages for exercise (6) TAICHI (~ chai tea to taichi)
25 Essay on Arabs protecting Japanese for so long (8) SAYONARA [T]
26 Leaders of countries yield control locally ending some revolutions (6) CYCLES Acrostic

1   See 2 
2 / 1 Justification of reader is not wrong (6,5) RAISON D ETRE*
3   Never eat pie or sap (8) ENERVATE*
5   Rest of the day in Miss India's regimen? (6,5) BEAUTY SLEEP [CD]
6   Essentially help to fill defunct device with oil on top - it's sticky (6) V?L?R? (Addendum - VELCRO {V{hELp}CR}{Oil} - See comments)
7   Upset by soldier in American gallery (7) AGITATE {A}{GI}{TATE}
8   Record one with audio tapes in the delivery area (9) LOGISTICS {LOG}{1}{(~sticks)STICS}
12 Organ in ball dancing held in grand scale (4,7) GALL BLADDER {BALL}* in {G}{LADDER}
13 Drugs curing endemics around India (9) MEDICINES {MED{I}CINES*}
15 Busy Rani luckily picks up stuff related to cooking (8) CULINARY  [T<=]
17 Young leader gets close to people ultimately in relevant state (7) GERMANY GERMAN(-e+y)Y
19 Model drops to third position in recent visual (7) OPTICAL (-t)OP(+t)TICAL
20 Adventurer seen in comics with money box (6) TINTIN{TIN}{TIN}
22 Victories in matches starting late (4) WINS tWINS

Reference List
Student = L, King = R, Cattle = NEAT, Quietly = P, Hot = H, Grand = G, Model = T

Monday, 25 September 2023

No 13978, Monday 25 Sep 2023, Hypatia

Solution to 23D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Ruffled policeman seizes heroin, possibly from tips (6) CHOPPY {C{H}OP}{Po...lY}
4   Deer regularly rounded up on briar patch (7) CARIBOU {Up+On+BrIaR+pAtCh}<=
9   Resolution and a deviation characterises summit (5,4) NANDA DEVI [T]
10 Editor inspired by origins of vivid imagery characteristic of ancient Hindu texts (5) VEDIC {Vi..d}{ED}{Im...y}{Ch...c}
11 Strangely, winter's not starting still (5) INERT wINTER*
12 Spooner's selfie stance with relative in spectacular bridge? (9) NOSEPIECE (~ pose niece to nosepiece)
13 Inconclusive lawsuit clears individual, producing a blow? (7) MISTRAL MISTRiAL
15 Off without a thought (6) NOTION {NOT ON} over {1}
17 Henry (with the French name) (6) HANDLE {H}{AND}{LE}
19 Tear apart hot aloo at first in bread (7) PARATHA {APART*}{H}{Aloo}
22 Fear drawback in firm freezing target? (9) COWARDICE {CO}{DRAW<=}{ICE}
24 Fancies Hypatia would like to tour Spain (5) IDEAS {I'D}{E}{AS}
26 Soldier chasing my dog (5) CORGI {GI}<=>{COR}
27 What the barber makes is top notch (1,3,5) A CUT ABOVE [DD]
28 Spartan eater wandering around America (7) AUSTERE {A{US}TERE*}
29 Satisfied society, embracing marriage essentially for values (6) MERITS {ME{marRIage}T}{S}

1   Support company backing study (7) CONFIRM {FIRM}<=>{CON}
2   Lightweight predator (5) OUNCE [DD]
3   Covered with make-up and drunk (9) PLASTERED [DD]
4   Red lips caressed by criminal (7) CRIMSON {C{RIMS}ON}
5   Stimulate Spooner, say shortly awake (3,2) REV UP {REV}{UP}
6   Porter's negative feedback (3,6) BAD REPORT {PORTER}* [RA]
7   Cryptic clues entertaining new mamas (6) UNCLES {U{N}CLES*}
8   Herb held up by Allen nefariously (6) FENNEL [T<=]
14 Champions carrying sharp sabre, tense on board (9) STALWARTS {TALWAR}{T} in {SS}
16 Takes time for bud's little girl to run out (9) TERMINATE {T}{gERMINATE}
18 Country builds imaret close to mosque (7) EMIRATE {IMARET*}{m...uE}
19 Supply upper range essentially in agreement before union? (3-3) PRE-NUP {UPPER+raNge}*
20 Responses of readers disheartened after a news broadcast (7) ANSWERS {Re...rS}<=>{A+NEWS}*
21 Plant spies to follow American accountant (6) ACACIA {CIA}<=>{A}{CA}
23 Boost level in reports (5) R?I?E (Addendum - RAISE (~raze) - See comments)
25 Expressive motifs or jolly images, basically! (5) EMOJI Acrostic &lit

Reference List
Heroin = H, Individual = I, Henry = H, The in french = LE, Hot = H, Like = AS, Spain = E, My = COR, Society = S, Study = CON, New = N, Tense = T, Time = T, Accountant = CA

Sunday, 24 September 2023

The Sunday Crossword No 3273, Sunday 24 Sep 2023

1   Summaries concerning upper limits (6) RECAPS {RE}{CAPS}
4   One who waits with racket after second half of game's abandoned, right? (6) GARCON {CON}<=>{GAme}{R}
8   Rock group performing kind of play without hint of actors (4,5) PINK FLOYD {KIND+OF+PLaY}*
9   Energy shown by 19th most popular players? (5) STEAM {S}{TEAM}
11 One who's reckoned to be a bit of a trial? (6,7) EXPERT WITNESS [C&DD]
13 Somewhat macho, the admiral's a daredevil (7) HOTHEAD [T]
14 Clobber some that are found on Twitter (7) THREADS [DD] 
16 Ostentation shown by Medicis regularly in grand old city (7) POMPEII {POMP}{mEdIcIs}
18 Ultimately plaintive PS in long, detailed letter from Athens (7) EPSILON {p...vE}{PS}{In}{LONg}
20 Lunatic ran a mad ship, as warships seen in English Channel (7,6) SPANISH ARMADA*
23 Looks furtively, as snub-nosed little dogs are heard (5) PEEKS (~pekes)
24 Athenian recalled in surviving treatises on topics like Ethics, primarily? (9) ARISTOTLE Acrostic &lit
25 A small duck at ship's rear (6) ASTERN {A}{S}TERN}
26 Inventor getting refusal, standpoint rejected (6) EDISON {NO}{SIDE}<=

1   Box up hip-hop performances (4) RAPS<=
2   Capacity for happiness (7) CONTENT [DD]
3   Advertorial describing a pipe? (4,5) PUFF PIECE [C&DD]
4   Awfully good dinner ... what ... what will the sticky bits left on the plates do? (2,4,3,5) GO DOWN THE DRAIN*
5   15 seen regularly in 'ornets' nests (5) RESET {oRnEtS+nEsTs}
6   Love seeing swan against meerkat at regular intervals in series of contests (4,3) OPEN ERA {O}{PEN}{mEeRkAt}
7   Bucketed down – and Spooner's cried in anguish (6,4,4) POURED WITH RAIN (~ roared with pain to poured with rain)
10 Hurting, Everyman's upset, seeking damages involving entrance to shop (8) MISUSING {I'M<=}{SU{Shop}ING}
12 Quiet parrot, given drink, makes progress (6,2) SHAPES UP {SH}{APE}{SUP}
15 Mobilised Desert Rat got back to work (9) RESTARTED*
17 Trained oarsmen, they'll complain (7) MOANERS*
19 Employing a little Chilean to service outbuildings (4-3) LEAN-TOS [T]
21 Offspring matter (5) ISSUE [DD]
22 Eager to wail (4) KEEN [DD]

Reference List
Concerning = RE, Right = R, 19th letter = S, Small = S, Swan = PEN, Quiet = SH

Saturday, 23 September 2023

No 13977, Saturday 23 Sep 2023, Lightning

1   Bury established charge (8) INTEREST {INTER}{EST}
5   King essentially ready to assess striking art (6) KARATE {K}{reAdy}{RATE}
9   Detailed description provided by0 independent contractor at first is precise (8) SPECIFIC {SPEC}{IF}{I}{Co...r}
10 Challenge account with expense (6) ACCOST {AC}{COST}
12 Partly drop western article on couch (5) DIWAN {DIp}{W}{AN}
13 Enthusiastic engineer damages extra bun (9) EXUBERANT {E}{EXTRA+BUN}*
14 Perhaps Newton and editor joined forces (6) UNITED {UNIT}{ED}
16 Opening in gate perhaps provided diamonds (7) ORIFICE {OR}{IF}{ICE}
19 Attempt to break European journey - it's done for vanity (3,4) EGO TRIP {E}{GO}{TRIP}
21 Knight with breather left out fun mostly to discipline (4,2) KUNG FU {K}{lUNG}{FUn}
23 Pint seems to be brewed in free space (9) EMPTINESS*
25 Block the ball outside line that is not sharp (5) BLUNT {B{L}UNT}
26 Boiled chai, it is something good for the health (3-3) TAI-CHI*
27 Reputation of Eastern soldiers outside Indiana church (8) EMINENCE {E}{M{IN}EN}{CE}
28 Plan from a man almost joining district attorney (6) AGENDA {A}{GENt}{DA}
29 Partly create trace of shape of moon (8) CRESCENT {CREate}{SCENT}

1   At home, team is within doors (6) INSIDE {IN}{SIDE}
2   Take down old building for martial art (9) TAEKWONDO  {TAKE+DOWN+O}*
3   Rule of precipitation we heard (5) REIGN (~rain)
4   Salary is a small reward at last (7) STIPEND {S}{TIP}{END}
6   Increase of one arctic fault (9) ACCRETION*
7   Any luau of Hawaii always starts with this (5) ALOHA Acrostic &lit
8   Let it end in a bad way - it's authorized (8) ENTITLED*
11 Half the people reading a sentence on ordinary self-defence technique (4) JUDO {JUDges}{O}
15 Tainted sailor back in small building (9) TARNISHED {TAR}{IN<=}{SHED}
17 Power of fine uncle in trouble (9) INFLUENCE*
18 Setter in depression, primarily in a state of mental deterioration (8) DEMENTIA {DE{ME}NT}{In}{A}
20 Baked food right by promenade near water (4) PIER {PIE}{R}
21 Loosely mark his region in the north (7) KASHMIR*
22 Bear witness at exam (6) ATTEST {AT}{TEST}
24 Particular engineer is highest in rank (5) PRIME {PRIM}{E}
25 Right away came to life at America with perk (5) BONUS {BOrN}{US}

Reference List
King = K, Independent = I, Western = W, Engineer = E, Editor = ED, Gate = OR, Diamonds = ICE, European = E, Knight = K, Left = L, Line = L, Eastern = E, Church = CE, Old = O, Small = S, Ordinary = O, Sailor = TAR, Right = R

Friday, 22 September 2023

No 13976, Friday 22 Sep 2023, Dr. X

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Come across tramp close to ghetto, drinking beer (4,4) BUMP INTO {BUM}{g...tO} over {PINT}
5   One cold energy drink becomes frozen (4,2) ICES UP {1}{C}{E}{SUP}
10 Hawk catching large rat (5) SPLIT {SP{L}IT}
11 Overwhelmed by rebellious desire, sect is breaking obligation (9) NECESSITY {YEN<=} over {SECT+IS}*
12 Where shirt button might be free in America (2,3,4) ON THE CUFF [DD]
13 Played slowly in religious period by choir at centre (5) LENTO {LENT}{chOir}
14 Crooks, extremely nauseating, overwhelmed by drinks (6) ANGLES {A{{Na...nG}LES}
15 Most cheerful and funny stories (7) ROSIEST*
18 Answer master with comment describing one type of vertebrate (7) AMNIOTE {A}{M}{N{1}OTE}
20 Reason fool's in power (6) SANITY {SA{NIT}Y}
22 Photograph of India's top magician (5) IMAGE {In..a}{MAGE}
24 Husband removing top, then pants inside top-floor flat (9) PENTHOUSE {sP{THEN*}OUSE}
25 Revolting American in group starting to squabble in apartment (9) LOATHSOME {LO{A}T}{H{Sq...e}OME}
26 Lively time, entertaining single lady (5) AGILE {AG{1}{L}E}
27 Legal official is back, working with leading attorney in trial (6) NOTARY {ON<=}{T{At...y}RY}
28 Unquestionably a wild thrill, catching glimpse of gorilla (3,5) ALL RIGHT {A}{LLRI{Go...a}HT*}

1   First woman to win Oscar award (6) BESTOW {BEST}{W} over {O}
2   This might help you sleep with hot Latino men (9) MELATONIN*
3   Naked at hotel in rave, pick up girl (2,3,10) IN THE ALTOGETHER {AT+HOTEL+IN}*{GET HER}
4   Entertained by test on guessing languages (7) TONGUES [T]
6   Actors find hard new realities shattering unrealistic dreams (7,2,3,3) CASTLES IN THE AIR {CAST}{H+N+REALITIES}*
7   Shoot second criminal abducting kid at centre (5) SCION {S}{C{kId}ON}
8   Ferry at estuary in English city (8) PLYMOUTH {PLY}{MOUTH}
9   Represent a conservative female suppressed by revolting degenerate (3,3) ACT FOR {A}{C}{RO{F}T<=}
16 Exciting new tune inspires husband to croon (9) ENTHUSING {ENT{H}U*}{SING}
17 Tipsy in hallpop drops hot dog (8) PAPILLON {IN+hALL+POP}*
19 Use pole dancing to entertain many at end of party (6) EMPLOY {E{M}PLO*}{p..tY}
20 Fish that burrows also found in spot by lake (4,3) SAND EEL {S{AND}EE}{L}
21 Turned thin after taking drug? Ditto (6) REPEAT{TA{E}PER<=}
23 Divorced associate knocking back gin (5) APART {A}{TRAP<=}

Reference List
Cold = C, Energy = E, Large = L, Answer = A, Master = M, American = A, Lady = L, Woman = W, Oscar = O, Hard = H, New = N, Second = S, Conservative = C, Female = F, Husband = H, Hot = H, Many = M, Lake = L, Drug = E

Thursday, 21 September 2023

No 13975, Thursday 21 Sep 2023, Dr. X

Solution to 11A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Earn money quickly in mess, having cooked a fab steak (4,1,4,4) MAKE A FAST BUCK {MUCK} over {A+FAB+STEAK}*
8   Nationalist elected, not very distinguished (5) NOTED {N}{vOTED}
9   Tough sailor crushed by marvellous girl leaving (9) LABORIOUS {gL{AB}ORIOUS}
11 Losing vote finally, America's leader raged on app, spreading disinformation (10) P?O?A?A?D?  (Addendum - PROPAGANDA {Am...a+RAGeD+ON+APP}* - See comments)
12 Technique to excise large swelling on eyelid (4) STYE STYlE
14 Revolutionary fellow cracking one's complicated ciphers (2-5) NO-NAMES {NO{MAN<=}ES*}
16 Heroin and ecstasy found in party at that place (7) THEREAT {T{H}{E}REAT}
17 Praise by innkeeper wanting bar girl (7) HOSANNA {HOSt}{ANNA}
19 Engages extraordinary person to conserve institute (5,2) ROPES IN {ROPES{I}N*}
21 Partly open a container (4) AJAR {A}{JAR}
22 Where television addict might be undergoing psychoanalysis (2,3,5) ON THE COUCH [DD]
25 Transfers fool breaking rules (9) REASSIGNS {RE{ASS}IGNS}
26 Emotional captain nervously chokes (5) INNER [T]
27 Hecklers acted horribly! Prepare for action (5,3,5) CLEAR THE DECKS*

 Amateur left unsure about principle of handling musical instrument (7) ALTHORN {A}{L}[T{Ha...g}ORN
3   'Love Me Tender' - a fantastic number, enthralled! (10) ENDEARMENT {ME+TENDER+A}* over {N}
4   Retired old fellow with back pain leaves (5) FOLIA {O}{F}<={AIL<=}
5   Journalist's beau cuddling society girl in retreat (9) SUBEDITOR {SU{DEB<=}ITOR}
6   Shed a tear finally, overwhelmed by extremes of burden (4) BARN {A}{teaR} in {Bu..eN}
7   Snort cocaine at start of rave in seedy hotel (7) CHORTLE {C}{HO{Rave}TEL*}
8   Knock back cool beer, make out over island and chill (3,2,3,3) NIP IN THE AIR {IN<=}{PINT}{HEA{I}R}
10 Very dependable person cheats on her? Shocked! (5,6) SHEET ANCHOR*
13 Several anxious to receive physical education at club (10) RESPECTIVE {RES{PE}{C}TIVE}
15 Son gets smashed, hosting wild gang wanting grand bachelor party (4,5) STAG NIGHT {S}{T{GANg}*IGHT}
18 Coastal embankment constructed awes everyone (3,4) SEA WALL {AWES}*{ALL}
20 Head of space station with family going around man-made satellite (7) SPUTNIK {Sp..e}{PUT}{KIN<=}
23 Husband gets bare, removing top in hurry (5) HASTE {H}{wASTE}
24 Chase airboats smuggling on the ocean (4) ASEA [T]

Reference List
Very = V, Sailor = AB, Girl = G, Large = L, Heroin = H, Ecstasy = E, Bar = T, Institute = I, Amateur = A, Left = L, Number = N, Old =O, Fellow = F, Society girl = DEB, Cocaine =C, Cool = IN, Beer = PINT, Island = I, Physical Education = PE, Club = C, Son = S, Grand = G, Husband = H

Wednesday, 20 September 2023

No 13974, Wednesday 20 Sep 2023, Dr. X

Solution to 22D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Volcanic rock in a den discovered on location (8) ANDESITE {A}{DEN*}{SITE}
5   Sluggishness of degenerate knocking back wine endlessly (6) TORPOR {ROT<=}{PORt}
10 Character chasing my ship, primarily a pirate (7) CORSAIR {AIR}<=>{MY}{Ship}
11 Fan not starting, getting technician (7) ARTISAN pARTISAN
12 Renegade is threatening to abduct rational believer (5) DEIST [T]
13 Fighting with woman lying to frame Liberal (9) WRESTLING {W}{REST{L}ING}
14 Fail to impress as absence of blanket in winter will do? (5,3,4) LEAVE ONE COLD [DD]
18 Bar girl with close-fitting garment ensnaring men, caught red-handed (4,2,6) BANG TO RIGHTS {BAN}{G}{T{OR}IGHTS}
21 Star in rave-up on drugs ultimately collapses (9) SUPERNOVA {RAVE+UP+ON+drugS}* Semi&lit
23 Husband enthralled by peg starting to exuberantly laugh (2-3) TE-HEE {TE{H}E}{Ex...y}
24 One with mask holding butt of rifle - freeze! (3,4) ICE OVER {1}{C{riflE}OVER}
25 Delicate time with a cult rioting around - start to flee (7) TACTFUL {T} and {A+CULT}* over {Flee}
26 Effusive person brought back blanket to cover female (6) GUSHER {RUG<=} over {HER}
27 Decorating a party by noon in club (8) ADORNING {A}{DO}{R{N}ING}

1   Scoundrel caught in time over gallery (6) ARCADE {CAD} in {ERA<=}
2   Skin's turning scarlet, young lady avoids sun (6) DERMIS {RED<=}{MISs}
3   Most skimpy dress - nice stats! (9) SCANTIEST*
4   Reject disgruntled voter having hot argument with committee (5,9) THROW OVERBOARD {T{H}{ROW}OVER*}{BOARD}
6   Musical group in old club, wanting second audition (5) OCTET {O}{C}{TEsT}
7   Model at one party starting to neck Greek god (8) POSEIDON {POSE}{1}{DO}{Neck}
8   Study to gather information about English outlaw (8) RENEGADE {RE{GEN<=}AD}{E}
9   Assume freak got drunk and raged (4,3,7) TAKE FOR GRANTED {FREAK+GOT}*{RANTED}
15 Station wagon, say, in contest coming up (6,3) ESTATE CAR {STATE} in {RACE<=}
16 Associate on bhang is going berserk! Embarrassing (8) ABASHING {A}{BHANG+IS}*
17 New American president welcomed by excited press photographers (8) SNAPPERS {S{N}{A}{P}PERS*}
19 Quick look by female entering bar on island (6) SHUFTI {SHU{F}T}{I}
20 Flyer's woe in Japan, breaking a leg outside bar (3,3) JET LAG {J} and {A+LEG}* over {T}
22 Endless gala featuring posh theatrical show (5) R?V?E (Addendum - REVUE {REV{U}El} - See comments)

Reference List
Woman = W, Liberal = L, Girl = G, Men = OR, Husband = H, Peg = TEE,  Time = T, Party = DO, Noon = N, Hot = H, Old = O, Club = C, Second = S, English = E, Associate = A, New = N, American = A, President = P, Female =F, Island =I, Japan = J, Bar = T, Posh = U

Tuesday, 19 September 2023

Special, Tuesday 19 Sep 2023, Veeyares

Three answers per commenter till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory) 
Please submit all your answers in one comment.  



By Veeyares
Squares filled: 0/154
Exolve Print Notes Jotter Ⓒ Veeyares & THCC

9Strengthen control by army (9)
10Case of hideaway withdrawn at the end of suit (5)
11Skip donations initially for church occasion (5)
12Eating what is available in hotel hotly in debate (9)
13Bill on sleazy bars goes down (9)
16Youth and setter perhaps got candidate confused (5)
17Conceit exhibited in attire, got ripped-off (3,4)
18English speech not about publication (7)
21Returning letter from Greece with a little piece of information (5)
23Talks about quashing notice of damages (9)
24Young one remains by a city in US (9)
26Initially try with one hand then other hand to rotate (5)
28Book by that woman is different (5)
29Near city, picking up girl’s dress (9)

1Wisdom in projecting no love? Husband leaves in consequence (8)
2Evidence of plot of French destroyed (4)
3Criminal absconding with English and the German (8)
4Press to keep working after current repair’s end (4)
5Poses lifeless and feeling sad terribly after losing last deal over Diamonds (6,4)
6Crossing a junction, most stay steady (6)
7Wandering saint, his mind blank, is aimless (3,3,4)
8Outsider not the first to appear in court for consumer (6)
14Husband got shirts casually, not seeing properly (5,5)
15Getting up after bits of various aromatic potions overheated and boiling off (10)
19Name of bird I refuse to accept (8)
20Catch fish swallowing small chicken (8)
21Player to perform for a change (6)
22Producers spoil things in the end, mostly chief involved (6)
25Consignment not heading for ship (4)
27Figure comes in recast economics (4)
