8 Appeared on screen initially in small roles (6) CAMEOS {CAME}{On}{Screen}
9 Postponement of agreement containing note with mistake (8) DEFERRAL {DE{F}{ERR}AL}
11 Broadcast a TV series that's bold (9) ASSERTIVE*
12 No bar in paper publication (5) ISSUE {tISSUE}
13 Ordering abridged dictionary and guide (9) INDICATOR {DICTIONARy}*
16 Fool's ego putting one in spot (5) IDIOT {I}{D{1}OT}
17 First show of navy fleet in river (7) NARMADA {Navy}{ARMADA}
19 Thinks and responds almost randomly (7) PONDERS {RESPONDs}*
21 Time to replace conservative guy in board (5) TABLE {{+T-c}ABLE}
22 Cook entering, devouring a fruit (9) TANGERINE {ENTERING* over A}
8 Appeared on screen initially in small roles (6) CAMEOS {CAME}{O
9 Postponement of agreement containing note with mistake (8) DEFERRAL {DE{F}{ERR}AL}
11 Broadcast a TV series that's bold (9) ASSERTIVE*
12 No bar in paper publication (5) ISSUE {
13 Ordering abridged dictionary and guide (9) INDICATOR {DICTIONAR
16 Fool's ego putting one in spot (5) IDIOT {I}{D{1}OT}
17 First show of navy fleet in river (7) NARMADA {N
19 Thinks and responds almost randomly (7) PONDERS {RESPOND
21 Time to replace conservative guy in board (5) TABLE {{+T-c}ABLE}
22 Cook entering, devouring a fruit (9) TANGERINE {ENTERING* over A}
24 Follow guard right away (5) ENSUE {ENSUrE}
25 Baker prepared quick meal (9) BREAKFAST {BAKER*}{FAST}
27 Ruling party's minister against worker (8) DOMINANT {DO}{MIN}{ANT}
28 Shooting star in Rome dancing around hollow tree (6) METEOR {ROME* around TreE}
25 Baker prepared quick meal (9) BREAKFAST {BAKER*}{FAST}
27 Ruling party's minister against worker (8) DOMINANT {DO}{MIN}{ANT}
28 Shooting star in Rome dancing around hollow tree (6) METEOR {ROME* around T
1 Accountants welcomed by number one firm turning up for party (8) OCCASION {CAS} in {{NO}{I}+CO}<
2 Am old to get engaged (6) AMUSED {AM}{USED}
3 Railing broken by old pig (4) BOAR {B{O}AR}
4 Viral image of two setters (4) MEME {ME}{ME}
5 Strength of Indian involved in peace (10) RESELIENCE {RE}{SIL{I}ENCE}
6 Status of tigers perhaps captured in upcoming record (8) PRESTIGE {TIGERS* in EP<}
7 Consumer court protecting legal right (6) CLIENT {C{LIEN}T}
10 Entertain director at institute heading second sermon (8) DISTRACT {D}{I}{S}{TRACT}
14 Lizards spoiling clean homes? (10) CHAMELEONS*
1 Accountants welcomed by number one firm turning up for party (8) OCCASION {CAS} in {{NO}{I}+CO}<
2 Am old to get engaged (6) AMUSED {AM}{USED}
3 Railing broken by old pig (4) BOAR {B{O}AR}
4 Viral image of two setters (4) MEME {ME}{ME}
5 Strength of Indian involved in peace (10) RESELIENCE {RE}{SIL{I}ENCE}
6 Status of tigers perhaps captured in upcoming record (8) PRESTIGE {TIGERS* in EP<}
7 Consumer court protecting legal right (6) CLIENT {C{LIEN}T}
10 Entertain director at institute heading second sermon (8) DISTRACT {D}{I}{S}{TRACT}
14 Lizards spoiling clean homes? (10) CHAMELEONS*
15 Rued crushing tender pimple at the edges (8) REPENTED {PimplE} in {TENDER*}
18 Cell organ, rare that is covering chest (8) RIBOSOME {R}{I{BOSOM}E}
18 Cell organ, rare that is covering chest (8) RIBOSOME {R}{I{BOSOM}E}
20 Lieutenant guarded by out and out special securities (8) SHELTERS {SHE{LT}ER}{S}
21 Stylish diva starting to check entry, frantically (6) TRENDY {Diva} in {ENTRY*}
23 Pictures of international games developed (6) IMAGES {I}{GAMES*}
25 Track down boy taking fellow to force (4) BIND {{+B-f}IND}
26 Stay// in// castle (4) KEEP {DD}
21 Stylish diva starting to check entry, frantically (6) TRENDY {D
23 Pictures of international games developed (6) IMAGES {I}{GAMES*}
25 Track down boy taking fellow to force (4) BIND {{+B-f}IND}
26 Stay// in// castle (4) KEEP {DD}
Note=F, Bar=T, Ego=I, One=I, Time=T, Conservative=C, Right=R, Minister=Min, (Chartered) Accountant=CA, Old=O, Of=Re, Setter=Me, Indian=I, Record=EP, Court=Ct, Director=D, Institute=I, Second=S, Rare=R, That is=i.e., Lieutenant=Lt, International=I, Boy=B, Fellow=F.