Friday, 31 January 2025

No 14396, Friday 31 Jan 2025, Hypatia

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Cut to screen commercial in show (6) PARADE {PAR{AD}E}
4   Badmouth India before person from Nicobar, say (8) ISLANDER {SLANDER}<=>{I}
9   Free suggestion to follow Engineers' society (6) RESCUE {CUE}<=>{RE}{S}
10 Noise picked up evens out in Bossurround units? (8) BRACKETS{Bo{RACKET}Se}
11 I represent a competitive private business (4,10) FREE ENTERPRISE {I+REPRESENT}* [RA]
13 Setter heard news it's adapted for Observer! (3-7) EYE-WITNESS {(~i)EYE}{ITS+NEWS}*
14 Say books for quadruple American awards (4) EGOT {EG}{OT}
16 Basically cool and friendly eatery! (4) CAFE Acrostic &lit
18 On the level where Scrabble tiles may be played? (5-5) ABOVE-BOARD [DD]
21 These awardees are ableresolute and mostly extraordinary (5,9) NOBEL LAUREATES {ABLE+RESOLUTE+ANd}*
23 Checked and showered loudly at home (6,2) REINED IN {(~rained)REINED}{IN}
24 Shown regularly fairliall belonging to a daughter or son (6) FILIAL {FaIrLy+In+AlL}
25 Black and white pieces of game in box including directions (5,3) CHESS SET {CHES{SSE}T}
26 Design an episode to show upset state (6) PENANG [T<=]

1   Leave power boat (4) PARK {P}{ARK}
2   Store jam without lid (7) RESERVE pRESERVE
3   What's recommended for going concerns? (8) DIURETIC [GK]
5   Software hacking even scares end-user (6-5) SCREEN-SAVER {EVEN+SCARES+e...eR}*
6   Admit suitable crowds around conservative church (6) ACCEPT {A{C}{CE}PT}
7   Observing fast grandmaster Liren's rounds quietly, in the middle! (7) DIETING {D{quIETly}ING}
8   Valued troops caught in rush (9) RESPECTED {RE{SPECT}ED}
12 Kind braves in a struggle to keep running (11) NONABRASIVE {BRAVES+IN+A}*  over {ON}
13 Two cents pocketed by Clapton - that's odd! (9) ECCENTRIC {E{C}{CENT}RIC}
15 Important to stand-up in honest president's case (8) ABLATIVE {AB{VITAL<=}E}
17 Very hot bar girls oddly in charge (7) FEBRILE {FE{BaR+gIrLs}E}
19 Areas restricting violent crime in country (7) AMERICA {A}{CRIME*}{A}
20 Groups of limos run with vacant taxis (6) FLEETS {FLEE}{TaxiS}
22 Jack's decline (4) FLAG [DD]

Reference List
Commercial = AD, India = I, Engineers = RE(Royal Engineers), Society = S, Books = OT(Old Testament), Directions = S,S,E, Power = P, Conservative = C, Church = CE, Cent = C, Area = A

Thursday, 30 January 2025

No 14395, Thursday 30 Jan 2025, Hypatia

Solution to 27A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Pouch always contained English tea (8) BEVERAGE {B{EVER}AG}{E}
5   Was read by alternately taking tips from Indic language (6) ARABIC {wAs+ReAd+By}{IndiC}
10 Cordial at a fair ground (7) RATAFIA*
11 Country song inspiring universal saint (7) AUSTRIA {A{U}{ST}RIA}
12 Better charger? (5) FINER [DD]
13 Reverend's hair colours clothing accessories (5-4) DRESS-TIES (~tress dyes to dress-ties)
14 States in vehicle's earlier avatars (12) INCARNATIONS {NATIONS}<=>{IN}{CAR}
18 Mahabharata's essence and grand song, ultimately blended with advaita! (8,4) BHAGAVAD GITA {BHA}{G}{sonG+ADVAITA}* Semi&lit
21 Cheap women's shift in fortune (3-6) LOW-BUDGET {LO{W}{BUDGE}T}
23 Feudal lord say, in story (5) LIEGE {LI{EG}E}
24 Boys revolting about John's outrageous behaviour (7) SCANDAL {SDAL<=} over {CAN}
25 Delicate case involving kid (7) FRAGILE {F{RAG}ILE}
26 Sibling holding second place by right (6) SISTER {SI{S}TE}{R}
27 Fortify covered parking at the centre of West towers (8) ?T?E?L?S (Addendum - STEEPLES {STEE{P}L}{wESt} - See comments)

1   Parted from fellow wearing hat (6) BEREFT {BERE{F}T}
2   Sign it over boxes put up for election (6) VOTING [T<=]
3   Once more, liberal and free in official polls (9) REFERENDA {RE}{AND+FREE}*
4   Doctor glad to work with nurse again - they take care of their wards (8,6) GUARDIAN ANGELS {GLAD+NURSE+AGAIN}*
6   Moving two steps ahead, leader of bugs takes a break (5) RESTS (p to r)RESTS
7   Modern bistro showcasing old country food (8) BURRITOS {B{UR}RITOS*}
8   Elitist cold bar stocks yoghurt smoothies (8) CLASSIST {C}{LASSIS}{T}
9   Kaif got them in a wild party till wee hours (4,1,5,2,2) MAKE A NIGHT OF IT*
15 Tease a little - it's funny (9) TITILLATE*
16 Honour student lives close to Konark's special monuments (8) OBELISKS {OBE}{L}{IS}{k...rK}{S}
17 Society charter managed, raised and protected hot marine animals (8) NARWHALS {S}{LAW}{RAN}<= over {H}
19 Opposition idle until all lost oddly (6) DENIAL {iDlE+uNtIl+AlL}
20 Prizes Jack's sheep left with lambs, finally (6) JEWELS {J}{EWE}{L}{l..bS}
22 Obtrusive peacekeeper starts to defend Ukraine eagerly (5) UNDUE {UN}{De...d}{Uk...e}{Ea...y}

Reference List
English = E, Universal = S, Saint = ST, Essence = BHA, Grand = G, Women = W, John = CAN, Second = S, Parking = P, Right = R, Fellow = F, Once more = RE, Old country = UR, Cold = C, Bar = T, Honour = OBE, Student = L, Special = S, Society = S, Hot = H, Jack = J, Left = L, Peacekeeper = UN

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

No 14394, Wednesday 29 Jan 2025, Dr. X

Solution to 26A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Start to swiftly run away, stealing a painting of the ocean (8) SEASCAPE {Sw...y}{E{A}SCAPE}
5   Extremely handsome man in lounge, almost a Greek God (6) HERMES {Ha...mE}{R{M}ESt}
10 French nobleman and old, married model involved in immorality (7) VICOMTE {VIC}{O}{M}{T}E}
11 Letter from electronic store across street (7) EPISTLE {E}{PI{ST}LE}
12 Goes out to secure special plaster of Paris (5) GESSO {GOES}* over {S}
13 Bug jumped over spade (9) EAVESDROP*
14 Hug a cute doc naughtily after drinking a little rum - that's alcohol-induced confidence (5,7) DUTCH COURAGE {HUG+A+CUTE+DOC}* over {Rum}
18 Where person visiting sauna might be facing a difficult situation (2,3,3,4) IN THE HOT SEAT [DD]
21 Ache is terrible, try to reverse inadequate blood supply to organ (9) ISCHAEMIA {ACHE+IS}*{AIM<=}
23 Fool wasting time and money is chasing rainbows, say (5) IDIOM IDIO(-t+m)M
24 English nation's fancy schoolboy (7) ETONIAN {E}{NATION*}
25 Check cool shot over bowler's head by India's opener (7) INHIBIT {IN}{HI{Bo...r}{In..a}T}
26 Snicker as tense captain of SA spills easy catch (6) T?T?E
27 Engineer in Odessa coats a metal by electrolysis (8) ANODISES*

1   Brute beginning to attack girl in store (6) SAVAGE {At...k}{G} in {SAVE}
2   Approach chartered accountant about expenditure (6) ACCOST {CA<=}{COST}
3   Calm policeman catches male beginning to open safe (9) COMPOSURE {CO{M}P}{Open}{SURE}
4   No debate! Ultimately firemen, cops need remarkable poise (8,2,4) PRESENCE OF MIND {FIReMEN+COPS+NEED}*
6   Issues in class timetable reviewed (5) EMITS [T<=]
7   Serious marital discord, taking counselling at centre (8) MATERIAL {MAT{c...sEl...g}RIAL*}
8   Spot around lake by dock is more peaceful (8) SLEEPIER {S{L}EE}{PIER}
9   Fuel supplier's depravity concealed by senator, it's appalling (7,7) SERVICE STATION {VICE} in {SENATOR+ITS}*
15 Philosophical treatise by sadhu about overcoming pain easily (9) UPANISHAD {SADHU}* over {PAIN}*
16 Jumps to welcome popular tenor, most charming (8) DIVINEST {DIV{IN}ES}{T}
17 Stalwart accepts decision, abandons power project (5,3) STICK OUT {ST{pICK}OUT}
19 Halo of star rising over island starts to mesmerise beachgoers (6) NIMBUS {SUN<=} over {I}{Me...e}{Be...s}
20 Strikes arachnid aboard ship (6) SMITES {S{MITE}S}
22 Mount in Zanskar is exquisite (5) ARISE [T]

Reference List
Man = M, Old = O, Married = M, Model = T, Electronic = E, Street = ST, Special = S, Time = T, Money = M, English = E, Cool = IN, Girl = G, Male = M, Lake = L, Popular = IN, Tenor = T, Power = P, Island = I, Ship = SS

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

No 14393, Tuesday 28 Jan 25, Dr. X

Solution to 27A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Praise master taking care of boy (8) ACCOLADE {AC{CO}{LAD}E}
5   Grooved with stud on vacation capturing heart (6) SCORED {St{CORE}uD}
10 Finishing stroke of a letter in new fliers, not large (5) SERIF FlIERS*
11 Waste money in bars? Certainly not! (2,2,5) BY NO MEANS {B{MONEY*}ANS}
12 Songstress changed tune in track (9) CHANTEUSE {CHA{TUNE*}SE}
13 A little upset with son breaking heart, remove your name from mailing list briefly (5) UNSUB {Up..t}{N{S}UB}
14 Endlessly run hard, welcoming a cheer of victory (6) HURRAH {HURRy + H} over {A} Semi&lit
15 Gaudy outfit, embarrassed about colours to begin with (7) KITSCHY {KIT}{S{Co...s}HY}
18 & 24 What cricket stadium staff will do to ease the way (7,3,6) PREPARE THE GROUND [DD]
20 Arboreal animal found in circus customarily (6) CUSCUS [T]
22 Players start to energetically race (5) CASTE {CAST}{En...y}
24 See 18
25 Knocking back shot, start to inhale marijuana endlessly in carnival (5,4) MARDI GRAS {DRAM<=}{In...e}{GRASs}
26 Slim with good body (5) THING {THIN}{G}
27 Extremely nice to engage in alternative movement (3,3) N?W ?G?  
28 Lady captivated by orphans playing musical instruments (8) ALPHORNS {A{L}PHORNS*}

1   Bag grabbed by gangster close to unsafe French region (6) ALSACE {AL}{SAC}{u...fE}
2   Smoke surrounding container under ancient city's arch (9) CURVATURE {CURE} over {VAT}<=>{UR}
3   Chewing fingernail with teeth is harmful (4-11) LIFE-THREATENING*
4   Seduce young socialite with endless desire, having drunk heartily (7) DEBAUCH {DEB}{A{drUnk}CHe}
6   Problem about old computers failing to meet required standards (4,2,2,7) COME UP TO SCRATCH  {CATCH} over {O+COMPUTERS}*
7   Wins revolutionary fight, conserving energy (5) REAPS {SPA{E}R<=}
8   Defies, disregards conservative boss - dicey move (8) DISOBEYS {BOSS+DIcEY}*
9   Ready with ring, kiss date inside (2,4) ON DECK {O}{N{D}ECK}
16 Fashion designer's posh outfit finally picked up by delivery man (9) COUTURIER {CO{U}{o..iT}URIER}
17 Astronauts frantically escape, having bit of malfunction close to moon (8) SPACEMEN {ESCAPE}* over {Ma...n} and {mooN}
19 One enthralled by course of a meal, almost perfect (6) ENTIRE {ENT{1}REe}
20 Oily liquid damaged coolers (7) CREOSOL*
21 Proverbs by a sage, perhaps inspiring daughter (6) ADAGES {A}{SAGE}* over {D}
23 Recurrent lumps of pale yellow colour (5) STRAW <=

Reference List
Care of = CO, Large = L, Son = S, Good, Lady = L, Gangster = AL(Capone), Ancient city = UR, Old = O, Energy = E, Conservative = C, Neck = KISS, Date = D, Posh = U, Daughter = D

Monday, 27 January 2025

No 14392, Monday 27 Jan 2025, Dr. X

Solution to 12A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Intoxicated babe runs over girl, stirring up emotions (6-7) RABBLE-ROUSING {BABE+RUNS+O+GIRL}*
8   Wants new, versatile German player (5) GAMER GERMAn*
9   Sworn statement by American diva involved in argument in retreat (9) AFFIDAVIT {A}{TI{DIVA*}FF<=}
11 See 10 Down
12 Censure fellow dumping conservative miss (4) ?L?K (Addendum - FLAK {F}{LAcK} - See comments)
14 Student stands up to describe origin of oldest primates (7) LORISES {L}{Ol...t}{RISES}
16 Republican actually about to break a law (7) INFRACT {R} in {IN FACT}
17 Pouring rum for exclusive circle (7) INGROUP*
19 Device used for strangulation by degenerate found in passage (7) GAROTTE {GA{ROT}TE}
21 Express disapproval, start to unpack short skirt (4) TUTU {TUT}{Un...k}
22 First-class chef's double corn salad (6,4) CORDON BLEU* Semi&lit
25 Like a romantic dinner and dance? It'll rock (9) CANDLELIT*
26 Eventually removing clothes altogether (2,3) IN ALL fINALLy
27 Gulp with regret, so irritated about wife's fight for dominance (5,8) POWER STRUGGLE {GULP+REGRET+SO}* over {W}

2   Device measuring electric current in programme, terrific (7) AMMETER {T]
3   Where one has a close shave as robber starts to plunder house desperately (10) BARBERSHOP {AS+ROBBER+Pl...r+Ho..e}*
4   Singer at opera describing Greek muse (5) ERATO [T]
5   Motive in killing is sickening (9) OFFENDING END in OFFING
6   Viewpoint of spiteful nationalist ignored (4) SIDE SnIDE
7   Short fictional work by star captivates the Spanish lecturer (7) NOVELLA {NOV{EL}{L}A}
8   Lose one's temper as party controlled by selfish European pulls out (2,9) GO BALLISTIC {eGO{BALL}ISTIC}
10 & 11A What matador might do to boldly tackle difficulty (4,3,4,2,3,5) TAKE THE BULL BY THE HORNS [DD]
13 Insulting ignorant rogue suppressing fine female (10) AFFRONTING {IGNORANT}* over {F}{F}
15 Posh models dancing close to Greek dramatist (9) SOPHOCLES {POSH*}{CLOSE*}
18 Become involved in attempt to hire English cast (3,4) GET INTO {G{E}{TINT}O}
20 High after consuming ecstasy, couple of ladies reveal everything (4,3) TELL ALL {T{E}{LL}ALL}
23 Check patient's butt bitten by animal (5) DETER {DE{p...nT}ER}
24 Sheet of floating ice in stream, reportedly (4) FLOE (~flow)

Reference List
Over = O, New = N, American = A, Fellow = F, Conservative = C, Student = L, Republican = R, Wife = W, Nationalist = N, The in Spanish = EL, Lecturer = L, European = E, Fine = F, Female = F, English = E, Ecstasy = E, Ladies = L

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Special, Sunday 26 Jan 2025, Veeyares

Three answers per commenter till 1 PM (Annotations compulsory) 
Please submit all your answers in one comment.  



The Sunday Crossword No 3342, Sunday 26 Jan 2025



Artwork by Prasanna


Rangoli by Gowri

1   Excitedly earning tip, returning a coat? (10) REPAINTING*
6   Bulk of the artificial intelligence from land on Indochinese Peninsula (4) THAI {THe}{AI}
9   Duck and swan given kind of seed: with this, get in! (4,6) OPEN SESAME {O}{PEN}{SESAME}
10 In Macbeth, a dagger is one mainstay (4) PROP [DD]
11 ‘Time to get up, Mr. Warne: would you like some dried fruit?’ (4,3,5) RISE AND SHINE (~ raisin shane)
15 In Hamiltonor Mansell – we see overpowering force (7) NORMANS [T]
16 Swallow pork pie first, and rest (3-4) LIE-DOWN {DOWN}<=>{LIE}
17 Feeling queasy and green in France, Everyman leaves (7) VERTIGO {VERT}{I GO}
19 With pie standing in for a roast: most inadequate (7) ROPIEST {RO(-a+pie)PIEST
20 Nastily, he invited one to fail to reach fruition (3,2,3,4) DIE ON THE VINE*
23 In audition, furrows … finding lice (4) NITS (~knits)
24 So, you grill bananas to magnificent effect? (10) GLORIOUSLY*
25 Wildly yearn, losing resistance for musician (4) ENYA YEArN*
26 Fling glove – not good – a loud exhibition (4,6) LOVE AFFAIR {gLOVE}{A}{FF}{AIR}

1   Burrow into ground for parsnip? (4) ROOT [DD]
2   Spy to stay up (4) PEEK<=
3   Breathtaking goddess, like Erato? (11) INSPIRATION [DD]
4   Tense idiots crowding front of limo: they’re left hanging (7) TASSELS {T}{ASSE{Limo}S}
5   Primarily ‘named’ – or maybe ‘in name alone’, legally? (7) NOMINAL Acrostic &lit
7   Those whose régime may often be seedy? (10) HERBIVORES [CD]
8   ‘Germinate’, loosely translated when primate principally involved? (10) IMPREGNATE {GERMINATE}* over {Pr...e} Semi&lit
12 Risen on the wing, glimpses of emperor penguin pets: that’s novel (11) STEPPENWOLF {FLOWN}{Em...r}{Pe...n}{PETS}<=
13 Envied Nice resort, that’s clear to see (2,8) IN EVIDENCE*
14 Pertly ruin gathering, in an obscene manner (10) PRURIENTLY*
18 Venetian game … (7) OTHELLO [DD]
19 … overturn gear (7) REVERSE [DD]
21 Where you could find central parts of East Siam? (4) ASIA {eASt}{sIAm} &lit
22 Tradesperson adding colour, extract of Goodyera (4) DYER [T]

Reference List
Swan = PEN, Green in French = VERT, Resistance = R, Good = G, loud = FF, Tense = T

Saturday, 25 January 2025

No 14391, Saturday 25 Jan 2025, Dr. X

1 Give money to suppress South European witness (6-2) PASSER-BY {PA{S}{SERB}Y}
5 Problem to control subject's phlegm (6) SPUTUM {S{PUT}UM}
10 How a tree releases oxygen, changing atmospheric conditions (7) WEATHER {HoW A TREE}*
11 Eye doctor's old book contains chapter on early sign of uveitis (7) OCULIST {{O}{C}{Uveitis}{LIST}}
12 Fibre from old rope in middle of dump behind tree (5) OAKUM {dUMp}<=>{OAK}
13 Narrow-minded bully stifles poor bride right away (9) HIDEBOUND {HOUND} over {BrIDE}*
14 Feeling hurt, staying single after end of relationship (12) PRESENTIMENT {RESENT{I}MENT}<=>{relationshiP}
18 Worried as hot surfer embraces partner heartily? You bet! (5,3,4) THAT'S FOR SURE {AS HOT SURFER}* over {parTner}
21 Confines dirty revolutionary cracking safe (9) PERIMETER {P{MIRE<}ETER}
23 Petition about conserving a little rare English bird (5) GREBE {BE{Rare}G}< +{E}
24 Endless craving for drug (7) ASPIRIN {ASPIRINg}
25&4 Boyfriend captivated by remarkably hot Bulgarians - the outcome is inevitable (3,4,3,3,8) ALL OVER BAR THE SHOUTING {LOVER} inside {HOT BULGARIANS THE}*
26 Legend in gala conducting finale (6) ENDING [T]
27 Most intense irritation after terrible rash (8)  SHARPEST {PEST}<=>{RASH}*

1 Exclamation of wonder after revolutionary work by women in conference (6) POWWOW {WOW} <=>{OP<}{W}
2 Stylish bird on island, passing close to lake (6) SWANKY {SWAN}{KeY}
3 Unusual premise about helium in astronomical almanac (9) EPHEMERIS {PREMISE}* about {He}
4 See 25 Across
6 Excellent! Bowled precisely (5) PLUMB {PLUM}{B} 
7 Praises enigmatologist's latest rebus, it's devious (8) TRIBUTES {enigmatisT}{REBUS IT}*
8 Contacted American associate taking endless time to provide info about info (8) METADATA {MET}{A}{DATe}{A}
9 What person swimming underwater will do// to wait in anxious expectation (4,4,6) HOLD ONE'S BREATH [DD]
15 Crooked liar! Urge Republican to change (9) IRREGULAR
16 Expert hosting summit on power shutdown (8) STOPPAGE {S{TOP}{P}AGE}
17 Whipped fatty stuff containing pure junk (8) LARRUPED {LARD} over {PURE}*
19 Wants large art museum to conserve European painter's complete works (6) OEUVRE {lO{E}UVRE}
20 Mysterious cult conducting religious education (6) SECRET {SEC{RE}T}
22 Miserable Monroe wanting ecstasy and dope (5) MORON {MONROe}*

South=S, Oxygen=O, Old=O, Right=R, Single=One=I, English=E, Women=W, Helium=He, American, Associate=A, Republican=R, Power=P, Large=L, European=E, Religious Education=RE, Ecstasy=E.

Friday, 24 January 2025

No 14390, Friday 24 Jan 2025, Afterdark

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Introduces small pastries (6) STARTS {S}{TARTS}
4   Challenge the purpose (6) OBJECT [DD]
8   Estates held by veteran chessman (7) RANCHES [T]
9   Mother's old and injured (7) DAMAGED {DAM}{AGED}
11 Choices in Sweden polls (10) SELECTIONS {S}{ELECTIONS}
12 Apes destroyed plants (4) PEAS*
13 Mixture for repasts in the middle with gateau essentially (5) PASTE {rePASts}{gaTEau}
14 Went hungry around noon, with leading eating-house being closed (8) FASTENED {FASTE{N}{Ea...g}D} 
16 New readers take time to get engaged (8) ARRESTED {ARRES{T}ED*}
18 Say, people from Emirates are mostly sailors (5) ARABS {ARe}{AB'S}
20 Investigates the boarding-house (4) DIGS [DD]
21 Award given to nurse and civil engineer at meeting (10) CONFERENCE {CONFER}{EN}{CE}
23 Treadle broken, so changed (7) ALTERED*
24 Set rice, cooked and delivers (7) RECITES*
25 Governing body leaders speak English, nalternate tengage (6) SENATE Acrostic
26 Snatches small ducks (6) STEALS {S}{TEALS}

1   Suggestion to cycle in hell (5) SHADE (+s)SHADE(-s)
2   Say, Sagittarians could be weapon handlers (7) ARCHERS [DD]
3   Matter resolved with specialist's medication (9) TREATMENT {MATTER*}{ENT}
5   Boycotts import of primarily exotic plants (5) BEANS {B{Ex...c}ANS}
6   Questions pastor and the French model (7) EXAMPLE {EXAM}{P}{LE}
7   Youngsters enter false age inside school (9) TEENAGERS {TEEN{AGE}R*}{S}
10 Certain to confess taking the book (9) CONFIDENT {CONFIDE}{NT}
13 Traces of cocaine and some LSD in raves (9) PARTICLES {PARTI{C}{Lsd}ES}
15 Saint had people get Times report (9) STATEMENT {ST}{ATE}{MEN}{T}
17 Each authoritarian is oriental (7) EASTERN {EA}{STERN}
19 Plant a top mole initially in a country (7) AMERICA {ERICA}<=>{A}{Mole}
21 Sneaked agent into Connecticut (5) CREPT {C{REP}T}
22 Sides of screw damaged (5) CREWS*

Reference List
Small = S, Sweden = S, Noon = N, Time = T, Nurse = EN, Civil Engineer = CE, Pastor = P, The in French = LE, School = S, Book = NT(New Testament), Cocaine = C, Saint = ST, Times = T, Each = EA

Thursday, 23 January 2025

No 14389, Thursday 23 Jan 2025, Afterdark

Solution to 17D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Trainee at 1, working with a league that's global (13) INTERNATIONAL {INTERN}{AT}{1}{ON}{A}{L}
10 Trouble! Umbrage in HR for food (9) HAMBURGER {H{UMBRAGE*}R}
11 Fellow rides horse into vacant observatory, as it is cloudy (5) FOGGY {F}{Ob...{GG}...rY}
12 Message on medium that's spoken (5) MORAL {M}{ORAL}
13 Hector altering square shapes (9) TRIANGLES {ALTERING}*{S}
14 Sister-in-law cut deeply by a metal (6) SILVER {S-I-L}{VERy
16 Placed face on the other side (4) LAID<=
19 Satisfactory show (4) FAIR [DD]
20 Hold stranger in shower (6) RETAIN {R{ET}AIN}
25 Eva's talk about power was dry (9) EVAPORATE {EVA}{ORATE} over {P}
26 Joker working in train (5) WAGON {WAG}{ON}
27 Zepto trading bear and another animal (5) ZEBRA {Z}{BEAR*} Z/Zepto?
28 Explain 38% discount in interest given before time (9) INTERPRET {INTER}{PRE}{T} (38% = 1-5/8)
29 Somehow I termed people to have willpower (13) DETERMINATION {I+TERMED}*{NATION}

2   To work on sum, learn numbers (8) NUMERALS*
3   If it is taken out tequila and distilled, it will be the same (5) EQUAL tEQUiLA*
4   Deny scandal at New England (6) NEGATE {GATE}<=>{NE}
5   Lit with beer and bit of rum, lousy, awful (8) TERRIBLE {LIT+BEER+Rum}*
6   Unpleasant attack (9) OFFENSIVE [DD]
7   Investors giving answer across backstage (6) ANGELS {AN{LEG<=}S}
8   Outside of CIT, chemistry is delivered as songs (6) RHYMES cHEMiStRY*
9   A nomad, fraud, heartless scally (5) GYPSY {GYP}{Sc..lY} 
15 Lifting beer, boater is forced to be careful (9) ELABORATE {ALE<=}{BOATER*}
17 Creature on paper is moving at the corner (8) ?R?A?I?M (Addendum - ORGANISM {ORGAN}{IS}{Mo...g} - See comments)
18 Jumper is made by knitting angora in fine retreat (8) KANGAROO {ANGORA}* in {OK<=}
21 At this age, one is saturnine typically, reserved (6) NINETY [T]
22 Look, a zebra's head is inside, take it (5) SEIZE {SE{1}{Ze..a}E}
23 Rock children's game (6) MARBLE [DD] Marble is the toy and the game is Marbles
24 Lost to Dube at England, not entirely (6) BEATEN [T]
26 Fabric editor discarded was the most inferior (5) WORST WORSTed

Reference List
League = L, Fellow = F, Horse = GG, Medium = M, Square = S, Stranger = ET, Power = P, Time = T, New = N, England = E, Paper = ORGAN, Answer = ANS

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

No 14388, Wednesday 22 Jan 2025, Afterdark

Solution to 5D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

9   Certain about recipe! A little odd (7) SURREAL {SU{R}RE}{A}{L}
10 Fathom atmosphere was mostly yielding primarily in part of the golf course (7) FAIRWAY {F}{AIR}{WAs}{Yi...g}
11 Medico having tattoo primarily urges piercer to finish (5,2) DRINK UP {DR}{INK}{Ur..s}{Pi...r}
12 Reversion of property is key, to be given to Cook (7) ESCHEAT {ESC}{HEAT}
13 Conducting prayers to welcome stranger in Stepney (5,4) SPARE TYRE {PRAYERS}* over {ET}
15 Say, horse with a gait held by little rope that's knotty (5) LOPER {L}{ROPE*}
16 Rapid repetition of a note heard at motel or compound (7) TREMOLO*
19 Queen's fruit (7) SULTANA [DD]
20 Soldier's dad is hungry, yellow at the front and light-headed (5) GIDDY {GI}{DaD}{Ye...w}
21 Disagreement in divorcing redhead? A lie primarily, imaginary (9) FICTIONAL {FrICTION}{A}{Lie}
25 Security for luggage beginning to go at retreat (7) EARNEST {gEAR}{NEST}
26 Perfect idli with some chutney, only half eaten (7) IDYLLIC {IDLI+Ch...y+onLY}*
28 Shame; one French dame primarily going topless (7) UNDOING {UN}{Dame}{gOING}
29 Why cow is running inside house (3,4) HOW COME {H{COW*}OME}

1   Departures of teams after one (6) ASIDES {SIDES}<=>{A}
2   Seamen in charge taken by drivers to plant (6) ARNICA {RN}{IC} in {AA}
3   Summit with Pakistan about engagement in the front (4) PEAK {P{En...t}AK}
4   During take off opposed hanging (6) FLOPPY {FL{OPP}Y}
5   Helpers on one side make mistake about direction on safety first (8) ?F?E?E?S (Addendum - OFFERERS {OFF}{ER{E}R}{Sa...y} - See comments)
6   I will be in a Colombian city after picture to get mixed vegetable pickle (10) PICCALILLI {{CAL{I'LL}I}<=>{PIC} 
7   Adorable ape excited with plant (8) SWEETPEA {SWEET}{APE*}
8   With length cut off hairstyle damaged in panic (8) HYSTERIA HAIRSTYlE*
14 Adhesive expires on year-end? Incorrect (5,5) EPOXY RESIN {EXPIRES+ON+Year}*
16 Dressed to kill, drove with girls inside getting excited (6,2) TOGGED UP {TO{GG}ED}{UP}
17 The Spanish TV character to act in an imaginary place of wealth (8) EL DORADO {EL}{DORA}{DO}
18 Bad scene, not visible to audience (8) OFFSTAGE {OFF}{STAGE}
22 Leaders claiming laxity, indulgence, corruption, haughtiness? Exactly platitude (6) CLICHE Acrostic
23 British admiral remembered at 1.11 (6) NELSON [C&DD]
24 Pendant in ladies bag broken off in the front (6) LOCKET {L}{pOCKET}
27 Open space at the end of Puducherry, one to keep worker's leader (4) YAWN {p...rY}{A{Wo...r}N}

Reference List
Recipe = R, Little = L, Fathom = F, Key = ESC, Stranger = ET, One I  French = UN, Seamen = RN(Royal Navy), Drivers = AA(Automobile Association), Length = L, Girl = G, The in Spanish = EL, Ladies = L

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

No 14387, Tuesday 21 Jan 2025, Pixie Dust

Solution to 13A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Starry like pathway and I passed out! (6) ASTRAL {AS}{TRAiL}
5   Cheeky rascal with dimple captured Sue's heart (8) IMPUDENT {IMP}{sUe}{DENT}
9   Imperfect parable camouflaging weak reflex (8) FALLIBLE {FA{ILL<=}BLE}
10 Name some store now, nearby (6) RENOWN [T]
11 Move back north to protect large prickly shrub (10) BLACKTHORN {BACK+NORTH}* over {L}
12 Tailless animal's spirit (4) ELAN ELANd
13 Accomplished nerd harassed and frequently picked on (8) ?E?D?R?D (Addendum - RENDERED {NERD}* LetterBank - See comments)
16 Expert blasted ton right away (6) PRONTO {PRO}{TON*} 
17 Protocol for late comers in British University's elevated den on return (6) BURIAL {B}{U}{LAIR<=} Elevated in an Across clue? See comments
19 Exceed half a dozen deliveries with favourites making a comeback (8) OVERSTEP {OVER}{PETS<=}
21 Spooner's regular gal? (4) LADY (~daily to lady)
22 This derisive system of thought! It upset visiting team (10) NEGATIVISM {NEGATIVISM+IT}*={VISITING TEAM} [CA]
25 Merely illusory reflection alluringly generating expectations to begin with (6) MIRAGE Acrostic Semi&lit
26 Working perversely, European country gives up gold crown for a radioactive material (8) NOBELIUM {ON<=}{BELgIUM}
27 Say, Lewinsky nearly caught revolutionary chaps' prompting aid? (8) MNEMONIC {M{MEN<=}ONICa}
28 Strangely not beginning to see right, I get extremely lonely (6) EERILY {sEE}{R}{I}{Lo..lY}

2   Loafer's small fix (5) SNAIL {S}{NAIL}
3   Democracy ignores local survival (5) RELIC REpubLIC
4   Endless myths about cooking 'Best Seafood' (7) LOBSTER {LO{BEST*}Re}
5   Island's church could be heartlessly freezing (3-4) ICE-COLD {I}{CE}{COuLD}
6   Mean to cut vegetable (7) PARSNIP {PAR}{SNIP}
7   Uncontrolled son argued! Menacing (9) DANGEROUS*
8   How cleats can be used to get to city? (9) NEWCASTLE* (Correction - {CLEATS}* [RA] - See comments)
14 Editor's caution about schooling (9) EDUCATION {ED}{CAUTION*}
15 Mr. Friday went around a reconstructed creamery (5,4) DAIRY FARM {MR+FRIDAY]* over {A}
18 Next, around noon get lunch essentially light (7) LANTERN {LA{N}TER}{luNch}
19 Natural oranges to start with, bananas, grain and a bit of chocolate (7) ORGANIC {Or...s}{GRAIN*}{Ch...e}
20 Each counter's wholesome (7) EATABLE {EA}{TABLE}
23 Nastier to go over endlessly in retrospect (5) VILER RELIVe<=
24 Stall UK symposium exhibiting inverted brainbox (5) SKULL [T<=]

Reference List
Large = L, British = B, University = U, Right = R, Small = S, Island = I, Church = CE, Mean = PAR, Noon = N, Each = EA