Monday, 6 January 2025

No 14375, Monday 06 Jan 2025, Arden

Solution to 28A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Brain dead means life missing - provided it's a plant (5,6) ADAMS NEEDLE {DEAD+MEANS+LifE}*
7   Initially not awake, peaceful sleep (3) NAP Acrostic 
9   He drove fast into a cassia tree (5) SENNA [DD]
10 Family involvement in other castes shows poor taste (9) TACKINESS {TAC{KIN}ESS*}
11 Disgusted with a nude representation that took place (9) NAUSEATED {A+NUDE}* over {SEAT}
12 Recalled story about Charlie's confidence (5) ECLAT {TAL{C}E<=}
13 Copper's presence in public transport is a cause of anxiety (7) INCUBUS {IN}{CU}{BUS}
15 Get a refund - reclaim some value (4) RATE [T<=]
18 Uncle in America gets caught in a Ponzi scheme (4) SCAM {S{C}AM}
20 Quietly start again, I suppose (7) PRESUME {P}{RESUME}
23 Old money-like following a news (5) ANNAS {AS}<=>{A}{N}{N}
24 Extremely essential to block carbon pollution over a city (9) BARCELONA {BARC{Es...aL}ON*}{A}
26 Auto race in full bloom (9) CARNATION {CAR}{NATION}
27 Leave a European city (5) SPLIT [DD]
28 Shortly, moon can be base (3) L?W (Addendum - LOW {MOOn = LOW} - See comments)
29 Perhaps agree to stay - confirm he is keen (5,6) EAGER BEAVER {EAGER*}{BE}{AVER}

1   Missing when one is in it (8) ABSENTIA [CD]
2   Declare girl's overweight (8) ANNOUNCE {ANN}{OUNCE}
3   Small story rehashed (5) STALE {S}{TALE}
4   Lands as one set off on both sides (7) ESTATES {SET*}{A}{SET*}
5   Part of television shows animal eating fish... (7) DECODER {DE{COD}ER}
6 gloss in teleprocessing - perhaps, that's where the trouble starts (9) EPICENTRE TElEPRoCEssINg*
7   It points to lack of leverage on both sides (6) NEEDLE {NEED}{Le...gE}
8   Regular press meets as to get some money (6) PESETA {PrEsS+mEeTs+As}
14 Supports fast bowling - that's key (9) BACKSPACE {BACKS}{PACE}
16 A lousy way to get going, at last - victory for one from the Balkans (8) YUGOSLAV {A+LOUSY}* over {g..nG} and {V}
17 Discourage bottles - able to get a wine bottle (8) DECANTER {DE{CAN}TER}
19 Crowding, only bachelors allowed in China (7) MOBBING {M{O}{BB}ING}
20 Associate to catch up by mid-afternoon (7) PARTNER {ENTRAP<=}{a..eRn..n}
21 Nullify serious illness by changing hands (6) CANCEL CANCE(-r+l)L
22 He is appointed warden (6) ANDREW*
25 Follow Harry - seen around university (5) ENSUE {ENS{U}E*}

Reference List
Charlie = C, Caught = C, Quietly = P, News = N,N, Small = S, Victory = V, Only = O, Bachelor = B, University = U


  1. 24 A Barcelona
    Alternative anno
    Extremely essential - el
    To block - bar
    Carbon - c
    Pollution - anagrind
    Over - on
    (el bar c)* on a

  2. 27A- Leave meaning depart is extended to mean split? If so, a bit of a stretch?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 28A:low-shortly moon, moo(-n). low=base, also low(sound)=moo.

    1. Never seen this type of clue before. We are to shorten a word and then find that shortened word's synonym (MOON to MOO to LOW). Usually you find the synonym first, and then shorten it, so I was stuck with MOON to LUNA to LUN.

  5. Typical Arden puzzle with such fun clues.
