Tuesday, 21 January 2025

No 14387, Tuesday 21 Jan 2025, Pixie Dust

Solution to 13A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Starry like pathway and I passed out! (6) ASTRAL {AS}{TRAiL}
5   Cheeky rascal with dimple captured Sue's heart (8) IMPUDENT {IMP}{sUe}{DENT}
9   Imperfect parable camouflaging weak reflex (8) FALLIBLE {FA{ILL<=}BLE}
10 Name some store now, nearby (6) RENOWN [T]
11 Move back north to protect large prickly shrub (10) BLACKTHORN {BACK+NORTH}* over {L}
12 Tailless animal's spirit (4) ELAN ELANd
13 Accomplished nerd harassed and frequently picked on (8) ?E?D?R?D (Addendum - RENDERED {NERD}* LetterBank - See comments)
16 Expert blasted ton right away (6) PRONTO {PRO}{TON*} 
17 Protocol for late comers in British University's elevated den on return (6) BURIAL {B}{U}{LAIR<=} Elevated in an Across clue? See comments
19 Exceed half a dozen deliveries with favourites making a comeback (8) OVERSTEP {OVER}{PETS<=}
21 Spooner's regular gal? (4) LADY (~daily to lady)
22 This derisive system of thought! It upset visiting team (10) NEGATIVISM {NEGATIVISM+IT}*={VISITING TEAM} [CA]
25 Merely illusory reflection alluringly generating expectations to begin with (6) MIRAGE Acrostic Semi&lit
26 Working perversely, European country gives up gold crown for a radioactive material (8) NOBELIUM {ON<=}{BELgIUM}
27 Say, Lewinsky nearly caught revolutionary chaps' prompting aid? (8) MNEMONIC {M{MEN<=}ONICa}
28 Strangely not beginning to see right, I get extremely lonely (6) EERILY {sEE}{R}{I}{Lo..lY}

2   Loafer's small fix (5) SNAIL {S}{NAIL}
3   Democracy ignores local survival (5) RELIC REpubLIC
4   Endless myths about cooking 'Best Seafood' (7) LOBSTER {LO{BEST*}Re}
5   Island's church could be heartlessly freezing (3-4) ICE-COLD {I}{CE}{COuLD}
6   Mean to cut vegetable (7) PARSNIP {PAR}{SNIP}
7   Uncontrolled son argued! Menacing (9) DANGEROUS*
8   How cleats can be used to get to city? (9) NEWCASTLE* (Correction - {CLEATS}* [RA] - See comments)
14 Editor's caution about schooling (9) EDUCATION {ED}{CAUTION*}
15 Mr. Friday went around a reconstructed creamery (5,4) DAIRY FARM {MR+FRIDAY]* over {A}
18 Next, around noon get lunch essentially light (7) LANTERN {LA{N}TER}{luNch}
19 Natural oranges to start with, bananas, grain and a bit of chocolate (7) ORGANIC {Or...s}{GRAIN*}{Ch...e}
20 Each counter's wholesome (7) EATABLE {EA}{TABLE}
23 Nastier to go over endlessly in retrospect (5) VILER RELIVe<=
24 Stall UK symposium exhibiting inverted brainbox (5) SKULL [T<=]

Reference List
Large = L, British = B, University = U, Right = R, Small = S, Island = I, Church = CE, Mean = PAR, Noon = N, Each = EA


  1. Typo error in 16a and 27a.

  2. My favourite 17A. What a protocol!

    1. Thanks :)
      Deepak Sir! Sorry about the indicator...I requested edit for the online version and it has been done ..thank you :)

  3. What is the connection between burial and protocol for late comers?
    Im a novice.

  4. Late here is dead. Late comers are corpses. Burial is the protocol.

  5. 13a RENDERED = Accomplished
    Repetition of letters NERD used to get rendered.
    Anagrind : Harassed
    Clue type : Letterbank

    1. Letter Bank: A letter bank clue has a bank, usually given directly in the clue, which provides a set of unique letters from which a longer phrase is made by repeating letters. For example, the letter bank LENS yields the longer word SENSELESS (as well as a number of others).

    2. But nerd + ered only gives rendered.
      Similarly lens + sess only gives senseless.
      So neither nerd nor lens is repeated
      Kindly clarify.

    3. RR ji, in a letter bank clue, individual letters are taken as many times as needes. Not the whole word repeated.
      Sensless is formed out of four letter L,E,N,S.

  6. Thanks Sree Sree, for clarifying. Learnt something new today.

  7. Lovely crossword from Pixie Dust. Tough but enjoyable.

