Solution to 3D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.
Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.
1 Expecting President's ruling (8) PREGNANT {P}{REGNANT}
10 United Germany, say, turning tense (2,4) ON EDGE {ONE}{D}{EG<=}
12 Sleep, overwhelmed by injection filled with drug - its effects are magical (3,6) HEY PRESTO {REST} in {H{E}YPO}
13 Corruption in weightlifting round (5) FILTH [T<=]
14 Birds belonging to the musician (4) EMUS [T]
16 "Sengol" - Cholas' excellent present to rule empire, primarily (7) SCEPTRE Acrostic &lit
19 Indian state in revolt will not welcome organization's head yet (2,2,3) UP TO NOW {UP}{WON{Or...n}T<=}
21 Vessels in bar counter (4) POTS<=
24 Slow mover after cycling gets handy tips? (5) NAILS (-s)NAIL(+s)S
25 Liberal media unfortunately prefers to include editorials lacking in content (4,5) FREE PRESS {PREFERS}* over {Ed...lS}
27 County's old tree chopped (6) EXETER {EX}{TREE*}
28 After brief greeting, wager to win new set (4-4) HELL-BENT {HELLo}{BE{N}T}
29 Indian soldiers spy enemies at first - so cunning (6) SEPOYS {SPY+En...s+SO}*
30 Island basically not traceable by one going through book of maps (8) ATLANTIS {ATLA{Not}{Tr...e}{1}S}
2 Fake money to procure power diesel, say (6) EPONYM {E{P}ONYM*}
3 He takes minutes perhaps to tailor one gown ultimately (5) N?T?R (Addendum - NOTER {TO+t...oR+onE+gowN}* - See comments)
4 #1 seed upset, facing second downfall (7) NEMESIS {1}{SEMEN}<={S}
6 Bend knee, leg etc. - fun moves! (9) GENUFLECT*
7 Roll in empty utensil consumed by a French girlfriend (8) UNDULATE {UN}{D{Ut...iL}LATE}
8 Techies working to save earth becoming a cold mass (3,5) ICE SHEET {TECHIES}* over {E}
11 Cheats tame animals (4) DOES [DD]
15 Where you find brothers playing, breaking rule (9) MONASTERY {M{ON}ASTERY}
18 Start playing uke in band (6,2) STRIKE UP {STRI{UKE*}P}
20 Carry whiskey to rear of ship (4) WAFT {W}{AFT}
21 Gift dispatched beforehand (7) PRESENT {PRE-SENT}
22 Novel about change in America (6) RECENT {RE}{CENT}
23 A model is rejected already (2,2,2) AS IT IS {A} and {SIT}{IS}<=
26 A king cut off retro dance form (5) POLKA{A}{K}{LOP}<=
Reference List
President = P, Germany = D, Drug = E, Old = O, New = N, Power = P, Second = S, A in Fench = UN, Earth = E, Whiskey = W, About = RE, King = K
Typo in 7D. One L extra.
ReplyDeleteThank you KrissKross for a nice CW.
ReplyDeleteLiked "Handy tips" for nails!!
Struggled for a while trying to fit in clues etc for tips.
Glad you liked it Paddy.
Delete27a is county town same as county!
ReplyDeleteAgree that "County town" or "English town" may be a more precise def.
Delete2D- Interesting to note both Diesel and Diesel engine are named after a German inventor Rudolph Diesel, making it an eponym.
ReplyDeleteTough left half. Struggled but completed. Thanks Ramki.
ReplyDeleteIts easier to cold solve.
DeleteThanks Nagendra Prasad.
DeleteWhat is the meaning of #.can anybody explain.
ReplyDelete# is a number sign. #1 indicates number1 -I in roman numerals
Delete3Dn NOTER - {TO+(-tailo)R+(-on)E+(-gow)N}*
ReplyDeleteCorrect. Def = he takes minutes
DeleteVery nice grid. Didn't get GUINNESS inspite of the crossings. Thought of stout only as Fat? Overweight etc.
Thanx Ramki!
Thanks a lot, Gowri!