Solution to 17D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.
Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.
1 Trainee at 1, working with a league that's global (13) INTERNATIONAL {INTERN}{AT}{1}{ON}{A}{L}
10 Trouble! Umbrage in HR for food (9) HAMBURGER {H{UMBRAGE*}R}
11 Fellow rides horse into vacant observatory, as it is cloudy (5) FOGGY {F}{Ob...{GG}...rY}
12 Message on medium that's spoken (5) MORAL {M}{ORAL}
13 Hector altering square shapes (9) TRIANGLES {ALTERING}*{S}
14 Sister-in-law cut deeply by a metal (6) SILVER {S-I-L}{VERy}
16 Placed face on the other side (4) LAID<=
19 Satisfactory show (4) FAIR [DD]
20 Hold stranger in shower (6) RETAIN {R{ET}AIN}
25 Eva's talk about power was dry (9) EVAPORATE {EVA}{ORATE} over {P}
26 Joker working in train (5) WAGON {WAG}{ON}
29 Somehow I termed people to have willpower (13) DETERMINATION {I+TERMED}*{NATION}
2 To work on sum, learn numbers (8) NUMERALS*
3 If it is taken out tequila and distilled, it will be the same (5) EQUAL tEQUiLA*
4 Deny scandal at New England (6) NEGATE {GATE}<=>{NE}
5 Lit with beer and bit of rum, lousy, awful (8) TERRIBLE {LIT+BEER+Rum}*
6 Unpleasant attack (9) OFFENSIVE [DD]
7 Investors giving answer across backstage (6) ANGELS {AN{LEG<=}S}
8 Outside of CIT, chemistry is delivered as songs (6) RHYMES cHEMiStRY*
9 A nomad, fraud, heartless scally (5) GYPSY {GYP}{Sc..lY}
15 Lifting beer, boater is forced to be careful (9) ELABORATE {ALE<=}{BOATER*}
17 Creature on paper is moving at the corner (8) ?R?A?I?M ()
18 Jumper is made by knitting angora in fine retreat (8) KANGAROO {ANGORA}* in {OK<=}
22 Look, a zebra's head is inside, take it (5) SEIZE {SE{1}{Ze..a}E}
23 Rock children's game (6) MARBLE [DD] Marble is the toy and the game is Marbles
24 Lost to Dube at England, not entirely (6) BEATEN [T]
Reference List
League = L, Fellow = F, Horse = GG, Medium = M, Square = S, Stranger = ET, Power = P, Time = T, New = N, England = E, Answer = ANS
27a z:of 10^{-21} zepto
ReplyDelete9d gyp is short form of gypsy!
ReplyDeletegyp means fraud
DeleteGyp is fraud I believe
DeleteFraud as gyp is derogatory gypsy shortened.
Delete38%= 1-5/8. Not clear to me. Wd appreciate if some gyan is given..