Tuesday, 7 January 2025

No 14376, Tuesday 07 Jan 2025, Arden

Solution to 26A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Ruin game with a bloomer (8) GERANIUM*
5   Loves to cut in half used sponge (6) LOOFAH {L{00}FAH*}
10 Ground grains added to a drink (7) SANGRIA {GRAINS}*{A}
11 It goes up in surprise (7) EYEBROW [CD]
12 Country crop - morning plant (5) ERICA amERICA
13 Cannot get solution for a trigonometric function (9) COTANGENT*
14 Forehand or backhand, say rest OK (6,6) GROUND STROKE {REST+OK}* [RA]
18 It's a lengthy process - I went in doubtfully (12) HESITATINGLY {ITS+A+LENGTHY}* over {I}
21 Bird found in section of mountain range (9) PARTRIDGE {PART}{RIDGE}
23 They utilize part of the trousers (5) USERS [T]
24 Confusion before a party - Henry's gone to get a fruit (7) AVOCADO {hAVOC}{A}{D}
25 Well known broadcast with regular antenna within (7) EMINENT {EMI{aNtEnNa}T}
26 She keeps snacking - recurrent issue with her (6) N?S?E? (Addenduim - NOSHER {SON<=}{HER} - See comments)
27 Request to keep reading on state which might cause food poisoning (8) PTOMAINE {PTO}{MAINE}

1   He is effusive about a productive oil well (6) GUSHER [DD]
2   Attack over admitting leaders of National Conference - it's foul (6) RANCID {RA{Na...l}{Co...e}ID}
3   Zero warranty applied for these rodents (6,3)  NORWAY RAT {0+WARRANTY}*
4   Found out cancer spread like our politicians' wealth (11-3) UNACCOUNTED-FOR*
6   Cinema I watched in Erode once (5) ODEON [T]
7   Order Uber - stuck in traffic creating a ruffle (8) FURBELOW {F{UBER*}LOW}
8   Warring with zero artillery (8) HOWITZER*
9   Qualified in street disturbance - is what our politicians have (6,8) VESTED INTEREST {VEATED}{IN+STREET}*
15 Say, an element losing an element (9) TELLURIUM {TELL}{URanIUM}
16 Minister's tea - no sugar, no milk (8) CHAPLAIN {CHA}{PLAIN}
17 Keen to know how US replaced China initially and became extortionate (8) USURIOUS (-c+us)USURIOUS
19 National enemy shot on island (6) YEMENI {ENEMY*}{I}
20 Estimates vary - perhaps aimlessly fly (6) TSETSE ESTimaTES*
22 Raid party arrested three finally (5) REAVE {R{t..eE}AVE}

Reference List
Henry = H, Island = I


  1. In 9D, is vested means qualified?

  2. It is an RA clue. Vested is the anind- anagram of (in street) as indicated.

  3. Probably you are right Sathia.
    Free Dic.says- Settled, having full ownership.
    Usage- ......vested with him.

  4. As an adjective vested means to be absolutely promised as a benefit or legal right. To be vested in a company is to have been given certain benefits or privileges

  5. Thanks Paddy. Since it is not mentioned as RA, I had my doubts.

  6. Lovely crossword from Arden. Thoroughly enjoyed solving.

  7. 26A:nosher=who keeps snacking-recurrent=coming back, issue=son, recurrent issue(nos) with (her).

