Saturday, 11 January 2025

No 14380, Saturday 11 Jan 2025, Incognito

1 Refuse container daughter wrongly bust in school (8) DUSTBINS {D}{BUST IN*}{S}
5 Discipline small political leader at this place (6) SPHERE {S}{Political}{HERE}
10 Scotsman captures an American soldier showing wizardry (5) MAGIC {MA{GI}C}
11 Killed by wire, fish decayed (9) GARROTTED {GAR}{ROTTED}
12 Perhaps, Pop or Mom defray cost of tenancy of house, I hear (6) PARENT {~PAY RENT}
13 Mistakenly pool pill and sweetener (8) LOLLIPOP*
15 Vessel in-charge's dress (5) TUNIC {TUN}{IC}
17 Company that once ruled over us arranged Asian diet (4,5) EAST INDIA*
19 Costly old writing instruments with impeccable violet exteriors, for starters (9) EXPENSIVE {EX}{PENS}{Impeccable}{Violet}{Exteriors}
20 Blood sample contains it... South-eastern drink! (5) SERUM {SE}{RUM}
21 Tall trio producing bread (8) TORTILLA*
23 Forgive average criminal boss (6) PARDON {PAR}{DON}
27 Airbus men may make U-boat (9) SUBMARINE*
28 Number noticed to have five in the middle (5) SEVEN {SE{V}EN}
29 Life's changed after old Twitter's series of mysterious occurrences (1,5) X FILES {LIFE'S*}<=>{X}
30 Give less importance to own place not having church during day (8) DOWNPLAY {D{OWN PLAce}AY} There's an extra A in the fodder

1 Block? Mad! (3,2) DAM UP {MAD<}
2 Pagan USSR produces one type of peas (5,4) SUGAR SNAP*
3 BOAC flew with new kind of meat (5) BACON {BAOC*}{N}
4 Horses in Anantnag stable (4) NAGS {T}
6 Announces in favour of allegations (9) PROCLAIMS {PRO}{CLAIMS}
7 Consume ground peanuts after removal of nut shells at first (3,2) EAT UP {PEAnUTs}*
8 Lemon pads squashed to produce cell content (9) ENDOPLASM*
9 Federal agents cover accommodations for some wedding attendants (9) GROOMSMEN {G{ROOMS}MEN}
14 Victor accompanies funny aliens in small transgression (6,3) VENIAL SIN {V}{ALIENS IN}*
15 Heard two Sikhs get a couple of dozen from Baker (6,3) TWENTY SIX {~TWO SIKHS=26}
16 Frank took in aspirant (9) CANDIDATE {CANDID}{ATE}
18 Ladder I've designed for stuntman, for example (9) DAREDEVIL*
22 Priest found in Khunjerab bistro (5) RABBI {T}
24 Wilful ignition by some parsons (5) ARSON {T}
25 In New York, British princess loses English nursemaid (5) NANNY {N{ANNe}Y}
26 That lady's love for the leading man (4) HERO {HER}{O}

Daughter=D, School=S, Small=S, American Soldier=GI(Joe), In-Charge=IC, Old=Ex, South-eastern=SE, Church=CE, New=N, Federal agents=G-Men, Love=O.