Tuesday, 28 January 2025

No 14393, Tuesday 28 Jan 25, Dr. X

Solution to 27A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Praise master taking care of boy (8) ACCOLADE {AC{CO}{LAD}E}
5   Grooved with stud on vacation capturing heart (6) SCORED {St{CORE}uD}
10 Finishing stroke of a letter in new fliers, not large (5) SERIF FlIERS*
11 Waste money in bars? Certainly not! (2,2,5) BY NO MEANS {B{MONEY*}ANS}
12 Songstress changed tune in track (9) CHANTEUSE {CHA{TUNE*}SE}
13 A little upset with son breaking heart, remove your name from mailing list briefly (5) UNSUB {Up..t}{N{S}UB}
14 Endlessly run hard, welcoming a cheer of victory (6) HURRAH {HURRy + H} over {A} Semi&lit
15 Gaudy outfit, embarrassed about colours to begin with (7) KITSCHY {KIT}{S{Co...s}HY}
18 & 24 What cricket stadium staff will do to ease the way (7,3,6) PREPARE THE GROUND [DD]
20 Arboreal animal found in circus customarily (6) CUSCUS [T]
22 Players start to energetically race (5) CASTE {CAST}{En...y}
24 See 18
25 Knocking back shot, start to inhale marijuana endlessly in carnival (5,4) MARDI GRAS {DRAM<=}{In...e}{GRASs}
26 Slim with good body (5) THING {THIN}{G}
27 Extremely nice to engage in alternative movement (3,3) N?W ?G?  
28 Lady captivated by orphans playing musical instruments (8) ALPHORNS {A{L}PHORNS*}

1   Bag grabbed by gangster close to unsafe French region (6) ALSACE {AL}{SAC}{u...fE}
2   Smoke surrounding container under ancient city's arch (9) CURVATURE {CURE} over {VAT}<=>{UR}
3   Chewing fingernail with teeth is harmful (4-11) LIFE-THREATENING*
4   Seduce young socialite with endless desire, having drunk heartily (7) DEBAUCH {DEB}{A{drUnk}CHe}
6   Problem about old computers failing to meet required standards (4,2,2,7) COME UP TO SCRATCH  {CATCH} over {O+COMPUTERS}*
7   Wins revolutionary fight, conserving energy (5) REAPS {SPA{E}R<=}
8   Defies, disregards conservative boss - dicey move (8) DISOBEYS {BOSS+DIcEY}*
9   Ready with ring, kiss date inside (2,4) ON DECK {O}{N{D}ECK}
16 Fashion designer's posh outfit finally picked up by delivery man (9) COUTURIER {CO{U}{o..iT}URIER}
17 Astronauts frantically escape, having bit of malfunction close to moon (8) SPACEMEN {ESCAPE}* over {Ma...n} and {mooN}
19 One enthralled by course of a meal, almost perfect (6) ENTIRE {ENT{1}REe}
20 Oily liquid damaged coolers (7) CREOSOL*
21 Proverbs by a sage, perhaps inspiring daughter (6) ADAGES {A}{SAGE}* over {D}
23 Recurrent lumps of pale yellow colour (5) STRAW <=

Reference List
Care of = CO, Large = L, Son = S, Good, Lady = L, Gangster = AL(Capone), Ancient city = UR, Old = O, Energy = E, Conservative = C, Neck = KISS, Date = D, Posh = U, Daughter = D


  1. 27A NEW AGE - alternative movement; {N}ic{E}, engage in {WAGE}

  2. Very good time gey Wage from 'Engage in'.

    1. Read as-
      very good to get Wage from 'Engage in'.

  3. Another enjoyable one from Doc. Dialed it up. Thank you.

  4. 14A- I think it needs correction.
    We have to get hurry from run and then remove the kadt letter. Aldo get H from Hard. Wrong letters gave been coloured in pink.

  5. A nice one from Doc!
    UNSUB took the longest time to fall.
    Thanx Doc!

